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     (1) 控制系统的设计
     (2) 集成化光路传输耦合系统的设计
Laser marker is an electromechanical integrating equipment referring to laser, optics, mechanism, electricity, and computer, which makes permanent mark on the surface of the workpiece by high-density laser beam. Now it has been widely used in many fields of industry. Moreover, laser marking is required by the new industry standard.
    At present, on-line laser marking has the best prospect in the laser marking market and the rivalry between the domestic and the foreign is drastic in the laser marking business. For the moment, the domestic is all square with the foreign in the middle and low velocity laser marking field, but the high velocity field that the velocity is higher than 250 character per second is monopolized by the foreign . Now arrayed laser marker, the new product of the foreign , can mark 2000 character per second, which can satisfy the user whose velocity of the product line is higher than 7 meters per second. In order to break the situation that the foreign controls the high velocity field, we begin to research our own high-velocity laser marker under the support of the outlay of "Innovation Project of the outstanding talents in High Academy in Henan Province" .
    This article discusses the whole process of the research of the arrayed on-line laser marker. It mainly introduces the design of the whole system , the realization of the character collection module and the output module. The summary of this article is as follows:
    l.The development of laser industry , the prospect and technically advantages of laser marking are reviewed.
    2. The design of the whole system of the arrayed on-line laser maker.
    (l)The design of the control system .
    (2)The design of the integrating optical transport and coupling system.
    3. The software was designed used to gain the lattice information of any character from the Windows vector font
    4. Realized the high-precision timing up to 122 microsecond and realized the accurate control to the laser array, ensure the laser marker to output the steady-going high frequency impulses.
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