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With the rapid economic and social development, as well as the continuousprogress of science and technology, public awareness of marine function is graduallydeepening, the demands for marine products and services are increasing, marineeconomic and social benefits have been rising. In this context, the Party andgovernments have paid more attentions to the exploration and utilization of marineresources and environment, constantly adjusted the marine economic developmentpolicies, and promulgated a series of marine resources exploitation and environmentalprotection laws and regulations, have taken a variety of comprehensive managementmeasures to ensure the realization of sustainable development of the marine. However,influenced by the large-scale exploitation of marine resources and development ofmarine industry, the health of marine ecosystems continues to deteriorate, and thenumber of marine disasters caused by human factors grows, biodiversity continues todecline, the coastal waters pollution and habitat destruction become increasinglyserious, marine natural purification and balance ability continues to deteriorate.
     In view of this, based on system theory, dissipative structure theory, synergetics,sustainable development theory and methods of ecological economics, regionaleconomics, based on energy, material, information, value exchange relationshipbetween the marine ecological environment system and economic social system,based on the point of view that economic and social system led to the sharpdeterioration in the marine ecosystem, links marine ecosystem feedback mechanismsand economic, social systems feedback mechanism as a whole, defines theconnotation of the marine ecological-economic-social composite system (referredto as the marine ecological economic system), establishes the marine eco-economicsystem theoretical basis, quantitatively estimates the system state of development,reveales spatial and temporal coordination degree evolution law of these three systems,simulates and analyzes the key factors and conduction mechanism in the formation ofthe typical non-coordinative (the marine ecosystem is rapidly deteriorating) state inthe11coastal provinces and cities, and then extractes three basic modes for thecoordinated development of marine ecological-economic system in China, and buildsup optimization mechanisms and measures to promote coordinated development, so as to compensate for the lack of academic research on marine ecological-economiccoordinated development, and make efforts for the realization of sustainabledevelopment of China's marine ecological, economic, and social systems. The mainresearch contents of this thesis are as follows:
     (1)Basic theories for marine ecological-economic system research. Definesrelated concepts about marine ecological-economic system, including ecological-economic system, ecological-economic coordination, marine ecological-economicsystem, marine ecological-economic system coordination, explores functions, statusand composition of the three subsystems of marine ecological-economic system, andundertakes combing of the dissipative structure theory, synergetics, ecological-economics and other related theories.
     (2)Analysis of the status of China's marine ecological-economic system. First, inthe use of inductive interpretation, summarizes the running law of marine ecological-economic system, such as economic purpose, the artificial interference, flexibility,openness, and other characteristics; then according to statistics, undertakes empiricalanalysis of three subsystems development status of China's marine ecological-economic system, and then, in the application of emergy models and otherquantitative methods, measures and dissects the energy flow, material flow,information flow, value flow of China's ecological-economic system.
     (3)Calculation on the development status and coordination degree of China’smarine ecological-economic system. First, in the use of the ecological footprintmethod and the carrying capacity model to build the development status evaluationindex system and calculate the index weight, and quantifily identifies the developmentstatus of subsystems and composite systems of the11coastal provinces and cities’marine ecological-economic systems; furthermore, analyzes the time evolutioncharacteristics and spatial differences of China’s marine ecological-economic systems;then, in the application of interactive stress theory and nonlinear regression models,fits spatial and temporal dynamic curves of the three subsystems of marineecological-economic system, confirming the interactive stress relationship betweenthe subsystems; finally, in the use of the coupling model to calculate the spatial andtemporal coordination degree between the subsystems, distinguishes the developmentstages and the respective types which the11provinces and cities’ marine ecological-economic systems belong to.
     (4)Exploration on formation mechanism of non-coordination state of China's marine ecological-economic system. First of all, on the basis of (3) measurementresults, summarizes and cites the non-coordination state and its concrete manifestationof the current marine ecological-economic system; then, in the application ofstructural equation model, through the steps of raising hypothesis, building model,fitting evaluation, adjusting and amending the results of inspection, launches aquantitative simulation of the formation mechanism of the typical non-coordinative(the marine ecosystem is rapidly deteriorating) state of China's marineecological-economic system; then, in the use of the causal chain analysis method tofind out the main causes of non-coordinative state, summarizes the key factors and theconduction path which lead to the typical non-coordinative state, builds a structuralmodel of formation mechanism of non-coordinative state; finally, based on thebuilding up of warning boundaries of the key factors, establishes the early warningmechanism of non-coordinative state for China’s marine ecological-economic system.
     (5)Selection of objectives and modes for marine ecological-economic systemcoordinative development. First, on the basis of the conclusions of the first threechapters study, combining with the relevant theoretical results, straightenes out thebasic ideas and guiding ideologies of the coordinative development of China's marineecological-economic system, and develops the overall, efficiency and phases targetsystems for the coordinative development of China's marine ecological-economicsystem; and then, explores the structural, functional, spatial and temporal contents forthe coordinative development of China's marine ecological-economic system; finally,according to the practical experience in the relevant field, builds theeconomy-oriented, ecology-oriented, saving community three modes for China'smarine ecological-economic system coordinative development to choose.
     (6)Establishment of the optimization mechanism for China's marineecological-economic system coordinative development. First, according to thedevelopment status, coordinative evolution law, non-coordinative state formationmechanism of marine ecological-economic system in China, establishes the power,innovation and safeguard mechanism for the coordinative operation of marineecological-economic system; then, from industry regulation, market regulation, socialregulation and government regulation further refines the specific operational measuresfor coordinative development of China’s marine ecological-economic system.
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