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     通过以CMC-Na为唯一碳源的筛选培养基进行初筛得到17株不同的微生物,经滤纸培养基进行复筛后得到一株能够产CMC酶的菌株。经形态学鉴定发现,该菌株为产芽孢的革兰氏阳性菌,并通过细菌16S rDNA的通用引物对该菌株的16SrDNA扩增测序,与NCBI数据库中的序列比对后发现,该菌株的16SrDNA序列与枯草芽孢杆菌的16SrDNA序列相似度达到100%,因此该菌株被鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌,命名为Subtilis bacillus dcy-1,并保藏在中国典型培养物保藏中心(CCTCC),保藏编号为:CCTCC M208122。分离菌株的最佳液体产酶培养基为:麸皮1.5%,豆粕1.5%,NaCl 0.5%, CaCl2 0.05%, MgSO4 0.05%,酵母提取物0.1%;产酶条件为:发酵温度为30℃,培养基初始pH值为7.0,培养时间为40h时CMC酶活达到最大。菌株所产的CMC酶的最佳作用温度为55℃,最佳pH值为7.5,Na+、Ca2+、Ni2+对CMC酶酶促反应有一定的促进作用,Cu2+和Mn2+对CMC酶酶促反应有显著的抑制作用。CMC酶在低于60℃时热稳定性较好,在pH值为5-8时比较稳定。
     3.分离并鉴定了枯草芽孢杆菌Subtilis Bacillus-dcyl的Egl基因
Compost is a primary treatment for the waste of livestock. This method is efficiency and resourceful to deal with organic solid wste, but it also have some disadvatages, for exampl, long time for fermentation and low qulity. In order to improve the quality of compost products, shorten the composting time and improve the composting efficiency, this study reserch in the choice of compost conditioner, screening for compost microbial strains and the impact of the strains for microbial community in compost mainly.The results are summarized as follows:
     1. Different Conditions on aerobic composting of pig manure
     Respectively, sawdust, rice bran and wood chipper were used as the conditioner for swin composting. The initial carbon and nitrogen ratio was 25:1. the moisture content of the mixture was 60% and the ventilation method was turning pig manure composting. We compared the difference in temperature, moisture, pH, organic carbon, germination.index, total nitrogen and nitrogen ratio. Three piles experienced a rapid warming stage, high temperature stage and slow cooling stage. All cmpost piles meet the national standard for fecal harmless. Different Conditions influenced the temperature of composting pile. With sawdust as bulking agents in the pile heat up the fastest, followed by rice bran. Wood chips was the slowest. With rice bran as the conditioning agent experenced the longest high-temperature stage, followed by sawdust, wood chips is the shortest one. The trend of moisture content of three piles reduced with the composting process. All piles reduced to about 30% from 60%. Use different conditioning agents in the pig manure composting lead to a significantly different (P<0.05) content of nitrogen. Total nitrogen content of compost with sawdust, rice bran and wood chipers were 2.12%,2.10% and 1.90% respectely.
     2. Screening, isolation and purification for endo-glucanase enzymes produced strains in compost
     After growing in screening medium in which CMC-Na was the only carbon source we get 17 different microorganisms. All this microorganisms were screened again by filter paper medium we finally obtained an CMCase produced strain. After observed by the culture, Gram staining, spores staining and compareing 16S rRNA with NCBI database the screening strain was identified as Bacillus subtilis and named Subtilis bacillus dcy-1, and preserved in the China Center for Type CultureCollection (CCTCC), preservation code:CCTCC M 208122. The best liquid medium for enzyme production was:wheat bran 1.5%, soybean meal 1.5%, NaCl 0.5%, CaCl2 0.05%, MgSO4 0.05%, yeast extract 0.1%. The best fermentation conditions were:fermentation temperature is 30℃, initial pH 7.0 and the fermentation time were 40h. The best reaction temperature for enzym activity was 55℃, the best pH value was 7.5, Na-, Ca2+, Ni2+ would improve enzyme activity and Cu2+ and Mn2+ would inhibit enzyme activity. Endo-glucanse was good heat stability in less than 60℃and pH 5-8.
     3. Isolated and identified Egl gene from subtilis bacillus which separated from pig manure composting, complete CDS sequence obtained, GenBank database accession number is, predicted structure and properties of the gene by bioinformatics analysis software were.
     Constructed recombinant prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-KG of the Egl gene of Bacillus subtilis dcy-1 was constucted. The optimum conditions for expression were:the concentration of IPTG was 0.6mmol/L and the induction time was 3.5h. The activitys of the expressed products were 121.23U/ml.
     4. Improvement for DNA Extraction method of microorganism in compost
     Based on the strong resistance of microorganism in compost, designed that samples of compost were digested by protease and helicase. An effective cell lysis method for extraction of bacterial genomic DNA from compost was developed in this study. Enzymatic disruption method, physical-chemical combination method, and commercial kit method were used to extract DNA from compost samples and were compared by analyzing DNA yield and efficient cell lysis. The results showed that all the three methods can be used to extract high-quality DNA from compost, but the enzymatic method had better cell lysis efficiency and DNA yields than others without the use of special equipment and expensive spending. Comparison of different methods for lysing gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis indicated that the enzymatic cell lysis is superior for destroying the gram-positive cell wall. Spin-bind DNA column was used for DNA purification, and the purity of the purified sample was checked by polymerase chain reaction to amplify a region of the 16S rRNA. Results indicated that the part of 16S rRNA was amplified from all the purified DNA samples, and all the amplification products could be digested by the restriction enzyme Hhal.
     5. Adding exogenous microbial communities of bacteria in compost
     The temperature of-compost can significantly increase when inoculated the microorganisms. Reserched the diversity of bacterial communities in compost by RFLP technique. Compared the difference on bacerial species and qualtity between inoculated and without inoculated composte piles. Results showed that the microorganisms communities can be changed when inoculated exogenous bacterial to cmopost. The exogenous bacterial can grow rapidly in compost and improve to be predominated communities.35 sequences were found, have no similarity with synxenic in th genbank data, this new sequeces may be repreasentation of new spices and the role they played in compst would be worth for further research.
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