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     传统的跨文化传播学对偏见的研究主要是吸取社会心理学的研究成果,笔者认为,除此以外,还应从解释学角度来理解偏见,以及将偏见置于意识形态和权力关系的框架中进行考察(第一章)。由于话语、意识形态和权力之间存在着错综复杂的关系,这又启示着笔者从批评性话语分析的角度去研究跨文化传播的话语偏见问题。经过仔细比较,本文认为诺曼·费尔克拉夫提出的三维批评性话语分析理论为系统和深入地研究跨文化传播的话语偏见提供了一种新的路径(第二章)。他的理论融微观的文本分析和宏观的社会文化分析于一体,旨在揭示文本中所隐藏的意识形态意义,特别是那些人们习焉不察的偏见、歧视和对事实的歪曲,并解释它们存在的社会条件以及在权力斗争中的作用。本文拟将他的批评性话语分析理论和方法与其他相关理论结合起来,以三个话语维度为基本架构,即文本分析(textual analysis)、话语实践(discursive practice)和社会实践(social practice),来透视跨文化传播中的话语偏见问题。文本分析是对偏见表达的各种语言策略进行分析(第三章);在话语实践的维度里,将在文本的生产和理解过程中考察话语偏见(第四章);在社会实践维度里,将分析话语偏见与社会文化语境(意识形态、权力关系)之间的互动关系(第五章)。此外,本文还提出将批评性话语分析中的“解放的话语”与后殖民主义文化批评的“反话语”策略结合起来来消减跨文化话语偏见,进而促进偏见本身的消解(第六章)。
Prejudice is one of major obstacles in intercultural communication as well as an important issue in the study of intercultural communication. Prejudice, between different cultural groups, mainly results from the cognitive, motivational and social-cultural causes. When prejudice is reflected in language, linguistic bias occurs, and in return, linguistic bias helps maintain and reproduce prejudice. In current intercultural communications, the explicit linguistic bias still exists; however, a large amount of linguistic bias is implicit. The implicit linguistic bias, due to its strategic and subtle representation, and entangled with ideology and power, unconsciously exerts influence on people's perception, attitude and behaviors. Therefore, this naturalized, habitualized linguistic bias deserves our special attention and thorough research. Unfortunately, the systematic and in-depth research still lacks in this area.
     In fact, the researches on how language subtly represents prejudice have already been carried out by some western social psychologists from the perspective of psycho-linguistics, and some linguists from the angle of discourse analysis. Although their researches are of great benefits to the study of discourse prejudice in intercultural communication, there still exist some limitations.
     The research of prejudice in traditional intercultural communication study has drawn heavily on the research of socio-psychology. In addition to which, this dissertation holds that, prejudice should also be examined from the point of view of hermeneutics, and under the context of ideology and power (Chapter One). The intricate relationships among discourse, ideology and power inspire the author of this dissertation to study the issue of discourse prejudice from the perspective of critical discourse analysis (CDA). After careful comparison and contrast, this dissertation believes that the three-dimensional CDA theory by Norman Fairclough can provide a new approach for the research of discourse prejudice in intercultural communication (Chapter Two). His theory integrates the micro textual analysis with macro social-cultural analysis to disclose the hidden ideological meaning in texts, in particular, those matters of prejudice, discrimination and distortion, and explain the social conditions of its existence and its role in power struggle.
     This dissertation attempts to combine Fairclough's theory with other relevant theories to investigate the issue of discourse prejudice in intercultural communication in three dimensions:textual analysis, discursive practice and social practice. In textual analysis, the various linguistic strategies for prejudiced communication will be analyzed (Chapter Three); in discursive practice, the prejudice discourse will be examined in the process of production and consumption (Chapter Four); in social practice, the interaction between prejudice discourse and social cultural context (ideology and power relationship) will be studied (Chapter Five). Finally, this dissertation proposes to connect the "liberation discourse" in critical discourse analysis with the "counter discourse" in postcolonial study to explore the possible ways to reduce the prejudice discourse, and then the prejudice itself (Chapter Six).
