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The vitality of international criminal justice exists in thematerialization of international justice, where internationalprosecutors and their discretion are key elements. Internationalprosecutors are the persons that have powers of investigation andprosecution in international criminal judicial institutionsindependently and play an important role in international criminaljustice. It’s the international criminal judicial institutions thatinternational prosecutors come from, including Nuremberg InternationalMilitary Tribunal, Tokyo International Military Tribunal, InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, International CrimininalTribunal for Rwanda and International Crimininal Court. It’s noted thatthe hybrid tribunals have developed these years, which have hybridcharacteristics, but the author thinks they’re “quasi” internationalcriminal judicial institutions rather than real ones, therefore thenon-national prosecutors in them are “quasi” international prosecutorsinstead of real ones too.
     With development of international criminal justice, internationalsociety has more and more interests in international prosecutors. Inparticular, the investigation proprio motu provided by Rome Statute andthe appointment in April2003of the first Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court no doubt brought into the foreground the importance of thediscretionary powers attributed to international prosecutors. In thecontext, this article aims to illustrate the definitions, the history,the basic requirements, the constitution, as well as the accountabilityand supervision of international prosecutorial discretion, then to putforward some advice to improvement of international prosecutorialdiscretion, and to retrospect and prospect the relationship betweeninternational prosecutors and China.
     There are six chapters in this article aside from introduction andconclusion remarks.
     Chapter One is on the analysis of the conceptions of internationalprosecutorial discretion. There are three parts in this chapter. The firstpart elaborates and illustrates the definition of internationalprosecutor, including its history, title, intension and extension. Thesecond part analyses the definition of discretion, including its meaning,the meaning of prosecutorial discretion, and the cmparison with jucicialdiscretion. The third part explains the attribute of internationalprosecutorial discretion, by comparing the prosecutorial discretionbetween international and national levels.
     Chapter Two is on the development of international judicialinstitutions and international prosecutors. This chapter centres on theconstitution, backgrounds of Nuremberg International Military Tribunal,Tokyo International Military Tribunal, International Criminal Tribunalfor the Former Yugoslavia, International Crimininal Tribunal for Rwandaand International Crimininal Court, as well as their prosecutorialsystems and powers, and then concludes that all the above-mentionedelements have impacts on international prosecutorial discretion and itsfuture.
     Chapter Three is on the basic requirements of internationalprosecutorial discretion. There are three parts in this chapter. First of all is about independence, which the author devides into independenceof the status and that of the employment. The second is about impartiality,which includes real impartiality and perceived impartiality. And the lastbut not the least is about efficiency. These requirements are vested withspecific, concrete and important implications, which run through theexercise of international prosecutorial discretion, and influence theoperation and development of the prosecutorial powers’ architecture.
     Chapter Four is on the content and representation of internationalprosecutorial discretion. There are two parts in this chapter. The firstpart elaborates discretion in investigation, which consists in but notequals to investigation powers. The second part is about discretion inprosecution, which is the core of prosecutorial discretion. In addition,the author brings forward the conflicts in the exercise of discretion,for instance, the policy of inviting referrals, peripherization ofselective investigation, discrimination of selective prosecution, andinterference of peace process.
     Chapter Five is on the accountability and supervision ofinternational prosecutorial discretion. There are three parts in thischapter. The first are the reasons why accountability of prosecutorialdiscretion has emerged and developed. On the one hand, the practicalreasons are the misconducts of international prosecutors, their expandingdiscretion and independence, and cultivation of rule of law as well asprotection of human rights; on the other hand, the theoretical reasonsare power principle, delegation principle, harm principle. The secondpart construes accountability of international prosecutors, includingthe definition, classification, subjects and objects of accountability,ets. And in the last part the author analyzes the supervision ofinternational prosecutorial discretion consisting of judicialsupervision, policital balance and administrative intendance.
     Chapter Six is on the improvement of international prosecutorial discretion and China’s measures. There are three parts in this chapter.The first part is on the guidelines of the prosecutorial discretion, whosenecessity have been embodied in normalization of internationalprosecutorial powers. Secondly, the author puts forward some advice onimprovement of prosecutorial discretion, such as the establishment ofconditional admitted amnesty, limited plea bargain andthe-third-party-involved independent oversight mechanism. Finally sheanalyzes the relationship between China and international prosecutors.She concludes the role of China in international criminal justice by itsparticipation in international prosecutorial work, and conceives themeasures for prosecutorial discretion in International Crimininal Courtsince China will take part in it sooner or later.
    2Antonio Casses Paola Gaeta John R.W. D. Jones, The Rome statute of the international criminalcourt: A commentary Volume II, Oxford University Press, p.163. in Jingbo Dong, ProsecutorialDiscretion at the International Criminal Court: A Comparative Study, Journal of Politics and Law,Vol.2,2009.
    1Jingbo Dong: Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court: A Comparative Study,Journal of Politics and Law, Vol.2,2009.
    3Luc C té, Reflections On The Exercise Of Prosecutorial Discretion In International CriminalLaw, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    7F.H.16/61Registrar of Companies v. Kardosh16P.D.1209,1215.转引自信春鹰:《公法》(三)卷,法律出版社2001年版,第462页。
    8See H. Hart and A. Sacks, The Legal Process: Basic Problems in the Making and Application ofLaw, Foundation Press,1958, p.162.转引自信春鹰:《公法》(三)卷,法律出版社2001年版,第
    1Bryan A.Garner ed., Black's Law Dictionary, Seventh Edition, West Group,1999, P479.
    1See Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko, Symposium--Prosecutorial Discretion--Prosecutorial DiscretionBefore National Courts And International Tribunals, Journal of International Criminal Justice,Vol.3,2005.
    2See Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko, Symposium--Prosecutorial Discretion--Prosecutorial DiscretionBefore National Courts And International Tribunals, Journal of International Criminal Justice,Vol.3,2005.
