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The U.S. has the most developed third sector, which has already permeated every aspect of society and plays a key role. At present, domestic scholars have done many researches in third-sector, which mainly focused on theory research, empirical research and introducing foreign experience, although is fruitful, there is seldom study on the third-sector involved in community governance. The theme of this paper is the third-sector in American community governance, which attempts to answer the following questions by using the method of documentation method, case analysis, induction and deduction method:1)Why third-sector could participate in U.S. community governance?2)What about its relations with government and enterprise in community governance?3)How many forms it adopts in U.S. community governance?4)Why it could take a great place in U.S. community governance?
     To answer the first question, we must understand the States founding history. America is an immigration country, when the first European immigrants set foot on the land of northern america, there is no government, no ready-made organizations or institutions to assist them in resisting disease, hunger, cold and Indian attacks, in order to survive, they must organize themselves to help each other. After the war of independence, American established political system and culture in base of Separation of the three powers and federalism, the guiding principle of which is limited government and low taxes, federal government played a weak role in social services and Congress entrusted great majority service program to state government, local government or third sector. Since20th Century, the U.S. economy has developed rapidly and a number of entrepreneurs who is far-sighted and had huge wealth as well as social resources dedicated themselves to social reform, meanwhile government imported community organizing principle and work method to various charity groups, which became an important force in developing third sector and social transformation. People's thinking in this period was unprecedented activity that believed from liberalism which consider best government governed least to Keynesianism which government should intervene economy macroscopically.The government should act as "watchman" or "paddle" was still a question worth arguing and exploring. Neoliberalism occupied dominant position in political and economic fields gradually in late20th Century, when two oil crisis erupted massively and resulted in stagflation. It advocated government withdraw from society and third sector should undertook function of organizing society and improved social cohesion. Communitarianism recoveried and third way ideology was proposed later, common points of which were they all advocated individual and social groups should participate in society management, which could supervise government operation, promote political democratization and prevent authoritarian government emerging. Many scholars realized the importance of third sector as an administrator in community or society, and they demonstrated the legitimacy and necessity in different aspects, including market/government/contract failure theory, civil society theory, governance theory,policy network governance theory, new public management theory, new public service theory and third department management theory.
     There is a long history of third departments involved in the States community governance, and how American deal with the relationship between third sector, government and the enterprise? To answer this question must first understand that the States community governance policies were changed with economy and politics constantly, as well as their relations. From Federal Housing Law that act in the1940s, federal government carried out some assistance acts in succession, such as city renewal project, war against poverty, great society and model cityprogram. These acts demonstrated traditional features of city management in implementation process, which was top-down and government-oriented, emphasized harmonious cooperation between each level of government and bureaucracy. The origin of the community governance project was good, but with little success. In the1960s, President Kennedy promoted implementation of the neighborhood revitalization projects which encouraged residents participate personally, as well as established some non-profit organizations of neighborhood regeneration that constituted key part in community governance with government and enterprise, the rudiment of modern city management network shaped initially. The relationship between third sector, government and enterprises had become research focus. The relationship between third sector and the government could be divided into three types according to different treatment methods, including the ruling elite city,political asylum city and inclusive city; it could be divided into8types according to the attitude of government on third sector, namely pressing, confrontation, competition, cooperation, assistance, complementary, contract and the third party; and it could be divided into assist, against, complementary and absorption according to different preferences and strategies on target. The influence of large multinational corporations and non-governmental organization continued to strengthen with globalization of trade and improvement of communication, it was necessary for third sector and enterprise to collaborate closely. It could be divided into three levels according to the idea that partners held, which were superficial cooperation, moderate cooperation and deep cooperation; some scholars thought the relationship between third sector and enterprise was more like a continuous spectrum, the end of spectrum represented transaction coordination relationship and revolutionary relationship respectively, and non-governmental organizations should established different relationship types with different partners, shaped the best "portfolio". In a word, the government, enterprises and third sectors had different characteristics, they complemented and depended on each other, constitute an inseparableorganic whole.
     There are various forms of third sector involving in U.S. community governance, the main of which are community foundation, community association and community developmentcorporation, although work in different aspects, they are all integral part in the States community governance. Community foundation is a charitable organization of duty-free, independent and public support, which is committed to long-term interests of defined areas and the purpose is to build a bridge between donors and institutes that aspiring to improve community. Community association is non-profit organizations possess legal status, all residential areas are organized by community association in the States, and as a non-official institutions it without government funding, the main fund of which is service fee paid by residents. Community development corporation is non-profit organization established for specific objective and enjoys tax exemptions, the income of which could not be used for any private sponsor or individual. It provides wide services, not only supply traditional social services but also offer services for some development groups, such as building neighborhood unions, planning minority business and organizing community residential service etc.
     But something worth noting that it isn't a quick process to achieve good effect of third sector involving in the States community governance, which is a winding path.The success of Chicago Greater Southwest Development Corporation and the failure of Indiana Eastside Community Investments certified that third sector needs to adjust organizational structure when participate in community governance, as well as improve organization system, expand service scope and reinforce cooperation with other organizations, it remain invincible only if manage organization with the vision of development.
     In short, the reason of third sector achieved success in U.S. community governance is inseparable from a sound legal system, which made clear regulations about powers. In addition, the key factors to success include various source of fund, broad public participation and market service. China could learn from the experience of the States and cultivate third sector to participate in community and social governance gradually.
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