     It should be noted that there are no unified theory and method of CDA. Based on Fairclough's theory, this dissertation also absorbs some relevant theories and methods from other branches of CDA. Moreover, more theories such as Linguistic Category Model, Linguistic Intergroup Bias theory, Hermeneutics, Semiotics, Culture Study, Postcolonial Study, Cultural Imperialism etc., are also incorporated into this research. With these theories, a couple of cases concerning the discourse prejudice in intercultural communication are analyzed.
     To sum up, this research is a multi-discipline and cross-discipline research, which attaches importance to both the theoretical exploration and the practical usage.
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    ② Gudykunst, William B.& Young Yun Kim, Communicating with Strangers:An Approach to Intercultural Communication (4th ed.). Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007, p.149.
    ④ Schnake, Sherry B.& Janet B. Ruscher, Modern Racism As A Predictor Of The Linguistic Intergroup Bias, Journal of Language and Social Psychology,Vol.17 No.4, December,1998,pp.484-491.
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    ② Maass, Anne, Roberta Ceccarelli,& Samantha Rudin, Linguistic Intergroup Bias:Evidence for In-Group-Protection Motivation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.71, No.3,1996, pp.512-526.
    ③ Maass, Anne & Daniela Salvi, Language Use in Intergroup Contexts:The Linguistic Intergroup Bias, Journal of
    Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.57, No.6,1989, p.992.
    ④ Ibid.p.991.
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    ②转引自Anolli, Luigi, Valentino Zurloni &Giuseppe Riva, Linguistic Intergroup Bias in Political Communication, The Journal of General Psychology, Vol.13, Iss.3; 2006, pp.237-255.
    ① Schnake, Sherry B.& Janet B. Ruscher, Modern Racism as A Predictor of The Linguistic Intergroup Bias, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Vol.17, No.4,1998, pp.484-491.
    ② Ng, Sik Hung, Language-Based Discrimination:Blatant and Subtle Forms, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Vol.26, No.2,2007, pp.106-122.
    ①Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Vol.17, No.3, September,1998, pp.348-371.
    ① Journal of Communication 56 (2006) pp.289-308,2006 International Communication Association.
    ② Anolli, Luigi, Valentino Zurloni & Giuseppe Riva, Linguistic Intergroup Bias in Political Communication, The Journal of General Psychology, Vol.13, Iss.3; Jul.2006, pp.237-255.
    ①Qtd. in Richardson, John E., Analysing Newspapers, New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007, p.48.
    ② Widdowson, H. G, Discourse Analysis:A critical view, Critical Discourse Analysis ed. by Michael Toolan, London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.132.
    ① Dijk, van Teun, Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis (vol. II) ed. by Michael Toolan, London and New York:Routledge,2002, pp.117-118.
    ① Dijk, van Teun, Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis (vol. Ⅱ) ed. by Michael Toolan, London and New York:Routledge,2002, pp.119-120.另综合了一些例证。
    ③ Toolan, Michael (ed.), Critical Discourse Analysis, London and New York:Routledge, Vol.I,2002, pp.236-261.
    ④ Toolan, Michael (ed.), Critical Discourse Analysis, London and New York:Routledge. Vol.Ⅳ,2002, pp.360-404.
    ③ 关世杰:《中国跨文化传播研究十年回顾与反思》,《对外大传播》,2006年,第2期。
    ① Allport, G W., The Nature of Prejudice, New York:Macmillan,1954, p.7
    ② Ibid. p.10.
    ③转引自Samovar, Larry A., Richard E. Porter and Lisa A. Stefani, Communication Between Cultures (3rd ed.). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press & Brooks/Cole/Thomson Learning Asia,2008, p.247
    ④ Ibid.
    ③Gudykunst, William B.& Young Yun Kim, Communication with Strangers:An Approach to Intercultural Communication (4th ed.), Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007, p.146
    ②Dorschel, Andreas, Rethinking Prejudice, Aldershot, England:Ashgate Publishing Ltd,2000, "Preface".
    ①G. Allport, The Nature of Prejudice, Cambridge, MA:Addison-Wesley,1954.
    ② Qtd. in Gudykunst, William B.& Young Yun Kim, Communication with Strangers:An Approach to Intercultural Communication (4th ed.), Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007, p.148.
    ④ Qtd. in Gudykunst, William B.& Young Yun Kim. Communication with Strangers:An Approach to Intercultural Communication (4th ed.). Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007, p.148.
