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Tarim basin is the largest petroleum basin in our country. As a new exploring area, the east part of Tarim basin has almost not been studied, the arming strata of studying area were deeply imbedded, which has characterizations of multiphase deformation, multiphase bed forming, perplexing tectonic and high-over evolving of hydrocarbon, and oil and gas distribution and migration are controlled by tectonic background, basin structure trellis and fault zones. In recent years, a lot of exploring work indicates that the studying area has capacious oil and gas foreground, and thus may take it as a exploration-tactic superseding area nest time in Tarim basin. The studying content includes: (1) strata order and sediment environment studying; (2) tectonic characterization and property studying; (3) tectonic characterization and tectonic deformation studying of basin; (4) tectonic evolvement studying; (5) typical oil and gas pool and bed forming studying; (6) relationship of basin-mountain coupling and oil and gas bed
    forming studying.
    According to plenty of practical datum that combined open field work with indoor one, the article has achieved much, such as bellow:
    ? The floor of Precambrian of west kuruketage is found to be a better reservoir bed of carbonate rocks, which extraordinarily develop big and small dissolved holes, and appears large scale karst system, which is a deep karst typing reservoir bed related to deformation and dissolve.
    ? The strata of Paleozoic in eastern Tarim especially Cambrian and Ordovician ones are largely different from others: most area of Cambrian in west Tarim is carbonate rocks of mesa face, while the eastern Tarim is sillcalite and carbonate sediment of continental shelf facies.
    ? In eastern Tarim area, the fault and upheaval of Kuruketage in southern Tianshan have old crust floor, but are not a part of old Tianshan collision mountain forming zone. Overriding tectonic incidents of Powamu in late Carebbean, that is,
    overriding from north to south in northern area is an important tectonic incident in studying area, which had significant affect on Paleozoic oil forming system, and thus made Kuruketage region mainly display mountain bodies overriding from north to center basin. This maybe indicates that low part of fore-mountain in southern Kuruketage has stored Cambrian- Ordovician and Jurassic hydrocarbon.
    ? Primarily knowing of oil and gas origin of Yingnan well 2.Naturral gas mainly comes from Cambrian and is related to ancient oil pool, and oil mainly comes from Mesozoic coal measures strata. The main pool fonning stage is late Yanshan to Xishan. Primarily settled its forming model of Yingnan well 2. There are mainly four forming incidents.
    ? As a stage of foreland uplift of Hercynian, the late Paleozoic of eastern Tarim low uplift had made 1 and 2 structural areas of eastern Tarim being suffered denudation for a long time, until Jurassic at the sag basin stage, they received non-marine sediment, and defaulted up Ordovician-Triassic many formula strata. For the anticline tectonic zone lies in its ancient uplift top and ancient uplift has significant controlling function for sedimentary face zone's distribution. The north part of eastern Tarim anticline tectonic zone is seashore sediment and probably had better reservoir. So, the slope part of north of eastern Tarim anticline tectonic zone probably has better reservoir strata, and has promising breakthrough.
    Through evolving characterization analysis of eastern Tarim, point out that the Yingjisu depression, low uplift of eastern Tarim and fore-mountain basin of southern Kuruketage are promising exploring zone of this area.
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