    4Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko, Symposium--Prosecutorial Discretion--Prosecutorial Discretion BeforeNational Courts And International Tribunals, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    5Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretionat The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    6Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko, Symposium--Prosecutorial Discretion--Prosecutorial DiscretionBefore National Courts And International Tribunals, Journal of International Criminal Justice,Vol.3,2005.
    8Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko, Symposium--Prosecutorial Discretion--Prosecutorial Discretion BeforeNational Courts And International Tribunals, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    4ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Anto Furund ija, The Trial Chamber’s formal complaint to the Prosecutorconcerning the conduct of the Prosecution, The Trial Chamber, IT-95-17/1, Jun.5,1998.
    2Ann Tusa and John Tusa, The Nuremberg Trial, Macmillan,1983, p.487-488.
    5Report of Secretary-General Pursuant To Paragraph2of Security Council Resolution808(1993),at http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N93/248/35/IMG/N9324835.pdf?OpenElement, Feb.2,2012.
    2Richard May, Challenges to Indictments in International Criminal Trials, in Sienho Yee and WangTieya (eds.), International Law In The Post-cold War World: Essays In Memory Of Li Haopei,Routledge,2001, pp.433-434.
    3Minutes of the Opening Session of the Tribunal, at http://www.holocaust-history.org/works/nmt/01/htm/t025.htm, Feb.23,2012.
    1See William A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the InternationalCriminal Court, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    1[意]Fausto Pocar:《前南国际刑事法庭刑事程序中的普通法和大陆法传统:油能溶于水吗》(王进喜、王桂玥译),《证据科学》2010年第3期。
    1参见[意]Fausto Pocar:《前南国际刑事法庭刑事程序中的普通法和大陆法传统:油能溶于水吗》(王进喜、王桂玥译),《证据科学》2010年第3期。
    1最早由美国学者David J Scheffer提出。See Alberto Costi, Hybrid Tribunals as a Viable TransitionalJustice Mechanism to Combat Impunity in Post-Conflict Situations, New Zealand Universities LawReview, Vol.22,2006.
    2Krieger v. Law Soc’y (Alta.),[2002]217D.L.R.(4th)513,527. In Allison Marston Danner,Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretion at The InternationalCriminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    1切利毕奇是波西尼亚的一个村庄名,在波西尼亚战争中被用作关押犯人的集中营。在本案中一共起诉了4名被告:兹扎夫可·缪斯奇(Zdravko Muci)(被判9年监禁)、哈兹敏·戴利奇(Hazim Deli)(被判
    18年监禁)、埃萨德·兰卓(Esad Land o)(被判15年监禁)、詹尼尔·戴拉季奇(Zejnil Delali)(被宣告无罪)。
    2See ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic, Zdravko Mucic, Hazim Delic and Esad Land o, Jugement,The Appeals Chamber,IT-96-21-A, Feb.20,2001.
    3德国传统上往往将法官独立性分为职务独立和身份独立两个方面,笔者认为研究国际检察官裁量权的独立性也可借用这样一种分析。参见O.R.Kissel, Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz: Kommertar (Muenchen:3.Aufl.,Beck Verlag,2001),§1Rdnr.9, p.123.转引自魏武:《国际刑事司法体系的结构性保障——国际检察官独立性和公正性之评析》,载《武大国际法评论》第4卷。
    2Human Rights Watch, Prosecutorial Incompetence Frees Rwandan Genocide Suspect, at http://www.hrw.org/news/1999/11/08/prosecutorial-incompetence-frees-rwandan-genocide-suspect, Feb.7,2012.
    4United Nations General Assembly A/51/789, at http://www.undemocracy.com/A-51-789.pdf, Feb.7,2012.
    5B. Crane, Linguistic Debate Bogs Tokyo Trial, French Prosecutor is Accused of Contempt forInsisting on Using His Language, New York Times, Oct.2,1946. in Frédéric Mégret, InternationalProsecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies Working PaperNo.18, Dec.9,2008.
    2Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko, Symposium--Prosecutorial Discretion--Prosecutorial Discretion BeforeNational Courts And International Tribunals, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    1See F. Harhoff, Legal and practical Problems in the International Prosecution of Individual,Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol.69,2000.
    4Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretionat The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.51998年,南联盟政府指责塞尔维亚境内科索沃自治省的阿族武装分子多次发动暴力袭击,派遣军队进入科索沃。于是美国及其盟国指责南联盟在科索沃杀害了大批阿族居民,制造了“人道主义灾难”,对南联盟制裁,并于1999年以南联盟政府拒绝执行西方国家主导的和平协议为由,领导北约对南斯拉夫进行空
    3Stefan Paas, Creation and judgement: Creation Texts In Some Eighth Century Prophets, BrillAcademic Pub,2003, p.317.
    5Elizabeth Howe OBE, Submission by the International Association of Prosecutors to the Search Committee for the position of ICC Prosecutor, at http://www.iap-association.org/ressources/ICC_Prosecutor-finalEH2_[1].pdf, Feb.9,2012.
    1Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretionat The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    3See ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic, Zdravko Mucic, Hazim Delic and Esad Land o, Jugement,The Appeals Chamber, IT-96-21-A, Feb.20,2001.
    2August von Knierem, The Nuremberg Trials (1959), p.179, in Frédéric Mégret, InternationalProsecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies Working PaperNo.18, Dec.9,2008.
    2C.Steains, Situations that May Affect the Functioning of the Court,in R. S. Lee(ed),TheInternational Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence,Transnational Publischers,2001, p.300.转引自魏武:《国际刑事司法体系的结构性保障——国际检察官独立性和公正性之评析》,载《武大国际法评论》第4卷。
    4See Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of ProsecutorialDiscretion at The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    2ICTY, Final Report to the Prosecutor by the Committee Established to Review the NATO BombingCampaign Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jun.13,2000.
