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     本文引入SWOT分析和区位商分析方法,建立了SWOT模型,研究分析了区内矿产资源开发的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁;对区内主要矿产资源产业基于储量、产量和工业总产值的优劣势及变动规律进行了定量分析,提出了该区优势矿种、产业及SO、ST> WO、WT战略。依据区内矿产空间分布特点和规律、开发条件及环境因素等因子,划定南昌、九江、景德镇、乐平(万年)、鹰潭、新余、樟树(新干)、丰城、高安等9个矿业经济区。
The Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, with the abundant mineral resources, has developed mining industry which is the pillar industry in Jiangxi province; it is not only an important mining base of coal, iron, nonferrous metal, and nonmetallic building material, but also an important industrial base of new energy, new material, and high—tech mining industry. After the planning of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone was elevated into the national strategy, mining economic development in this district is facing new opportunities and challenges; so the governments should persist in the principle of ecological priority and green development, and adopt even more strict environmental protection policy.
     In this paper, we advocate positive mining development strategy. Based on the theory of location, theory of comparative advantage, the theory of sustainable development and the theory of industrial cluster, and with the guidance of the principle that strategy and planning should be unified, resource and economy should be integrated, and quantitative study and qualitative analysis should be combined, we studied the situation of domestic mining economy and analysed it's significance in the national economy in general; we also analysed the characteristics of mineral resources, and the present status and existent problems of mining economy in Jiangxi Province; mostly, in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, we focused on analysing the characteristics of mineral resouces, and the present status of mineral exploitation and utilization, and of the development of mining economy, and summarizing problems and deficiencies such as the declined of important mineral resource security, the small mining enterprises, the backward mining technologies with serious wasting, the lower matching degree in the layout of industry, serious environmental problems, and so on. And what's more, we analysed the beneficial opportunities for the mining economy progression.
     By using methods of the SWOT analysis and location quotient analysis, this paper set up a SWOT model and also analyzed the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats. Based on the reserve, production and total industrial output value for the main mineral resources in the studying area, this paper quantitatively studied the advantages, disadvanges, and changing regularity for the above three parameters. The dominant minerals, industry and SO, ST, WO, WT strategy were proposed in this paper. According to a series of study factors of mineral spatial distribution characteristics and regularities, development conditions, and environmental factors within the region, nine mining economic subzones were marked out from Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone as following:Nanchang, Jiujiang, Jingdezheng, Leping (Wannian), Yingtan, Xinyu, Zhangshu (Xingan) Fengcheng and Gao'an economic subzones et al..
     We insist that the mineral resources development and environmental protection are equally important. Right because of this, we put forward seven development strategies about the mineral resources development and mining economy in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone:(1) mining economic configuration optimization and subzone deployment strategy,(2) mining industrial structure adjustment and optimization strategy,(3) clean energy and high—tech mining industry development strategy for the general exploitation and utilization of solar energy, shallow geothermal energy, shale gas and clean coal,(4) the economical and comprehensive utilization strategy of mineral resources,(5) mining circular economy strategy for the development of scientific and technological innovation, the promotion of technological progress to extend the industrial chain, the improvement of tailings management and green mines construction,(6) coordinated development strategy of mining economy and ecological environment for development of green industries, adjustment of industrial structure, promotion of fine and intensive processing, improvement of comprehensive utilization standard of mineral resources, and increase of energy—saving and emission—reduction efforts,(7)" geological work in advance" and "go global" strategy for tamping the the mining economy foundation, booming mining rights market, enhancing geological prospecting, and improving resource security capacity.
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