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Aiming at the safety problem of vehicle driving, this thesis focuses on the following topics in a vehicle initiative safety system using information processing technologies and smart agent technologies: the dynamic model of safety during steering, the components and models, the information acquisition in real-time and avoiding collision in steering.
    At the aspect of vehicle and safety, the vehicles and its safety related problems are explored briefly. The intelligent traffic system and the safety system to preventing collision are discussed also. In addition, the research content of vehicle initiative safety system is analyzed.
    This paper presented the theoretical structure of vehicle initiative safety system based on steering behavior. Using the concurrence and isomerism characteristic of multi-agent computation, the initiative safety system based on multithreading is stated, which can perform the process from dynamic data acquiring in real-time to decision making of expert system by the mutual cooperation between threads.
    Based on computer vision theory and technology, extracting the lane edges by means of Gabor wavelet filter's direction character and theory of statistics. In allusion to the characters of structuralized road and images acquired through projection, we divide the lane into three parts according to golden section and extract each section's edge.
    Based on the theory of segmenting video frequency image, this paper, it discusses the methods of segmentation based on dynamic checking blur main tone table and multi thresholds. It figures out the target image from scene image effectively, and realizes segment the target image and detection the frontage obstacle.
    Based on computer vision theory and technology, a method computing the relative radial distance in structured road to the detected target is presented.
    This thesis studies the time-safety model of steering vehicle and the representation of steering rules and presents a domain knowledge representation of target-rule radix-feature state body. Besides these, a vehicle safety expert system consisting of master-slave reasoning mechanism is designed which can alarm while encountering emergency.
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