    3ICTY, Final Report to the Prosecutor by the Committee Established to Review the NATO BombingCampaign Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jun.13,2000.
    1Regulations of the Office of the Prosecutor, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/FFF971
    2ICC, Sixth Diplomatic Briefing of the International Criminal Court, at http://www.acicc.org/iccreports/sixthdiplomaticbrifeing/060323_ICC_Diplomatic_Briefing_Information_Package_English.pdf, Feb.9,2012.
    3Frederick Schauer, Rule-based decision-making in the development of legal institutions inpolitical environments, Guest Lecture Series of the Office of the Prosecutor, at http://212.
    159.242.181/iccdocs/asp_docs/library/organs/otp/Schauer_presentation.pdf, Feb.9,2012.
    4Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre forGlobal Governance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    5Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretion at The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003, p.548.
    6ICC, Sixth Diplomatic Briefing of the International Criminal Court, at http://www.acicc.org/iccreports/sixthdiplomaticbrifeing/060323_ICC_Diplomatic_Briefing_Information_Package_English.pdf, Feb.9,2012.
    1ICC, Sixth Diplomatic Briefing of the International Criminal Court, at http://www.acicc.org/iccreports/sixthdiplomaticbrifeing/060323_ICC_Diplomatic_Briefing_Information_Package_English.pdf, Feb.9,2012.
    2Second public hearing of the Office of the Prosecution, Session1: Interested States, athttp://www.icc-cpi.int/NetApp/App/MCMSTemplates/Index.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRNODEGUID={7CA0BC2E-DE0E-49F1-95BD-5250E37CA96B}&NRORIGINALURL=/Menus/ICC/Structure+of+the+Court/Office+of+the+Prosecutor/Network+with+Partners/Public+Hearings/Second+Public+Hearing/Session+1/&NRCACHEHINT=Guest#id_9, Feb.6,2012.
    3Human Rights Watch, Weighing the Evidence: Lessons From the Slobodan Milosevic Trial, athttp://www.scribd.com/doc/31233754/Weighing-the-Evidence-Lessons-From-the-Slobodan-Milosevic-Trial, Feb.9,2012.
    5Lisa Clifford and Katy Glassborow, Lubanga Trial Delay Concerns, at http://iwpr.net/report-news/lubanga-trial-delay-concerns, Feb.9,2012.
    1Megan Fairlie, The Marriage of Common and Continental Law at the ICTY and its Progeny, Due ProcessDeficit, International Criminal Law Review, Vol.4,2004.
    2See ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic, Decision on Prosecution Interlocutory Appealfrom Refusal to Order Joinder, The Appeals Chamber, IT-99-37-AR73, IT-01-50-AR73, IT-01-51-AR73,Feb.1,2002.
    3Alex Whiting, In International Criminal Prosecutions, Justice Delayed Can Be Justice Delivered,Harvard International Law Journal, Vol.50,2009.
    4See ICTR, The Prosecutor v. Fatmir Limaj, Haradin Bala&Isak Musliu, Judgement, Trial ChamberII, IT-03-66-T, Nov.30,2005.
    1See Mark B. Harmon and Fergal Gaynor, Prosecuting Massive Crimes with Primitive Tools: ThreeDifficulties Encountered by Prosecutors in International Criminal Proceedings, Journal ofInternational Criminal Justice, Vol.2,2004.
    2Alex Whiting, In International Criminal Prosecutions, Justice Delayed Can Be Justice Delivered,Harvard International Law Journal, Vol.50,2009.
    4Alex Whiting, In International Criminal Prosecutions, Justice Delayed Can Be Justice Delivered,Harvard International Law Journal, Vol.50,2009.
    6Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for Global
    Governance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    2ICTR, Prosecutor v. Eliézer Niyitegeka, Warning to the Prosecutor’s counsel pursuant to rule
    46(A), Trial Chamber II, ICTR-96-14-T, Feb.27,2001.
    4Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    2ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Anto Furund ija, The Trial Chamber’s formal complaint to the Prosecutorconcerning the conduct of the Prosecution, The Trial Chamber, IT-95-17/1, Jun.5,1998.
    1Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    3See Mark B. Harmon and Fergal Gaynor, Prosecuting Massive Crimes with Primitive Tools: ThreeDifficulties Encountered by Prosecutors in International Criminal Proceedings, Journal ofInternational Criminal Justice, Vol.2,2004.
    4Alex Whiting, In International Criminal Prosecutions, Justice Delayed Can Be Justice Delivered,Harvard International Law Journal, Vol.50,2009.
    5See Mark B. Harmon and Fergal Gaynor, Prosecuting Massive Crimes with Primitive Tools: ThreeDifficulties Encountered by Prosecutors in International Criminal Proceedings, Journal ofInternational Criminal Justice, Vol.2,2004.
    1Human Rights Watch, ICC Prosecutor Identifies Suspects in First Darfur Case, Questions andAnswers, at http://www.iccnow.org/documents/DarfurICCwarrants_QA_27Feb07.pdf, Feb.24,2012.
    2Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    3ICTY, Final Report to the Prosecutor by the Committee Established to Review the NATO BombingCampaign Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jun.13,2000.
    7Luc C té, Reflections on the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion in International CriminalLaw, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    1ICTY, Final Report to the Prosecutor by the Committee Established to Review the NATO BombingCampaign Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Jun.13,2000.
    2Luc C té, Reflections on the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion in International CriminalLaw, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    4Annex to the "Paper on some policy issues before the Office of the Prosecutor":Referrals andCommunications, at http://www.amicc.org/docs/ICC%20OTP%20Policy%20Paper%20Annex%20210404.pdf,Feb.10,2012.
    1Annex to the "Paper on some policy issues before the Office of the Prosecutor":Referrals andCommunications, at http://www.amicc.org/docs/ICC%20OTP%20Policy%20Paper%20Annex%20210404.pdf,Feb.10,2012.
