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     然后,设计了基于支持向量机与模糊聚类(SVM+FCM)方法的转子故障诊断方法。应用模糊c均值聚类方法对训练样本进行预选取,在保证分类精度的前提下减小了计算量,节省了训练时间;采用基于交叉验证的网格搜索法对支持向量机模型进行参数寻优,对C -SVM算法中的参数C与径向基核函数的尺度参数γ实施并行寻优,确保了诊断模型的最优性与参数寻优的高效性;在ZT-3转子实验平台进行转子不平衡、转子不对中、转子动静碰摩、转子油膜涡动等转子故障模拟,应用所测转子故障振动数据对基于尺度变换的转子故障特征参数提取方法与基于SVM+FCM的转子故障诊断方法的有效性进行了验证。
     最后,应用LabVIEW软件与MATLAB软件相结合的方法开发了转子-轴承故障诊断软件平台。该平台应用MATLAB Script节点对接LabVIEW与MATLAB软件,实现了友好的用户界面与强大的工程计算能力的统一。开发的软件平台具备时域分析、频谱分析、故障诊断、诊断结果保存、查询历史数据等功能,能够为转子-轴承系统提供实时、准确的诊断。
The application of fault diagnosis technic with rotating machine is encouraged tomonitor facility status, ensure production line working regularly, and prevent from majoraccident. Rotor-bearing system is one of the most widely used elements in rotatorymachines. The running status of the rotor-bearing system is important to the performanceof the rotatory machinery. The fault diagnosis of rotor-bearing system has greatsignificance for development of contemporary industry.
     Firstly, a fault diagnosis study based on wavelet packet energy and Hilbert transformis put forward. That is relative to the modulation and energy concentration of faulted ballbearing vibration signal. The vibration signal of ball bearing is decomposed andreconstructed using wavelet packet transform. And energy calculation of every frequencyband is also done. Selects the frequency band with maximal energy. Then, analyses thesignal of the frequency band applying Hilbert transform. Finally, extracts the characteristicfrequency of fault signal. At present, the computation of fault features is accomplishedartificially. In this paper, a new method which can select fault features automatically ispresented. Through processing and analyzing the practical ball bearing experiment data, itis shown that the fault diagnosis study can diagnose different running states of ballbearings due to surface damage timely and exactly.
     Secondly, a method based on harmonic wavelet packet is proposed to extract featuresof rotor faults. Due to the distribution of rotating frequency doubling in every node relyingon rotor rotation rate, so there is no unified physical meaning of them in different rotatingrates. To eliminate the effect of rotor rotating rate to doubling frequency features, applingthe scale transform theory resamples the original signal firstly. And then decomposes thesignals with harmonic wavelet packet and computers energy of each node. Throughprocessing and analyzing the practical oil-whirl experiment data, it is shown that the studycan extract rotor faults features in diverse rotation rates intelligently. This providesaccurate data surpporting for fault diagnosis.
     Thirdly, put forward a method of rotor fault disgnosis based on support vector machine and fuzzy c mean clustering. Sample datas to train SVM are pre-selected withthe fuzzy c means clustering. It is useful to reduce time consuming in computation, andensure the classification accuracy. The grid search method based on cross–validation ischosen to determine model parameters. The model is optimal and efficent due tocaculating parameter C andγmeanwhile. Unbalance experiment of rotor,misalignment experiment of rotor, rubbing experiment of rotor, and whirling experimentof rotor are carried out on ZT-3 exprimental instrument. Through analysing the vibrationsignal of rotor fault, it is proved that the feature extraction method based on scaletransform and the fault diagnosis method based on SVM+FCM are efficient.
     Finally, fault diagnosis platform of rotor-bearing system based on LabVIEW andMATLAB is developed. MATLAB script is applied in the fault diagnosis platform. Theuser interface is frendly. And the engineering caculation capbility of the platform is strong.The platform provides function of time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis,intelligent fault diagnosis, result saving, and historical data inquirying. The fault diagnosisplatform is real-time and accurate.
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