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Recently, multiple options enhanced oil recovery for remaining oil was developed through polymer flooding processes with the expanding of polymer flooding industries. However, the former studies were brought forward against the different development phases of polymer flooding. Thus, there was lack of continuity and systematization when these methods matching with the outcome of precise geological studies. In order to exert the function of polymer flooding fully, and further develop the enhanced oil recovery of remaining oil bearing in thick reservoir layers for polymer flooding, it was enhanced to the study of precise enhanced oil recovery for polymer flooding in the polymer flooding in north-east block of Lamadian oilfield, while developing the study as polymer flooding transforming to following water flooding. And on the basis of it, it was concluded and treated to the integrated adjustable methods for polymer flooding in north-east block of Lamadian oilfield at the latter development period so that it cou
    ld made this technology became more scientifization and standardization.
    This paper introduced the details of the sedimentary character and the distribution character of remaining oil after polymer flooding in the pay-sands Pu I 1-2 of north-east block which utilized the polymer flooding. And this paper gave the changed of development indexes that was of following water flooding in the north-east water flooding. Based on it, the adjustable methods were studied which were for polymer flooding in north-east block at following water flooding period, and gave the evaluation of its effect. At the meanwhile, this paper gave the equations of deciding occasion of following water flooding and the important practical factors which decided the polymer flooding transforming to the following water flooding.
    Based on the numerical model, it forecasted the development indexes for the different dosage of polymer when the dosage of polymer was more than 400PV mg/L. It also forecasted the value of ultimate recovery factor for following water flooding at the different injection rates. At the same time, it evaluated the economic benefit of the adjusted project and gave the ratio of investment versus profit. All of these provided the academic basis for the adjustment of other blocks of the oilfield which used the following water flooding.
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