    1Luis Moreno Ocampo, Report on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, to the Security Council Pursuant to UNSCR1593(2005), at http://www.iccnow.org/documents/ICC_UNSC_ReportonDarfur_29Jun05_eng.pdf, Feb.9,2012.22006年,检察官办公室发布了名为《案件和情势选择标准草案》的政策报告附件,但并未最终公开。SeeWilliam A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the International CriminalCourt, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    1该案例所有注释均出自《Request for authorisation of an investigation pursuant to Article15》。See ICC-OTP, Request for authorisation of an investigation pursuant to Article15, Nov.26,2009.
    2ICC-OTP, Report on the Activities Performed During the First Three Years (June2003-June2006),Sept.12,2006.
    3See Draft Policy Paper on Preliminary Examinations, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/E278F5A2-A4F9-43D7-83D2-6A2C9CF5D7D7/282515/OTP_Draftpolicypaperonpreliminaryexaminations04
    101.pdf, Feb.27,2011.
    1See Communications, Referrals and Preliminary Examinations, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/Menus/ICC/Structure+of+the+Court/Office+of+the+Prosecutor/Comm+and+Ref/, Mar.9,2012.
    2See ICC-OTP, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Request for authorisation of an investigationpursuant to Article15, ICC-01/09-3, Nov.26,2009.
    3ICC-OTP, OTP Report on Preliminary Examinations, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/63682F4E-49C8-445D-8C13-F310A4F3AEC2/284116/OTPReportonPreliminaryExaminations13December2011.pdf, Mar.9,2012.
    3ICC, The Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, Judgment on the Appeal ofMr. Germain Katanga against the Oral Decision of Trial Chamber II of12June2009on theAdmissibility of the Case, The Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/07-1497, Sept.25,2009.
    2ICC, The Prosecutor v. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, Judgment on the appeal of the Prosecutoragainst the “Decision on the Prosecution’s Application for a Warrant of Arrest against OmarHassan Ahmad Al Bashir”,The Appeals Chamber, ICC-02/05-01/09-OA, Feb.30,2010.
    1See M. El Zeidy, The Ugandan Government Triggers the First Test of the Complementarity Principle:An Assessment of the First State's Party Referral to the ICC, International Criminal Law Review,vol.5,2005.
    2See ICC, Situation in Uganda, Decision to Convene a Status Conference on the Investigation inthe Situation in Uganda in Relation to the Application of Art.53, Pre-Trial Chamber II,ICC-02/04-01/05, Dec.2,2005.
    1Human Rights Watch, ICC Takes Decisive Step for Justice in Uganda, at http://www.iccnow.org/documents/HRW_Ugandaarrests_14octr05.pdf, Mar.11,2012.
    2ICJ, Case Concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic ofthe Congo v. Uganda), judgment,ISSN0074-4441,ISBN92-1-071016-9, Dec.19,2005.
    3ICC-OTP, Statement of the Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo to Diplomatic Corps, at http://www.iccnow.org/documents/OTPStatementDiploBriefing12Feb04.pdf, Mar.16,2012.
    1See Patrick Smith, Interview: Luis Moreno-Ocampo, ICC Prosecutor, at http://www.theafricareport.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3281793&catid=54, Feb.7,2012.
    1Anne-Sophie Massa, NATO's Intervention in Kosovo and the Decision of the Prosecutor of theInternational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Not to Investigate: An Abusive Exerciseof Prosecutorial Discretion? Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol.24,2006.
    2See Hassan B. Jallow, Prosecutorial Discretion And International Criminal Justice, Journal OfInternational Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    2See Hassan B. Jallow, Prosecutorial Discretion And International Criminal Justice, Journal OfInternational Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    3Regina E. Rauxloh, Plea Bargaining-A Necessary Tool for the International Criminal Prosecutor,Judicature, Vol.94,2011.
    1ICTY, Prosecutor v. Dra en Erdemovi, Sentencing Judgment, The Trial Chamber, IT-96-22-Tbis,Mar.5,1998.
    1ICC, Situation In The Republic Of Kenya, Decision Pursuant to Article15of the Rome Statuteon the Authorization of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Pre-TrialChamber II, ICC-01/09-19, Mar.31,2010.
    2如安东尼奥·卡塞塞(Antonio Cassese)、保拉·盖塔(Paola Gaeta)和约翰·琼斯(John Jones)主编的《国际刑事法院罗马规约:评述》这一权威注释便没有涉猎该问题,甚至注释的目录中都未提到,这与占了目录较大篇幅的“补充性”问题形成鲜明对比;奥托特里夫特勒(Otto Triffterer)主编的《国际刑事法院规约评注》对“严重性”问题的讨论涉及了两个简单而没有信息量的段落;而艾瑞克·大卫(EricDavid)《国际刑事法院》一书在可受理性的注释中干脆将这个概念完全省略。See William A. Schabas,Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the International Criminal Court, Journal ofInternational Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    3The Prosecutor, Communications Received by the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC,pids.009.2003-EN, at http://www.amicc.org/docs/Ocompo7_16_03.pdf, Feb.10,2012.
    3Annex to the "Paper on some policy issues before the Office of the Prosecutor": Referrals andCommunications, at http://www.amicc.org/docs/ICC%20OTP%20Policy%20Paper%20Annex%20210404.pdf,Feb.10,2012.
    6Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Statement by the Chief Prosecutor on the Uganda Arrest Warrants, athttp://www.icc-cpi.int/menus/icc/situations%20and%20cases/situations/situation%20icc%200204/related%20cases/icc%200204%200105/press%20releases/press%20conference%20on%20the%20uganda%20arrest%20warrants, Feb.10,2012.
    7Statement by Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Informal
    meeting of Legal Advisors of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, at, Feb.10,2012.
    3Statement by Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fourth Sessionof the Assembly of States Parties, at http://www.iccnow.org/?mod=asp4, Feb.10,2012.
