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In this paper, the author has tried to structure a relatively integrate procedure system in protection of maritime subrogation. On the basis of studying the principle theory of maritime subrogation and the stipulation of Civil Procedure Law and Maritime Procedure Law of PRC, the paper make some suggestion on the amendment to structure the subrogation procedure stipulation in connection with the judicatory practice.
    This paper is mainly divided into four parts; part one include chapter one and chapter two, in which the definition, enforcement condition and legal relationship of maritime subrogation are discussed; part two consists of chapter three and chapter four, in which the difference between stipulation of maritime subrogation and other subrogation in exercising procedure are compared in details, in addition, the character and shortage of procedure protection in maritime subrogation the paper are also been summarized; chapter five and chapter six constitute the third part, in which a proposal of procedure structure is made up by normal claim system, subrogation suit and arbitration for subrogation. In the end, the author made some suggestion on perfecting Stipulation for exercising the right of subrogation in maritime procedure law; part four, in the end of this paper, the author summarize the whole paper and structure the procedure protection system for maritime subrogation.
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    [40] 《海商法》第252条只规定了保险人在赔偿被保险人损失后,依法可取得代位求偿权,而未明确保险人应以何名义行使。但该法第254条规定,保险人从第三人处取得的赔偿超过其给付的保险赔偿的,超过部分应退还被保险人,从而暗示了保险人以被保险人行使代位权的可能性。
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    [44] 吴南伟,王榕,《试论代位求偿权的若干问题》,海事审判,1997年第7期,第16页。

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