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     提取树鼩总DNA,限制性内切酶Sau 3AⅠ酶切,回收300-1000 bp之间的片段,连接质粒,转化入Top10感受态细胞中,蓝白斑筛选后培养扩增,建立中缅树鼩基因小片段插入文库。利用5’端地高辛标记的(AC)15探针进行菌落原位杂交,从约1500个菌落中选出36个阳性克隆。对这些克隆进行测序,发现其中15个含有重复序列,其中1个为重复克隆,1个因两端序列太短而不能设计引物。用Primer3软件设计13对引物。对树鼩种群进行PCR验证引物有效性,13对引物均有条带。退火温度分布在44℃到52℃之间。阳性克隆率为2.4%,微卫星克隆率为1%。本研究所使用的地高辛标记探针筛选树鼩微卫星分子标记所得的微卫星克隆率,可达到传统放射性同位素标记探针同等的效果,并可避免放射性危害。树鼩微卫星分子标记的筛选将为下一步进行基因组结构的分析、树鼩遗传连锁图谱的构建、分子进化和标记辅助选择等提供大量的微卫星标记。
As one of emerging animal models, Tree Shrews have been applied widely for biomedical research. These animals are phylogenetically close to primates in evolution. More characteristics were exhibited from the Tree Shrews, such as small size, easy to domestication, good reproduction ability, spontaneous or induced human-like diseases, especially as experimental animal model for HBV, HCV infection. Tree Shrews have been applied for lots of studies including virology, neurology, immunology, oncology and social biology and so on. However, people showed more interest to their applications research than the animal essential.Especially, there were rare studies about their genetic background, so that Tree Shrews were limited to perform standardization and application as experimental animal. Microsatellites have come into prominence over the last decade.They are simple tandemly repeated DNA sequence elements, the repeat unit including 1-6 nucleotides. Because microsatellite markers have many advantages, such as large quantities, widely and evenly distributed, high polymorphic information, rapid detection, fitted for automated analysis and so on. They have been applied widely for construction of gene mapping, marker-assisted selection, identification of genetic relationship, assessment of genetic diversity, construction of phylogenetic tree, et al. So, it is extremely basis and important to isolate those microsatellite markers in Tree Shrews due to its lack. A partial genomic library was constructed in Tree Shrews and microsatellite markers were isolated with (AC)15 probe labelled at the 5'end with Digoxin in this study. The specific genetic informations should be complement gradually, base on screening more microsatellite markers of Tree Shrews, and it could provide the theoretical basis and genetic detective methods for us to promote the standardization of laboratory Tree Shrews.
     Extracted DNA from tree shrews(Tupaia Belangeri Chinensis), digested DNA by restriction enzymes Sau3A I, retrieved fragments between 300-1000 bp. The fragments connected into plasmid, then transformed into Top 10 competent cells.Made blue-white screening to construct a partial genomic library in Tree Shrews.36 positive clones were isolated from screening about 1500 clones of the genomic library by colony hybridization with (AC)15 probe labelled at the 5'end with Digoxin.Sequence these clones and 15 microsatellites were isolated which included one repeated clones and one short flank sequence.The other 13 primers were designed based on unique sequences flanking each motif with the software Primer3. PCR were performed with these primers, and all gave expected bands. Annealing temperature of these primers was between 44℃and 52℃. So the positive cloning efficiency is 2.4%, and the microsatellite cloning efficiency is 1%. The microsatellite cloning efficiency of isolating microsatellite markers in Tree Shrews with probe labelled by Digoxin is almost the same as probe labelled by radioisotope, and avoid the radioactive contamination.The new polymorphic microsatellite markers we have identified and characterized will contribute to the Tree Shrews genetic linkage mapping, molecular evolution and marker assistant selection.
     With the advantages of the microsatellite DNA maker, such as high polymorphism, codominant inheritance, and PCR amplification easily and steadily, we established the microsatellite genetic maker method to further analyze the genetic polymorphism of the new isolated microsatellite loci. PCR optimization was made in 32 Tree Shrews using 13 pairs of the primers.The PCR products were testd by 12% non-denaturing (neutral) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Then the genetic index for 13 microsatellite loci, such as the number of alleles, allele frequency, polymorphism information content (PIC), heterozygosity were calculated.77 alleles were detected from the Tree Shrews population in 13 microsatellite loci. The average number of alleles was 5.9231.The expected heterozygosity of TBC13 was the highest 0.8646, the lowest for the TBC11 of 0.5060, the average of 0.7894. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of 13 microsatellite loci ranged from 0.3740 to 0.8324, with a mean of 0.7396. It showed that the Tree Shrews population had higher genetic diversity. The results indicated that the selected 13 microsatellite loci with high genetic polymorphism could be used to analyze the genetic diversity of the Tree Shrews population.
     These results showed that the Tree Shrews population had higher genetic polymorphism. Here, a partial genomic library was constructed in Tree Shrews,13 microsatellites were isolated, and analyzed the feature and genetic polymorphism of the new isolated microsatellite loci. The high polymorphism of Tree Shrews is propitious to animal breeding, but using these animals more extensively in the biomedical research, we also need to promote the standardization of laboratory animals to ensure the consistency and reliability of experimental results.
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