    1Statement on communications concerning Iraq, The Hague, Feb.9,2006, pp.8-9. in William A.Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the International Criminal Court,Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    2Luis Moreno ocampo, Report on the Proseeutor of the International Criminal Court, to the Security Counsil Pursuant to UNSCR1593(2005), at http://www.iccnow.org/documents/ICC_UNSC_ReportonDarfur_29Jun05_eng.pdf, Feb.9,2012.
    3See William A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the InternationalCriminal Court, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    1See William A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the InternationalCriminal Court, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    2Informal expert paper: The principle of complementarity in practice, at http://www.iclklamberg.com/Caselaw/OTP/Informal%20Expert%20paper%20The%20principle%20of%20complementarity%20in%20practice.pdf, Feb.10,2012.
    3See William A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the InternationalCriminal Court, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    5Eleventh Diplomatic Briefing of the International Criminal Court, at
    1/NR/rdonlyres/E1900488-5437-4771-BA50-45271FD9AE72/278576/ICCDB11St_en.pdf, Feb.10,2012.
    6ICC, Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Warrant of Arrest, Pre-Trial Chamber I, ICC-01/04-01/06,Feb.10,2006.
    1See William A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the InternationalCriminal Court, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    4Gilbert Burnham et al., Mortality after the2003Invasion of Iraq: A Cross-sectional Cluster Sample Survey, at http://web.mit.edu/cis/lancet-study-101106.pdf, Feb.11,2012; L. Roberts et al., Mortality Before and After the2003Invasion of Iraq: Cluster Sample Survey, at http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~chazelle/politics/bib/lancet.pdf, Feb.11,2012.
    5Statement by Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Press Conference in relation with the surrender to the Court of Mr.Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, at, Feb.29,2012.
    1See William A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the InternationalCriminal Court, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    2ICC-OTP, Policy Paper On The Interests Of Justice, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/
    772C95C9-F54D-4321-BF09-73422BB23528/143640/ICCOTPInterestsOfJustice.pdf, feb.22,2012.
    1See Report of the Secretary-general, The rule of law and transitional justice in conflict andpost-conflict societies, S/2004/616, Aug.23,2004.
    2ICC-OTP, Policy Paper On The Interests Of Justice, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/
    772C95C9-F54D-4321-BF09-73422BB23528/143640/ICCOTPInterestsOfJustice.pdf, feb.22,2012.
    2前南国际法庭在对检察官撤销指控的决定中写道:“进一步考虑到检察官于1997年12月18日根据《根据程序与证据规则》规则51所提出的要求对马林克·卡塔瓦(Marinko Katava)撤销指控的动议,其理由为无法提供可以证明诉状中每项指控的充分依据。”See ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Zoran Kupreskic, etal.,Decision On Motion By The Prosecutor For Withdrawl Of Indictment Against Marinko Katava, TheTrial Chamber, IT-95-16, Dec.19,1997.
    3前南国际法庭在对检察官撤销指控的决定中写道:“考虑到检察官办公室可以获得的资料以及规约第20条关于公正及时审判的要求。”See ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Dusko Sikirica And Others, Order GrantingLeave For Withdrawl Of Charges Against Nikica Janjic, Dragan Kondic, Goran Lajic, Dragomir Saponja,and Nedjeljko Timarac, Judge Lal Chand Vohrah, IT-95-8, May5,1998.
    4ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic, Zdravko Mucic, Hazim Delic and Esad Land o, Jugement,The Appeals Chamber, IT-96-21-A, Feb.20,2001.
    5ICTR, The Prosecutor v. Bernard Ntuyahaga, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion to Withdraw the
    1ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic, Zdravko Mucic, Hazim Delic and Esad Land o, Jugement,The Appeals Chamber, IT-96-21-A, Feb.20,2001.
    3R. G. Teitel, Transitional Justice, Oxford University Press,2000, p.40. in Luc C té, Reflectionson the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Law, Journal ofInternational Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    1Gary Jonathan Bass, Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals, PrincetonUniversity Press,2000, p.285.
    4R. G. Teitel, Transitional Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000, p.51. in Luc C té,Reflections on the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Law, Journalof International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    5W. Bourdon, La Cour pénale internationale, Seuil,2000, p.165. in Luc C té, Reflections on theExercise of Prosecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Law, Journal of InternationalCriminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    6See S. Zappalà, Human Rights in International Criminal Proceedings, Oxford University Press,2003, p.38,作者谈到国际刑事法院预审阶段司法监督的恰当性时,附带说明:“这个要素对于临时性法庭并非必须,因为在那种情形下,当建立法庭的决定产生之时,安理会已经对刑事调查和起诉的政治影响作过了估量。”in Luc C té, Reflections on the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion in InternationalCriminal Law, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    2See William A. Schabas, Prosecutorial Discretion v. Judicial Activism at the InternationalCriminal Court, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.6,2008.
    3Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    1See Farhan Haq, ICC and its Power of Prosecution, at http://www.ips.org/icc/background/backdoce.htm, Feb.12,2012.
    1see Matthew Brzezinski, Giving Hitler Hell, at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/21/AR2005072101680_pf.html, Feb.26,2012.
    1See G. Di Federico, Prosecutorial Independence and the Democratic Requirement of Accountabilityin Italy: Analysis of a Deviant Case in a Comparative Perspective, British Journal of Criminology,Vol.38,1998.
    1Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    2Andreas Schedler, Conceptualizing Accountability, in Andreas Schedler et al. eds.,TheSelf-Restraining State: Power And Accountability In New Democracies, Lynne Rienner,1999,pp.14-15.
    4Stefan Paas, Creation and judgement: Creation Texts In Some Eighth Century Prophets, BrillAcademic Pub,2003, p.317.
    6See ICC, The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision On The Consequences Of Non-DisclosureOf Exculpatory Materials Covered By Article54(3)(e) Agreements And The Application To Stay TheProsecution Of The Accused, Trial Chamber I, ICC-01/04-01/06, Jun.13,2008.
