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The practice of unilaterally government-funded investment cannot meet the growing requirements of urban open space against the background of high-speed urbanization in contemporary China. Furthermore, the strategy of Urban Management utilized in most Chinese cities in recent years triggers more utilitarian problems:profitable projects are more easily incepted, while the planning of non-profitable urban open space becomes vulnerable. Therefore, this thesis proposes the concept of Guaranteed Investment (GI) in the field of urban planning for the first time; and develops a set of GI analytical planning methodology. These include the theory foundation, the method construction and the sites pilot. These methods are aimed at the non-profitable urban open space in order to solve such problems as funding shortage for building non-profitable urban open space; and to improve the response capability of urban planning to the market.
     This is a combination study of both theory and method. In accordance with the premise of social welfare maximization, the thesis utilizes the principle that profitable urban land supports non-profitable urban open space. It examines the financial viability of profitable urban land-use, balances the benefits amongst stakeholders, advances the planning procedure and public participation, and improves the feasibility of urban planning in the market mechanism. Mathematical models are employed to abstract the inner financial mechanisms of morphology, and computer models are also developed to realize the 3D visualization and automatic real-time analysis. In addition, reference access, statistical analysis, field access, interviews, etc. are applied in both the Chinese and British case studies.
     It is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the research background and purpose, the definition and scope of the research, as well as the research questions and framework. The second chapter extracts the basic research ideas by referring to a large number of relevant literatures. The third chapter summarizes the theoretical basis and the supporting methodology. The fourth chapter covers the process and details of development of G1 Analytical Planning Study of Non-profitable Urban Open Space, and also some economic inferences for the urban morphology are drawn out from the physical-financial model. Two examples with different social-economic backgrounds and planning purposes are piloted within the study:a renovation plan of the Wicker Riverside site in the UK, and a new development plan of Qiantang Riverside site. Finally, the research conclusions and recommendations for the policies and guidelines are drawn out in the last chapter.
     The main conclusions and innovations focus on six aspects:(1) the concept of G1 is proposed for the first time in this thesis; and the residual land value is used to be the source of self-funding for the non-profitable urban open spaces in the planning implementation; (2) a principle and methodology are developed to balance the non-profitable urban open spaces and profitable urban land-use; also some mathematical functions of offering open spaces are summarized for various types of unban land-use; (3) some economic inferences concerning the urban morphology are drawn out from the physical-financial model, and some uneconomical situations are pointed out so as to be avoided in the urban planning; (4) an automatic tool of economic analysis is developed through the combination of mathematical functions and computer models, which also supplies a platform of balancing the benefits amongst stakeholders and encouraging public participation; (5) the response ability of urban plan is greatly improved through risk analysis; (6) a'Man-Computer-Object' optimization assessment model is developed in the study. Finally, the constraints from the environment of the political system and the socio-economic and uroan land development system are pointed out. The analytical study need to be polished to fit the specific situations in further studies, although some initial suggestions are proposed in the final part.
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