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According to the sedimentation features of delta frontal reservoir in Xing-north region, the reservoir was refined into five lithofacies units, as follow: underwater diffluence channel sand-body, tabulated principal part sheet sand, tabulated non-principal sheet sand, untabulated reservior, mudstone. Adopting to the theory of building model at random and fully contrasting advantages and disadvantages of different building model at random, to find out the best-indicated chief component model, with high simulation efficiency, and a large using scope. As the appliance result show: Not only the model was with the high quality to size up and simulate fast, but also summarize the direct proportion relation between prediction precision and the stochastic simulation times, and the opposite proportion relation between the former and the departure value of the prediction result in each lithofacies units' stochastic simulation, the stronger in plant heterogeneity, the more the times stochastic simulation cost. All thes
    e offer a stability foundation for building 3D reservoir geologic model.
    After the reservoir geologic model for Xing-north 1-3 region was built, the following emphasis was pay on the institute of remaining oil distribution about untabulated layers. For the waterflooding in the heterogeneous multiplayer reservoirs is a complex and stochastic dynamic system, there are manifold features to generate remaining oil, and all these with uncertainty. Relativity, changeability and cooperateability, showed by the interaction between system multi-factors and system multi-course, reflect the non-linear mechanism of the system. According to the above characters in reservoir dynamic system, fine geologic description, and in terms of well point data, water out degree and remaining oil distribution of thinner and worse layer were distinguished through NN (neural network) pattern. According to geology, development factors, as well as relativity, the uncertainty of system was quantized using fuzzy comprehensive judgement method and expert NN, thus, the remaining oil distribution was plotted. This c
    omprehensive research with multi-subject and multi-directions and interactive validation ensure the high precision during the predication of remaining oil.
    The remaining oil research results of Xing 1-3 region showed: although secondary and part tertiary infilling wells were drilled, the recovery percent of reserves of the untabulated reservoir can't reach anticipative index. Main characters: the pressure in injection well is so high, and the liquid rate of production wells is low, water cut increases speedy, acidification and stimulation didn't get anticipative achievements. Therefore the chapter gives out a method to enhance the
    oil--surfactant flooding indoor experiment, this research includes three sections:
    experiment in-door, numerical simulation and inject pattern design, pilot site experiment. By the experiment in-door, and enhancing the comprehension on the mechanism of surfactant enhancing displacement rate and oil recovery, measure relative permeability curve of different surfactant concentration and adsorbing in core, these offer a basic parameters for numerical simulation, and the injection plan design. According to seepage flow features of surfactant oil displacement, 3D3P3-component surfactant oil displacement mathematical model was built.
    Considering convection diffusion and surfactant's adsorption retention in oil layer, giving the relative permeability curve's treatment method, the match degree of mathematical model between production practice was enhanced. Using the difference method of IMPES, implicit concentration to solve mathematical equation, and compile the corresponding numerical simulation software, and the practical application was implemented in the surfactant flooding pilot site- Xing 1-3. Analyzing the impacts, generated by the density of the surfactant, the length of slug and the volume of injection, to development indexes, and reasonable injection plan is optimized. The good development effect and
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