    1ICTR, Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza v. The Prosecutor, Decision, The Appeals Chamber, ICTR-97-19, Nov.3,1999.
    2ICC, Situation in Darfur, Sudan, Decision on Confidentiality Matters and Extension of Page Limit,Pre-Trial Chamber, ICC-02/05, Jun.8,2007.
    3Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    1Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretionat The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    1Minutes of the Opening Session of the Tribunal, at http://www.holocaust-history.org/works/nmt/01/htm/t026.htm, Feb.26,2012.
    2Order of the Tribunal Rejecting the Motion to Amend the Indictment by Adding the Name of AlfriedKrupp Von Bohlen as a Defendant, at http://www.holocaust-history.org/works/imt/01/htm/t146.htm,Feb.26,2012.
    1Judith A. Mcmorrow, Creating Norms of Attorney Conduct in International Tribunals: A Case Studyof the ICTY, Boston College International&Comparative Law Review, Vol.30,2007.
    2Judith A. Mcmorrow, Creating Norms of Attorney Conduct in International Tribunals: A Case Studyof the ICTY, Boston College International&Comparative Law Review, Vol.30,2007.
    3ICTR, The Prosecutor v. Pauline Nyiramasuhuko&Arsène Shalom Ntahobali (Case No. ICTR-97-21-T),Sylvain Nsabimana&Alphonse Nteziryayo (Case No. ICTR-97-29-T), Joseph Kanyabashi (Case No.ICTR-96-15-T) and élie Ndayambaje(Case No. ICTR-96-8-T), Decision on The Prosecutor’s Allegationsof Contempt, The Harmonisation of The Witness Protection Measures and Warning to the Prosecutor’s Counsel, The Trial Chamber II, Jul.10,2001.
    5ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Anto Furund ija, The Trial Chamber’s formal complaint to the Prosecutorconcerning the conduct of the Prosecution, The Trial Chamber, IT-95-17/1, Jun.5,1998.
    6See ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic, Decision On Prosecution Motion For Voir DireProceeding, The Trial Chamber,IT-02-54-T, Jun.9,2005.
    8ICTR, Prosecutor v. Eliézer Niyitegeka, Warning to the Prosecutor’s counsel pursuant to rule
    46(A), Trial Chamber II, ICTR-96-14-T, Feb.27,2001.
    1ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Anto Furund ija, The Trial Chamber’s formal complaint to the Prosecutorconcerning the conduct of the Prosecution, The Trial Chamber, IT-95-17/1, Jun.5,1998.
    2ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Anto Furund ija, Prosecutor’s Response to the Formal Complaint ofthe Trial Chamber issued on5June1998, The Trial Chamber, IT-95-17/1, Dec.11,1998, in Louise Arbour, Lawyers In A World Criminal Court, at http://www.lsuc.on.ca/media/justice_louise_arbour_professionalism_march0504.pdf, Feb.9,2012.
    3Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    4See ICTR, The Prosecutor v. Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Augustin Bizimungu, Fran ois-XavierNzuwonemeye, Innocent Sagahutu, Decision on defence motion alleging violation of theprosecutor’s disclosure obligations pursuant to rule68, Trial Chamber II, ICTR-00-56-T, Sept.22,2008.
    5See ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic, Zdravko mucic, Hazim Delic and Esad Land o, Decisionon the Motions for the Exclusion of Evidence By The Accused, Zejnil Delalic, The Trial Chamber,IT-96-21-A, Sept.25,1997.
    6ICTR, The Prosecutor v. Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Augustin Bizimungu, Fran ois-Xavier
    Nzuwonemeye, Innocent Sagahutu, Decision on defence motion alleging violation of theprosecutor’s disclosure obligations pursuant to rule68, Trial Chamber II, ICTR-00-56-T, Sept.22,2008.
    2ICTR, Prosecutor v. Eliézer Niyitegeka, Judgment, The Appeals Chamber, ICTR-96-14, Jul.9,2004.in Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre forGlobal Governance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    4ICTY, The Prosecutor v.Dragan Nikoli, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Concerning Legalityof Arrest, The Appeals Chamber, IT-94-2-AR73, Jun.5,2003.
    5ICTR, Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza v. The Prosecutor, Decision, The Appeals Chamber,ICTR-97-19, Nov.3,1999.
    6ICC, The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Judgment on the Appeal of Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyiloagainst the Decision on the Defence Challenge to the Jurisdiction of the Court pursuant to article19(2) of the Statute of3October2006, The Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-772, Dec.14,2006.
    7ICC, The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision On The Consequences Of Non-DisclosureOf Exculpatory Materials Covered By Article54(3)(e) Agreements And The Application To Stay TheProsecution Of The Accused, Trial Chamber I, ICC-01/04-01/06, Jun.13,2008.
    1Frédéric Mégret, International Prosecutors: Accountability and Ethics, Leuven Centre for GlobalGovernance Studies Working Paper No.18, Dec.9,2008.
    2ICC, The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision On The Consequences Of Non-DisclosureOf Exculpatory Materials Covered By Article54(3)(e) Agreements And The Application To Stay TheProsecution Of The Accused, Trial Chamber I, ICC-01/04-01/06, Jun.13,2008.
    5ICTY, The Prosecutor v.Dragan Nikoli, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal Concerning Legalityof Arrest, The Appeals Chamber, IT-94-2-AR73, Jun.5,2003.
    1G. J. Bass, Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals, Princeton UniversityPress,2000, pp.230-244.
    2See Richard Goldstone, Comment: The Tribunal's Progress, at http://iwpr.net/index.pl?archive/tri/tri_220_2_eng.txt, Feb.14,2012.
    3See Matthew R. Brubacher, Prosecutorial Discretion within the International CriminalCourt,Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.2,2004, p.74.
