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Along with our country's comprehensive development of economy and society, and the continuously construction of the new socialist countryside steadily, rural women, who has been ignored in the past because of the weak strength, are gradually becoming the main force in agricultural production and the construction of new countryside. Rural women's quality obviously more and more influence in the rural reform and development process. Rural vocational education plays an unique irreplaceable role in improving the rural women's quality, optimizing the structure of employment and promote economic and social contribution. In recent years, our country have been increasing inputs of new farmers training projects, such as the implement of the Sunshine Project, Green Certification Project, Farmers Entrepreneurial Training Project and so on. Hebei province has also carried out a series of projects such as Farmers Double Leader Project,"Double Learn and Double Match Project, Send Training to the Countryside Project and so on. The rural women take an active part in, these projects greatly improve the farmers' comprehensive quality and technical level, enhance the role of agricultural science and technology on agricultural development. Based on the Hebei province rural women's investigation questionnaire, using the empirical analysis and statistical analysis method, through the analysis of rural women in the role of economic growth and its reason, reach that the rural economic growth must depend on the rural women, improve the rural women's status and role, realize the benign interaction between the economic growth and improve the rural women's status and provide decision-making reference for the development of rural women's vocational education.
     the paper make a regional and gender to rural women as a research starting point, Hebei province rural women's vocational education as the research object, using the statistical methods analysis the rural women's characteristics of receiving vocational education, and then use model to measure the influence factors of the rural women's participation in rural vocational education. Research shows that, the rural women in Hebei province vocational training covered the main rural women'and the main industry of rural areas, rural women's attitude to the vocational education, family economic burden and whether to accurate and timely access to relevant information has the important influence to its participation in rural vocational education. To the rural girl's formal vocational education and influence factors, through further analysis, the author found that the parents' education, parents' occupation, family income and vocational school tuition fees has a great in the rural girl's formal vocational education. On the impacts of the rural women's vocational education to the employment structure and the economic and social contribution, from the labor economics point of view, employment was influenced by three factors, labor supply, labor demand and labor mechanism, therefore the vocational education should play a role from these three aspects to affect employment. Through the analysis of rural vocational education influence to the employment of agricultural internal not transfer, the employment of agricultural internal transfer and the employment of non-agricultural, and then illustrate vocational education's role of promoting rural women's employment and the development of rural economic and social contribution. in-depth analysis of rural women's professional vocational education's influence on the development of the rural society, through two aspects, that is, the condition of employment and the employment structure reflect the value of the two aspects, one is on the rural women's own value, including living guarantee, self-value realization, self-development and children education, etc.; The second is the value of the social economy development, including increase social wealth, promote social stability and improve the status of women and promote social development.
     Finally, on the basis of summarizing the above chapters, this paper give a series of policy suggestions to improve the future rural women's vocational education, improve the rural women's employment structure, and improve the rural women's social and economic status.
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