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随着越来越多的外商投资企业在中国经营,这些跨国公司的管理层是否了解本地员工如何处理与其上司之间的跨国冲突和其背后的原因是非常重要的。文献综述显示,虽然在有关人际冲突的文献众多,但是有关中国人的冲突管理风格的研究大部分都基于西方的理论,比如认为回避冲突是因为不在乎维系与冲突对方的关系,显然这正好与中国的文化相反,中国人回避冲突往往是为了给对方面子,保持表面和平。Hwang (1997)认为中国人处理冲突时往往衡量是要保持与对方关系呢还是追求自己的个人目标,而且还要考量对方是圈内人还是圈外人,与自己的地位是相当呢还是比自己地位高,提出了中国人各种情况下典型的12种冲突管理风格,但是据作者所知,他的理论并没有在大陆的跨文化商务环境中进行过测试。本文基于Hwang (1997)的理论,旨在探索在上海的外商投资企业工作的员工在处理与其上司之间的冲突,并且与其他在本地公司工作的员工进行对比。本文分析了八种冲突管理风格—积极合作、妥协、非直接沟通、正面对抗、忍耐、阳奉阴违、给对方面子来保持表面和平,或者一拍两散。
With more and more FIEs (Foreign Investment Enterprises) operating and growing in China, it is critical that the management teams understand how and why local employees behave in the intercultural conflicts with their superiors. Literature review indicates that studies on Chinese people’s conflict management styles are mostly based on Western theories, which may not apply to Chinese culture. Hwang (1997) generated 12 conflict management styles of Chinese people but these styles have not been tested in an intercultural business context. Based on Hwang’s theories, this research explores whether employees working in FIEs in Shanghai have different conflict management styles when they deal with conflicts with someone from their vertical ingroups -- Western superiors, compared with other employees working in local companies. Altogether eight conflict management styles were measured: collaborating, compromising, indirect communication, endurance, obeying publicly and defying privately, facework and severance.
     A questionnaire was sent out to office workers in Shanghai and totally 161 valid responses were used and three pairs of comparisons have been tested through a quantitative analysis by SPSS19.0. The result shows that collaborating is the most preferred option, reflecting an overall preference to a more proactive and time-saving solution in the workplace. Also, subjects are more likely to sacrifice interpersonal harmony in order to protect their personal interests when the conflicts are about personnel related matters compared with business/task related matters. There is no significant difference between subjects working in FIEs with Western superiors and subjects working in local companies with no experience working with Western superiors. By comparing the conflict management style with Western and Chinese superiors of subjects working in FIEs, the result shows a distinct difference in most conflict management styles tested. Subjects are more assertive and direct with their Western superiors than with Chinese supervisors. Another finding of this study is that male and female subjects do not have significant difference in most conflict management styles tested except for confrontation in business/task related conflicts.
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