    3参见《联合国安理会第1534(2004)号决议》,S/RES/1534(2004), http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/04/s1534.htm,(访问日期:2011年6月30日)。
    2Alfred Ngotezi, ICTR Tackles Racism Allegations, at http://allafrica.com/stories/200105230
    428.html, Feb.12,2012.
    1Minutes of Proceedings, Karemera et al.,ICTR-98-44-T, Trial day141, at http://ictr-archive09.library.cornell.edu/ENGLISH/cases/Karemera/minutes/2007/141-071001.pdf, Feb12,2012.
    1Strengthening the International Criminal Court and the Assembly of States Parties, ICC-ASP/4/Res.4, at http://uclalawforum.com/media/background/oversight/2005-12-03_Resolution_ICC-ASP-4-Res.4_(English).pdf, Feb.12,2012.
    2Establishment of an independent oversight mechanism, ICC-ASP/8/Res.1, at http://uclalawforum.com/media/background/oversight/2009-11-26_Resolution_ICC-ASP-8-Res.1_(English).pdf, Feb.12,2012.
    3Staff Regulations, ICC-ASP/2/Res.2, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/3119BD70-DFB6-4B8C-BC17-3019CC1D0E21/140182/Staff_Regulations_120704EN.pdf, Mar.1,2012.
    1Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Oversight Question, at http://uclalawforum.com/oversight, Feb.12,2012.
    1香港《检控政策及常规——检控人员守则(THE STATEMENT OF PROSECUTION POLICY AND PRACTICE-Codefor Prosecutors)》之引言(Introduction), http://www.doj.gov.hk/sc/public/pubsoppapcon.htm,
    2参见欧盟成员国部长会议《关于检察官在刑事司法制度中的作用(THE ROLE OF PUBLIC PROSECUTION INTHE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM)》的第(2000)19号建议及说明性备忘录(Explanatory Memorandum)。
    4参见联合国《关于检察官作用的准则(Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors)》(UNDoc.A/CONF.144/28/Rev.1)。
    1Avril McDonald and Roelof Haveman, Prosecutorial Discretion--Some Thoughts on ‘Objectifying’ the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion by the Prosecutor of the ICC, at http://www.issafrica.org/anicj/uploads/McDonald-Haveman_issues_relevant.pdf, Feb.14,2012.
    2See Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of ProsecutorialDiscretion at The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    3Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretionat The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    4Avril McDonald and Roelof Haveman, Prosecutorial Discretion--Some Thoughts on ‘Objectifying’ the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion by the Prosecutor of the ICC, at http://www.issafrica.org/anicj/uploads/McDonald-Haveman_issues_relevant.pdf, Feb.14,2012.
    1Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretionat The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    2更多的标准在名为《检察官办公室:指控和起诉准则(Office of the Prosecutor: Charging andIndictment Guidelines)》的内部文件中规定。See Luc C té, Reflections on the Exercise ofProsecutorial Discretion in International Criminal Law, Journal of International Criminal Justice,Vol.3,2005.
    3Luc C té, Reflections on the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion in International CriminalLaw, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3,2005.
    1ICC-OTP, Paper on some policy issues before the Office of the Prosecutor,2003, http://www.amicc.org/docs/OcampoPolicyPaper9_03.pdf, Feb.29,2012.
    2Regulations of the Office of the Prosecutor, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/FFF971
    3ICC-OTP, Policies and Strategies, http://www.icc-cpi.int/Menus/ICC/Structure+of+the+Court/Office+of+the+Prosecutor/Policies+and+Strategies/, Feb.29,2012.
    4Blewitt, Interview with Graham T. Blewitt, deputy prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunalfor the Former Yugoslavia,in The Hague, the Netherlands, May21,2002. in Allison Marston Danner,Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretion at The InternationalCriminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    1ICC-OTP, Policy Paper On The Interests Of Justice, at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/
    772C95C9-F54D-4321-BF09-73422BB23528/143640/ICCOTPInterestsOfJustice.pdf, feb.22,2012.
    1Allison Marston Danner, Constructing a Hierarchy of Crimes in International Criminal LawSentencing, Virginia Law Review, Vol.87,2001, pp.444-453.
    2See Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of ProsecutorialDiscretion at The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,
    1萨拉热窝市场爆炸案是指在波斯尼亚战争中由斯普斯卡共和国军(Army of Republika Srpska)分别于1994年2月5日和1995年8月28日发动的两场针对平民的爆炸案。斯雷布雷尼察大屠杀是于1995年7月发生在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的斯雷布雷尼察的一场大屠杀,屠杀亦由斯普斯卡共和国军队在波斯尼亚战争期间执行,是第二次世界大战之后发生在欧洲的最严重的一次屠杀行为。海牙的前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭将此次屠杀定性为种族灭绝。其间,卡拉季奇是斯普斯卡共和国的总统,姆拉迪奇是斯普斯卡共和国军将军。
    2Daniel Simpson, Croatia Protects a General Charged with War Crimes, at http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/03/world/croatia-protects-a-general-charged-with-war-crimes.html?scp=1&sq=medak%
    20pocket&st=cse, Feb.29,2012.
    3Allison Marston Danner, Enhancing The Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretionat The International Criminal Court, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.97,2003.
    4参见加拿大《联邦起诉服务手册(The Federal Prosecution Service Deskbook)》第15条第3款第2项,http://www.ppsc-sppc.gc.ca/eng/fps-sfp/fpd/ch15.html,(访问日期:2012年2月2日)。
    5See Richard J. Goldstone and Nicole Fritz,‘In the Interests of Justice’ and IndependentReferral: The ICC Prosecutor’s Unprecedented Powers, Leiden Journal of International Law, Vol.13,2000.
    1Simon Chesterman, No Justice Without Peace? International Criminal Law and the Decision toProsecute, in Simon Chesterman ed., Civilians In War, Lynne Rienner,2001, p.151; Giulio M.Gallarotti and Arik Y. Preis, Politics, International Justice, and the United States: Toward aPermanent International Criminal Court, UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs,vol.4,1999.
