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Offshore area is most closely zone with human activities. Environment variables such as climatic change and human activities brings major impact to offshore area ecosystem. Mainly displays at it crates eutrophication and environment pollution that runoff into the sea , biogenic elements and pollutant into the sea. Thereby affecting its biological resources and human security. Zhanjiang harbor exactly locates in this offshore area zone, so it is very important to its research.
     In recent years, due to economic development and increased economic and society activity, especially transportion, oil processing industry and aquaculture rapid growth, makes the environment of Zhanjiang harbor under the pressure of increasing multi-pollution. Some disasters such as marine pollution worsening, environment problem increasing and red tide happen occasionally.?The environment is worrying the health and safety of human. So the ecological environment has become the focus of the community.
     The research of constitute and source of marine suspended particulate matter provides important information for Biology, Ecology, Geochemistry and Sedimentology. Because suspended particulate matter form under various marine environmental factors influence can selectively accumulate a lot of elements and is the initial stage of sediment formation.
     This study through Zhanjiang harbor carbon isotopic composition of suspended particulate matter and spatial and temporal distribution law research probe Zhanjiang harbor of the main sources of marine pollution and sewage discharge distribution of the isotope tracer method, to provide scientific basis for Gulf fisheries of environmental pollution control.
     In this thesis, we collected surface water samples respectively were in February, May, August, and December in 2009 in 8 section of 24 sites in Zhanjiang harbor, and measured stable carbon isotope values of suspended particulate matter. Simultaneously measured some environmental factor such as water temperature, pH, salinity, chlorophyll a, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite. Compared with the determination results, we analyze the composition of the suspended particulate matter, the spatial and temporal distribution law and discuss the problems of pollution sources of research sea area. The main results are as follows:
     1. Theδ13C values of suspended particulate matter were significant seasonal variation. And seasonal changes is response to seasonal variation of its source material, so can be drawn sources of suspended particulate matter in different seasons is different.
     2. Theδ13C values of suspended particulate matter present the trend of along coastal area is deficit of heavy isotopes, and gradual accumulation to the open sea. It can be drown suspended particulate matter by the combined effect of terrestrial input and ocean biological production and have some differences. The regional differentiation of theδ13C values of suspended particulate matter reflect the source of terrestrial and marine organic matter input in the distribution along the growth and decline.
     3. In this research, theδ13C values of suspended particulate matter in outfall sites were serious losses. This is because the input of effluent will enter the carbon isotope values of suspended particulate matter make the deficit of heavy isotopes.
     4. Theδ13C values of suspended particulate matter has close relationship with basic environmental factors, and has significant correlation. Different seasons and sites has different relevance. Surface water as the leading factors in photosynthesis influence the affect the dynamics of theδ13C values. At the same time, it is the dynamic process of nutrients depletion lead to concentration change. So it is relatively important that the correlation with chlorophyll a and nutrients.
     5. The suspended particulate matter of research area has double impact with terrestrial and marine resources. And the impact of terrestrial is more major, the affect of human factors is improving. So the environmental quality status of Zhanjiang harbor area should be receive more close attention.
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