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With the fast development of network, the digital signatures have wide application in electronic government affairs and electronic commercial affairs and many other affairs. Proxy Signature is one of the digital signatures. The main application of Proxy Signature is in electronic election, electronic cash and electronic auction etc. According to the different environments, people propose many types, such as proxy blind signature and nomination proxy signature threshold proxy signature etc. But most of them are based on traditional public cryptosystem. They will be vulnerable when the quantum computer is emerged in the future.
     Multivariate public cryptosystem is one of the public key cryptosystem resistant to attack quantum computers. Combine with multivariate properties and the Isomorphism of Polynomials Problem which is a fundamental problem of multivariate cryptography, I propose a proxy signature scheme with the central map is chose a rainbow multivariate polynomials. In terms of the security, I combine the secret affine transformation with the signature to hidden part of the private key. Moreover, I propose a certificated-based proxy signature scheme with Zero-knowledge Proofs of Knowledge and IP scheme.
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