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     其次,建立了“ CVE—2型三偏心混沌激振器”和混沌振动压路机“机架—
Chaos theory has been developed since 70’s this century. Chaotic vibration, the
     combination of chaos theory and mechanical vibration theory, is a newer research
     field. Great achievement has been gained in theoretical study of chaotic vibration in
     China and abroad over the past two decades. But, there are fewer results on the
     application of chaotic vibration in engineering, especially in the big size engineering
     machinery. The purpose of the dissertation is to study high performance vibratory
     roller by using chaotic vibration exciter with broad and spectrum instead of
     traditional harmonic exciter.
     Firstly, Some of the basic concepts of chaotic vibration are introduced, the
     qualitative and quantitative methods of chaotic vibration identification are detailed,
     the selection of associated parameters is studied, the algorithms for calculating the
     maximum Lyapunov exponent, correlation dimension and periodicity ratio are
     provided. On the basis of analysis and comparison of different methods, the methods
     used in the paper are selected.
     Secondly, the mathematical models for VE type three eccentric chaotic
     exciter and forrame rum oil system of chaotic vibratory roller are built. The
     numerical simulation and chaos identification are finished under different parameters
     of the exciter. The relationships between the chaotic characteristics of the exciter as
     well as the rame rum oil system and the parameters of the exciter are
     Then, the experiment is conducted to verify that the vibration of the drum of 14
     tons chaotic vibratory roller is chaotic. In terms of chaos identification, the results of
     the measurement are consistent with the trends predicted by the simulation.
     Finally, the results from comparing the compaction parameters between
     haotic and raditional vibratory roller show that the performance of
     haotic is better than that of raditional
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