    ⑤ Ibid. p.149
    ①Lippman, W., Public Opinion, New York:Macmillan.1922, pp.63-64.
    ② Hewstone, M.,& Jaspars, J., Social dimensions of attributions, The social dimension (Vol.2) ed. by H. Tajfel. Cambridge, England:Cambridge University Press,1984.
    ① Ross, L. D.. The intuitive psychologist and his shortcomings:Distortions in the attribution process. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental psychology (Vol.10),1977, New York:Academic Press.
    ② Jones, E.E.& Nisbett, R.E., The Actor and the Observer: Divergent perceptions of the causes of behavior, Attribution: Perceiving the causes of behavior ed. by E.E. Jones, D.E. Kanouse, H.H. Kelly, R.E. Nisbett, S. Valins & B. Weiner. Morristown, NJ:General Learning Press.1972, pp.79-94.
    ③ Hewstone, M.. The "ultimate attribution error":A review of the literature on intergroup causal attribution, European Journal of Social Psychology,20,1990, pp.311-335.
    ④ Kanouse, D.,& Hanson, L., Negativity in evaluations, Attribution ed. by E. Jones & R. Nisbett Morristown, NJ: General Learning Press,1972.
    ① Qtd. in Gudykunst, William B.& Young Yun Kim, Communication with Strangers:An Approach to Intercultural Communication (4tn ed.), Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007, p.196.
    ①Allport, G W., The Nature of Prejudice. Garden City, New York:Anchor Books,1958, p.325
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    ③ Allport, G. W., The Nature of Prejudice, (abridged) Garden City, NY:Anchor Books,1958, p.413.
    ② Samovar, Larry A., Communication Between Cultures(3rd ed.), Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000,247.
    ① Michael Toolan, General Introduction, Critical Discourse Analysis (ed.) Vol. Ⅰ., London and New York:Routledge, 2002.
    ③ Hmmersley, Martyn, On the Foundations of Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis:Critical Concepts in Linguistics, Vol. Ⅲ. ed. by Michael Toolan,2002, p.244.
    ① Fowler, Roger, Linguistic Criticism (2nd ed), Oxford & New York:Oxford University Press,1996, p.51.
    ② Toolan, Michael, What Is Critical Discourse Analysis And Why Are People Saying Such Terrible Things About It?, Critical Discourse Analysis, Vol. Ⅲ, ed. by Michael Toolan, London & New York:Routledge,2002, p.222.
    ③ Hmmersley, Martyn, On the Foundations of Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis Vol. Ⅲ, ed. by Michael Toolan, London & New York:Routledge,2002, p.245.
    ① Sapir, Edwards, The Status of Linguistics As a Science, Critical Discourse Analysis, Vol. I, Ed. by Michael Toolan. London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.3.
    ①Fairclough, Norman, Language and Power (2nd ed.), Essex, England:Pearson Education Limited,2001, p.25.
    ①参见Fairclough, Norman. Language and Power (2nd ed.), Essex, England:Pearson Education Limited,2001, pp. 19-21.
    ① Fowler, Roger, Linguistic Criticism, Oxford and New York:Oxford University Press,1996. p.26
    ④ Fairclough, Norman, Discourse and Social Change, Cambridge, UK:Polity Press,1992, p.87.
    ②资料来源:Fairclough, Norman, Language and Power (2nd ed.), Essex, England:Pearson Education Limited,2001, p.15.
    ①资料来源:Fairclough, Norman, Language and Power (2nd ed.), Essex, England:Pearson Education Limited,2001, p.15.
    ①单波,熊伟:《跨文化传播的语言问题》,《国外社会科学》,2009年,第4期。因作者He Xianbin是用英文发表论文的(Power Relations and Translational Inequality in China, Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol.7 (3), 2007, pp.240-252.),所以,笔者无法确定其中文姓名,故保留英文论文提供的姓名。
    ② Heilbron, J., Towards a Sociology of Translation:Book Translations as A Cultural World System, European Journal of Social Theory,2(4),1999, pp.429-444.
    ③ Fairclough, Norman, Analysing Discourse:Textual Analysis for Social Research, London and New York:Routledge, 2003, p.9.
