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Reservoir resettlement has become a worldwide problem of the Government, theimmigration, and other stakeholders facing. Transaction cost theory is the basic theoryin the analysis of property rights system. In this study, transaction analysis is used as thesmallest unit, while the reservoir resettlement action is treated as transactions carriedout on land rights between the Government and the immigration. It begins with theanalysis of trading activity, trading rules, as well as the interaction between them, aimedat finding out the key factors affecting the reservoir resettlement, reducing transactioncosts and improving the satisfaction of immigrants, and then reaches the optimal state ofthe whole society.
     The theoretical model is based on three parts of observation. Firstly, the propertyrights of agricultural land have the condominium nature between the Government andthe immigrants. Secondly, the government is a special transaction participant, whichmeans that it acts as a trading participant and a trading rules setter at the same time, inaddition, the government pursues dual purposes of the profit-maximization and thecost-minimization. Thirdly, the immigrants are both social vulnerable groups andcollective actors, and the social contradictions triggered by their mass incidents makethem become a social factor to exert the constraint and advancement force ofinstitutional change.
     Therefore, based on the transaction cost theory, this study builds up a theoreticalmodel to analyze trading environment and transaction process of reservoir immigration.In the trading environment analysis, based on the meta-theoretical framework of thepublic resource management, combined with the background of China's transformation,it builds up a dynamic theoretical model of the research questions, reflecting theinteraction between Action-Orders of the reservoir resettlement. In the model testing,case study method is used to analyze the reservoir immigration cases since the foundingof China. The result shows that the institutional change of reservoir resettlementdeveloped along the path of reducing the transaction costs and improving the efficiencyof the system, which verifies the theoretical model. In the transaction process analysis,it builds up a model based on the impact factors of the various stages of the transactionwith an analysis framework of the whole transactions life during the transaction process to analyze the transaction behavior between the Government and the immigration, aimsto reflect the transactions problems under the existing trading rules, then put forwardsome solutions to reduce transaction costs and improve the efficiency of theresettlement work.
     The empirical study combines the qualitative research interviews and thequantitative questionnaire, it uses SPSS to analyze the questionnaire data of215immigrants from4immigrant counties, whose reliability and validity as well as thecorrelation between the indicators are good. The demonstration of the situation reflectedby the interview and the questionnaire shows that the main factor affecting theimmigrant satisfaction is the economic rational demand currently. Then, it suggests thatwe should consider both the long-term nature and the flexibility in the land acquisitionsystem, that we need more concrete manifestation of treating land as a survival tool, thatwe should take the stability expect role of land into consideration and provide acompensation mode including a “certainty” expect such as a long-term compensationand investment shares. What’s more, we should combine with Maslow Theory whiledesigning the compensation mode from the view of the overall national developmentand then provide a social protection of “differential pattern” for immigrants.
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