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Over the years, scholars have always concerned about the issues and research in the project has achieved fruitful results. But the decision on the issue of exploration projects, the only multi-value analysis of engineering decisions and to weigh the lack of value people hold the values of questioning. Decision-making on major projects and their values in the value orientation of research is necessary, it should be clear decision-making value engineering analysis of the problems stems from fundamental differences in values.
     The article begins from the value analysis of engineering decision in lager scale engineering project,and analyzes its characteristics and the role of the basic theory. Because of different Decision-makers,the value analysis of engineering decision Depends on the values of Engineering subject. Secondly it introduces a diversity of engineering decision to comprehend the ultimate voice of the main decision-making. Through concrete examples, recognizing the inevitability of value conflict and the diversity of engineering decision in lager scale engineering project. From "farm paradox" Depth to the values issue, the key is the unity of values to agree on values. Thirdly it points out the value analysis of engineering decision should follow three principles-combined regularity and purpose, combined individual choice and social choice, combined the value created and the value of lost. Finally using the“Prisoners Dilemma”and“Game Theory”, the unity of values and value conflict resolution, discussion of major scientific projects in the democratic decision-making and concentration, decision-making in the construction of major projects“Core Values”.
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