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Xinzhuang Oilfield is a Complex Fault Block Oilfield which is situated the east of the Northern Slope area , Biyang Depression. It is very complex, one of the reason is where the sandstone is very developed, the percentage about the sandstone is very high(more than 60%), the rate of the lithologic alternation is very quick, and the marker horizon is very indistinct. All that cause the stratigraphic correlation is extremely difficult. But the more major reason is it’s complex geological structure. it’s fault density and it’s diverse fault system is seldom seen not only in NanXiang Basin but also in the east of our country. So the study on it’s structural attitude and structural style is valuable both in theory and practice.
     This paper has demonstrated and analysed the structural attitude and formation of Xinzhuang Oilfield from the extension and strike-slip theory relying on it’s existing datum about well drilling, logging , seismic, well test and means of production. guided by the modern petroleum geology theory, using geophysical exploration of new technology and the computer simulation and forecast, integrating different information and study results. After the conformational study, use the outcome of deposition research in Xizhuang Oilfield, this paper have analysed the formation condition, the controlling factor and the relationship of all different key element on form oil pool, researched the migration, accumulation mechanismand the law of evolvement,extrapolated the law of reservoir zonation and advanced the rationality and necessity. Different areas reservoir distribution model, the selection of appropriate technology supporting the overall exploration and development plans. By analyzing favorable exploration potential, evaluating exploration targets, effective guidance to further oil and gas exploration; moreover, depended on this item, writer has a beneficial advanced research about the formation mechanism to Biyang Depression, where Xizhuang Oilfield located.
     The study results are as follows:①In the possession of basic geological information, a full proof was made about structural attitude, structural Background and its cause, that the extend movement formed Xizhuang Oilfield basic structure pattern, and the strike-slip motion ultimately laid the Xizhuang Oilfield current structure outlook. Extended and strike-slip movement is Xizhuang Oilfield tectonic the basic mechanism,is also present in Xizhuang Oilfield reservoir pattern of important reasons”.②D iscussed why Xizhuang Oilfield have many Oil Layer and smaller Reservoir height from universality and relativity of Fault sealing.③According to the analysis of Biyang Depression Xizhuang Oilfield structure and reservoir distribution, exploring the oilfield exploration and development prospects.④Exploring the genesis of Biyang Depression internal structure.
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