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With the rapid development of computers and information technology, nowadays people more and more rely on the Internet for information delivery. So to ensure the security of information data on Internet is of crucial importance. Therefore, research on information security technology has become a widespread concern in society.
     Authentication is a vital step to ensure information security. User authentication should be performed to ensure safe information delivery at the first step. Authentication protocol design, implementation and security analysis are the key subjects of net security. In recent years, in the practice of attacks and protections, the authentication protocol design and analysis techniques have been developed rapidly.
     This article systematically discusses authentication protocol development in ideas and techniques:a detailed security and defect analysis of the authentication protocol (proposed by Yoon. etc), which is using hash algorithms and based on USBKey. Then analysis on the improvement made by Han based on Yoon's protocol theory as well as my suggestion of improvement based on Han's theory to overcome the defects in Han's protocol. Followed by this article details the security analysis as well as defects of the authentication protocol (proposed by Fan. etc), which is using encryption algorithms and based on USBKey; Finally another improvement analysis on Wen's protocol theory based on Fan's theory as well as my new improvement suggestion to overcome the defects of previous protocol theory and improve the protocol efficiency.
     Subsequently, based on system architecture theory, this article puts forward the design and implementation from the bottom to the top of the system at all levels of structures:idea of design and implementation of the middle layer of encryption based on USBKey, including the CSP, KSP, as well as a custom encryption interface; idea of security protocol layer design and implementation, including the design and implementation of TLS protocol based on USBKey as well as the design and implementation of a secure file transfer protocol; idea of the architecture and design of a security system, which has passed the relevant inspection and it is already on trial use with good feedback.
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