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Taihang Mountain is located in the combining site, from which to east, the North China plate drops down; from which to west, the North China plate uplifts.The uplift of Taihang Mountain not only greatly enriches the basic theory of physiognomic evolution science, but also can enriches the history of the Cenozoic geology development of North China Plate. The uplift of Taihang Mountain which in extent condition and the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau which in extrusion condition is of great theoretical significance to the establishment and models of mountain formation mechanism in different environment, to mutual response of either, and to global evolution of the crust.. The uplift of Taihang Mountain is not only of great theoretical significance to new tectonic movement of North China and tectonic landform evolution, and to happening and distribution of geological disasters,but also is of important practical significance to key construction projects and the geological environment in northern China,and can supplies critical scientific basis to planning, development and management of tourism resources within it.
     Taihang Mountains is long of hundreds miles, spans nearly four latitude, two longitude. Many river flows through the southern Taihang Mountains. Studing on the rivers is less, especially on the two large water system (Zhanghe water system and Qinhe water system), and the ages of planation surfaces almost have no data.This is of greatly influence on the research to physiographic period and the uplift process of the southern Taihang Mountains; Moreover, the landscape surface deformation in the southern Taihang Mountains is almost a blank. In this paper, as the research objective of the uplift process of the southern Taihang Mountains, studies on the southern Taihang Mountains.
     In this paper, by the traditional method of mountain uplift, mainly according to topographic surfaces, combining with associated sedimentary basin, studing the topographic characteristic, distribution and deformation time of the southern Taihang Mountains, studing the margin of basin formation in the various geological periods,and from this, particular researching the process of the uplifting of it.There are cognition and headway as follows:ascertain the uplifting stages and scapes of the Southern Taihang since Cenozoic. Thinking that the uplifting of it is developed from the planation surfacea of Beitai which formed from the end of Mesozoic to Eocene. The uplifting process of it in Cenozoic is divided into six stages; and proposing that uplifting of it relative differently occurs mainly from ending of forming of the Taihang planation surface to beginning of producing "U" shaped valley,or from the end of the Paleogene to early and middle of Pliocene; ensuring that the "U" shaped valley developed in the middle and Southern of Taihang Mountains generally formed in the Early Pliocene, and this is different from the forming time of the "U" shaped valley in the rest area of the North China Mountains; thinking that the formation of tectonic landforms in the southern Taihang Mountains is the result of activities between different blocks. Thinking that the activity in the middle of the southern Taihang Mountains is more intense than that's of two ends of it in lengthways, and the activity in the west side of it is more intense than that's of the east of it. So forming convex domed shape in geomorphology in the Southern Taihang Mountain.
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