    2Theodor Meron, Answering for War Crimes: Lessons from the Balkans, Foreign Affairs, Vol.76,1997.
    3Marlise Simons, Proud but Concerned: Tribunal Prosecutor Leaves, at http://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/15/world/proud-but-concerned-tribunal-prosecutor-leaves.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm,Feb.29,2012.
    4Richard Sisk, A Rush to Indict Slobo: Prosecutor Feared U.S. Would Let Him off Hook, at http://articles.nydailynews.com/1999-05-28/news/18097580_1_indictments-international-war-crimes-tribunal-louise-arbour, Feb.29,2012.
    5See Chris Stephen, Comment: Milo evic and the Al Capone Dimension, at http://iwpr.net/repo
    rt-news/comment-milosevic-and-al-capone-dimension, Feb.29,2012.
    1香港《检控政策及常规——检控人员守则(THE STATEMENT OF PROSECUTION POLICY AND PRACTICE-Codefor Prosecutors)》之引言(Introduction), http://www.doj.gov.hk/sc/public/pubsoppapcon.htm,(访问时间:2012年2月14日)。
    1See Norman Abrams, Internal Policy: Guiding the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion, UCLA LawReview, Vol.19,1971; Richard S. Frase, The Decision to File Federal Criminal Charges: AQuantitative Study of Prosecutorial Discretion, The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol.47,1979.
    2See Philip Alston, The Myopia of the Handmaidens: International Lawyers and Globalization,European Journal of International Law, Vol.8,1997.
    3Peter L. Lindseth, Democratic Legitimacy and the Administrative Character of Supranationalism:The Example of the European Community, Columbia Law Review, Vol.99,1999.
    4Joseph S. Nye, Globalization’s Democratic Deficit:How to Make International Institutions MoreAccountable, Foreign Affairs, Vol.80,2001.
    5Ngaire Woods, Making the IMF and the World Bank More Accountable, International Affairs, Vol.77,2001.
    7International Law Association, New Delhi Conference(2002), Committee on the Accountabilityof International Organisations, Third Report Consolidated, Revised and Enlarged Version ofRecommended Rules and Practices (“RRP-s”), at http://www.ila-hq.org/en/committees/index.cfm/cid/9, Feb.29,2012.
    8参见英国《皇家检察官法典(the Code for Crown Prosecutors)》(2010)第1条第9款、第10款。
    9Nicholas Kralev, Tribunal Considers U.S. Job Applicants, The Washington Times, Oct.22,2002,A13.
    1See Norman Abrams, Internal Policy: Guiding the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion, UCLA LawReview, Vol.19,1971.
    2See Michael A. Simons, Prosecutorial Discretion and Prosecution Guidelines: A Case Study inControlling Federalization, New York University Law Review, Vol.75,2000.
    3美国《联邦检控原则PRINCIPLES OF FEDERAL PROSECUTION》,9-27.150, at http://www.justice.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/27mcrm.htm#9-27.150, Feb.29,2012.
    4参见加拿大《联邦起诉服务手册(The Federal Prosecution Service Deskbook)》, at http://www.ppsc-sppc.gc.ca/eng/fps-sfp/fpd/ch15.html, Feb.29,2012.
    1M.Cheherif Bassiouni, Searching for Peace and Achieving Justice: The Need for Accountability,Law And Contemporary Problems, Vol.59,1996.
    2Marco Fanara, Prosecution or Impunity? Is there an Alternative? at http://www.monitor.upeace.org/archive.cfm?id_article=799, Feb.29,2012.
    1Justice Jackson's Final Report to the President Concerning the Nurnberg War Crimes Trial, athttp://www.roberthjackson.org/the-man/bibliography/justice-jacksons-final-report/, Feb.29,2012.
    2Michael P. Scharf, The Amnesty Exception to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court,Cornell International Law Journal, Vol.32,1999.
    5Michael P. Scharf, The Case for a Permanent International Truth Commission.Duke Journal OfComparative&International Law, Vol.7,1997.
    1ICTY, Prosecutor v. Anto Furund ija, Judgment, The Trial Chamber, IT-95-17/1-T, Dec.10,1998.
    2Michael P.Scharf, Trading Justice Jor Efficiency, Journal of International Criminal Justice,Vol.2,2004.
    2ICTY, Prosecutor v. Biljana Plav i, Sentencing Judgement, The Trial Chamber, IT-00-39&40/1,Feb.27,2003.
    1Regina E. Rauxloh, Plea Bargaining-A Necessary Tool for the International Criminal Prosecutor,Judicature, Vol.94,2011.
    3Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties, The Hague Working Group, Report on the IndependentOversight Mechanism, Draft Report of the Hague Working Group on the Independent OversightMechanism, Nov.5,2010, as adopted by HWG for consideration by the Bureau. in ICC-OTP, LegalMemorandum on the IOM mandate, Nov.19,2010.
    4ICC-OTP, Legal Memorandum on the IOM mandate, Nov.19,2010.
    1ICC-ASP, Independent Oversight Mechanism, ICC-ASP/9/Res.5, Dec.10,2010.
    2ICC-OTP, Legal Memorandum on the IOM mandate, Nov.19,2010.
    2ICC-ASP, Independent Oversight Mechanism, ICC-ASP/9/Res.5, Dec.10,2010.
    5ICC-ASP, Independent Oversight Mechanism, ICC-ASP/9/Res.5, Dec.10,2010.
    3ICC-OTP, Legal Memorandum on the IOM mandate, Nov.19,2010.
    5ICC-ASP, Independent Oversight Mechanism, ICC-ASP/9/Res.5, Dec.10,2010.
    7、向泽选、陈坚:《检察官客观义务的价值取向》, http://www.procedurallaw.cn/xsss/zdwz/200807/t20080724_51739.html,(访问日期:2012年2月9日)。
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