    ①Qtd. in Richardson, John E., Analysing Newspapers, New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007, p.27.
    ① Fairclough, Norman, Phil Graham, Jay Lemke & Ruth Wodak, Critical Discourse Studies, Vol.1, No.1, Routledge, 2004,pp.1-7.
    ② Discourse Analysis:A Critical Review, Critical Discourse Analysis. Vol. Ⅲ, ed. by Michael Toolan, London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.144.
    ③ Ibid.
    ④ Whorf's Children:Critical Comments on Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Vol.Ⅲ, ed. by Michael Toolan, London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.206.
    ①A Reply to Henry Widdowson's "Discourse Analysis:A Critical Review", Critical Discourse Analysis, Vol. Ⅲ, ed. by Michael Toolan, London and New York:Routledge,2002, pp.149-150.
    ① Qtd. in Gudykunst & Young Yun Kim, Communication with Strangers:An Approach to International Communication (Fourth Edition), Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2007, p.150.
    ② Richardson, John E., Analysing Newspapers, New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007, p.51.
    ①Richardson, John E., Analysing Newspaper. New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007, pp.47-48.
    ① Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live By, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press, and London:The University of Chicago Press, Ltd.,1980, p.3
    ②Isaacs H. R., Scratches on Our Minds, New York,1958, p.111.
    ②Fairclough,Norman,Discourse and Social Change,Pokity Press,1992,p.161.
    ③Qtd. in Richardson, John E., Analysing Newspaper, New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007, p.186.
    ① Fairclough, Norman, Disourse and Social Change, Cambridge, UK:Pokity Press,1992, p.78.
    ② Fairclough, Norman, Media Discourse, London:Arnold,1995, p.58.
    ③ Phillips, L.& Jorgensen, M.W., Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method, London:Sage,2002, p.69
    ⑥ Galtung, J. and Ruge, M. (1965) Structuring and selecting news in S. Cohen and J. Young (eds) (1973) The Manufacture of News:Social Problems, Deviance and the News Media, London:Constable, pp.62-67.
    ①Schlesinger, Philip,Putting 'reality' together, London:Constable,1978, p.117.
    Sparks, Colin. "Images of China in the UK Press",“跨文化对话:媒介伦理与新闻专业主义”国际学术会议暨媒介教育联合会会议论文。
    ①Qtid. in Richardson, John E., Analysing Newspapers, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2007. p.93.
    ①[美]沃纳·赛佛林、小詹姆斯·坦卡德:《传播理论:起源、方法与应用》,北京:华夏出版社,1999年 版,第264页。
    ②Kristeva, Julia, The Kristeva Reader, Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1986.
    ③Fairclough, Norman, Discourse and Social Change, Cambridge, UK:Polity Press,1992. p.
    ③Qtd. in Richardson, John E., Analysing Newspaper, New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007, p.100.
    ①Fairclough, Norman, Discourse and Social Change, Cambridge, UK:Polity Press,1992, p.102.
    ①Fishman, M, Manufacturing the News, Austin:University of Texas Press,1980, p.92.
    ①Weber, Max, Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1950, p.82.
    ① Richard, John E., Analysing Newspapers, New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007. p.30.
    ① Qtd. in Richard, John E., Analysing Newspapers, New York:PALGRAVE MACMILLAN,2007, p.31.
    ② Galbraith, J.S., The Anatomy of Power, Boston:Houghton Mifflin, pp.4-7.
    ③O'Sullivan, T., Key Concepts in Communication, Methuen & Co., New York,1985, p.130.译文选自郭庆光的《传播学教程》,1999年,第111页。
    ②Kramsch, Claire. Language and Culture. Shanghai:Foreign Language Education Press,2000, p.76.
    ③ Kim, Elaine H., Asian American Literature, Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1982.
    ③中文译文转引自魏妁:《至死不渝的左派传播研究先驱:许勒的生平、思想与辩论》,《当代》(第1 5 3期,第27页。
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    ④Phillipson, Robert, Linguistic Imperialism, Shanghai Foreign Language Press,2000, p.38.
    ① Fairclough, Norman, Language and Power (2nd ed.), Essex, England:Pearson Education Limited,2001, p.1.
    ② Ibid.,pp.201-202.

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