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At the moment, the drinking water source that is in the grim situation suffers severe pollution in china. Therefore, establishing water reserves to protect water quality of the source is urgent. Establish drinking water reserves is not only the key measures to protect drinking water sources, but also the strongest means water to protect the source. The drinking water reserves division technical specifications has both qualitative and quantitative put forward some partition methods for determining the dividing method and scope of the water reserves, and it also made some provisions differentiate limits for the reserve. However, if we want quality of the water resource really get reasonable protective, we should according to the river pattern to classified basic model provisions of the standard stipulation carefully, and we should also choose the suitable dividing method of the studied river to calculate.
     By researching the domestic and foreign relevant books, papers, using water environmental dynamics theory, and combining with the water quality and hydrology condition of QianWei in Minjiang River Avionics, We have analyzed the pollutant migration process of Minjiang River Avionics and have established pollutant concentration diffusion boundary conditions of Water quality model of two-dimensional in primary reserves, secondary reserve and prospective reserves and simulation calculation. We have got the influence condition of pollution resource which has influenced the water quality of reservoir area and the downstream water point in various sources protection zones. We have provided favorable data support for reserve division, especially must reserve, then we have proposed water reserve technical management measures in water reserves area
     This article is focusing on two aspects, one is analyzing water quality and hydrology in study area, the other is researching the water reserves. We have got several research achievements. First, Minjiang River water is in a stable status, and after QianWei reservoir for navigation-power junction has impounded, the chambers water which can achieve II class water quality standards the first-grade protection zones of the water resource is keeping so good that can be used as drinking water in JianWei. Secondly, according to the regulation, the first-grade protection zones of the delimited water and Secondary reserve source and prospective reserve can effectively protect the water quality, and it also can meet the requirements of the water quality standards at various levels in reserve border. Thirdly, through numerical simulation analysis for the pollution resource in Minjiang River Avionics, we have established the quality control goals of water resource at all levels, and thus we have put forward some technical management measures.
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