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本研究以番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)、小麦赤霉病菌(Fusarium graminearum)、
    辣椒疫霉病菌(Phytophthora capsici)、玉米大斑病菌(Exserohilum turcicum)、小麦白
    粉病菌(Erysiphe graminis)等13 种植物病原真菌为供试病原菌,采用离体生测与盆栽
    著抑制多种供试真菌菌丝的生长,在500?g·mL-1 供试浓度下,其对番茄灰霉病菌、辣椒
    疫霉病菌、油菜菌核病菌、烟草赤星病菌、小麦根腐病菌、苹果轮纹病菌等6 种病原真
    分别为77.20、26.98、58.07 ?g·mL-1。在抑制孢子萌发试验中,南欧丹参花提取物对
    3.在盆栽试验中,南欧丹参花石油醚提取物在1000?g·mL-1 的浓度下对小麦白粉病
    花抑菌活性成分进行了分离。从石油醚、乙酸乙酯提取物中共分离得到4 个化合物,即
    NW1、NW2、NW3、NW4,经1H NMR、13C NMR 和DEPT 等波谱分析,鉴定NW1 为香紫苏
    醇、NW2 为β-谷甾醇、NW3 为正三十二烷、NW4 为长链脂肪酸,其结构有待进一步鉴定。
    对小麦根腐病菌、玉米大斑病菌孢子萌发的抑制率均较低;在1000?g·mL-1 浓度下对小
    500?g·mL-1 浓度下对菌丝生长的抑制率为82.3%;长链脂肪酸500?g·mL-1 浓度下对苹果
    1000?g·mL-1 浓度下二者对小麦根腐病菌、玉米大斑病菌孢子萌发的抑制率均大于80%。
It is an important way to search new fungicides from plants. Tested with Botrytis
    cinerea Fusarium graminearum Phytophthora capsici Exserohilum turcicum Glomerella
    cingulata Bipolaris maydis and Erysiphe graminis et al 13 kinds of fungi, the bioactivity of
    salvia sclarea was studied by a systematic way in vitro and pot test. The results are as
     1. The flowers of salvia sclarea were extracted with systematic solvents. The bioassay
    results indicated that the optimal solvent extracting active components was petroleum ether. It
    also showed that the petroleum ether extract could markedly inhibit the various hypha growth,
    its inhibition ratio to hypha of 6 fungi are more than 70% respectively, its EC50 value against
    Botrytis cinerea sclerotinia sderotiorum Alternaria longipes was 77.20 26.98 58.07
    μg·mL-1 respectively.
     2. The seeds and leaves of salvia sclarea were extracted with petroleum ether, ethyl
    acetate, acetone respectively, and the three extracts showed low ihhibition to hypha of 5 fungi.
     3. The result of pot test indicated that the protective effect and therapeutic effect of the
    petroleum ether extract against the Erysiphe graminis were 94.9% and 84.2% respectively.
     4. By the chromatogram, 4 constituents were isolated from petroleum ether extract and
    ethyl acetate extract of the flowers ,which are sclareol, β-sitosterol, dotriacontane,fatty acid
     5. The bioassay of fungicidal activity showed sclareol had strong inhibition against
    sclerotinia sderotiorum Alternaria longipes Botrytis cinerea Bipolaris sorokiniana,which
    EC50 were 7.25 11.45 63.57 8.69μg·mL-1. At the concentration of 1000μg·mL-1, the result
    of pot test indicated that sclareol had strong inhibition to wheat powdery mildew, protective
    effect was 86.4%, therapeutic effect was 94.7%.
     6. Dotriacontane showed obvious inhibiting to sclerotinia sderotiorum.The inhibition
    ratio of fatty acid to hypha of 3 fungi were above 60% respectively.Both dotriacontane and
    fatty acid had strong inhibition to Exserohilum turcicum and Bipolaris sorokiniana.
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