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     第二章利用水热法合成了具有多孔表面结构的二氧化钛微球,并将其用于鼠脑组织蛋白提取物中磷酸化肽段的富集。通过一系列的表征,确认多孔二氧化钛微球(直径1微米左右)具有锐钛矿的晶体结构,并且其比表面积达到了84.98m2/g,是同样粒径的具有光滑表面的二氧化钛微球比表面积的25倍,是商品化纳米级二氧化钛材料(直径90纳米左右)比表面积的2倍。经过条件优化,多孔二氧化钛材料和光滑二氧化钛材料都成功地在标准磷酸化蛋白p-酪蛋白(β-casein)的酶解产物中富集到了磷酸化肽,然而当将这两种材料进一步应用于较为复杂的体系,如β-casein与非磷酸化蛋白牛血清白蛋白(Bovine Serum Albumin, BSA)的酶解产物混合物中时,多孔二氧化钛材料显示了比光滑二氧化钛材料更优异的磷酸化肽选择性。在此基础上,我们还首次将三种二氧化钛材料,即多孔二氧化钛材料、光滑二氧化钛材料、商品化纳米级二氧化钛材料用于选择性富集鼠脑蛋白质提取物的酶解产物中的磷酸化肽段,分别分离鉴定出了223、47、90条磷酸化肽。这种多孔二氧化钛微球合成方法简单,成本低廉,使用灵活方便,对于磷酸化肽段的亲和效果好,经过实验验证,可以直接用于复杂体系中磷酸化肽段的分离。因其比表面积大,粒径合适,也可将其装填成亲和色谱柱进行在线的磷酸化肽段或蛋白的分离富集。
     第三章首次发展了简便的糖基化肽段靶上富集的方法用于糖基化肽段的快速分离和质谱鉴定。首先合成了纳米级金粒子,然后通过高温煅烧将这些纳米金颗粒烧结到MALDI-QIT-TOF-MS靶板上,再利用金和巯基之间的相互作用在这些纳米金颗粒表面修饰上巯基苯硼酸。硼酸分子在碱性条件下会与糖分子中的顺式二羟基发生可逆反应形成一个五元环,此五元环在酸性条件下能够解离,因此常被用来选择性富集糖基化的肽或者蛋白质。我们选用标准糖蛋白辣根过氧化物酶(Horseradish peroxidase, HRP)、胎球蛋白(Fetuin)和去唾液酸胎球蛋白(Asialofetuin, ASF)的酶解产物验证了靶板对于糖基化肽段的选择性富集能力。在HRP浓度低至2.5×10-9M时,仍能够鉴定到9条糖肽或者是糖肽碎片离子的信号。不仅仅是HRP,靶上富集糖肽的方法也成功地应用到了胎球蛋白和去唾液酸胎球蛋白酶解产物的糖肽富集中。为了进一步验证这种方法的实用性,我们用靶上富集的方法对HRP与非糖基化蛋白β-casein的酶解产物混合液中的糖肽进行了富集和鉴定,即使在HRP与β-casein的浓度比达到了l:10的条件下,也成功地从混合肽段中鉴定到了7条糖肽或糖肽碎片离子。最后,我们将HRP酶解产物与牛奶的酶解产物混合并利用靶上富集的方法对该肽段混合物进行了糖基化肽段的富集,共分离鉴定了7条HRP的糖肽或糖肽碎片离子信号。靶上富集方法快速,简便,需要的样品量少,易于实现高通量和自动化的蛋白质组学研究。在这里,我们首次发展了糖基化肽段靶上富集的方法,并通过一系列实验验证了该方法的可行性,为糖基化蛋白质组学研究开辟了新的道路。
     第四章创新性地利用“三明治”固定方法在硼酸纳米磁性微球表面固定了伴刀豆球蛋白(Concanavalin A, Con A),并将其用于糖基化蛋白的分离富集。硼酸修饰的氨基磁球曾被成功地用于标准糖肽和标准糖蛋白的富集,但当用于实际生物样品中的糖蛋白富集时,效率并不理想。Con A是凝集素中最常用的一种,它与甘露糖和葡萄糖残基有着很强的亲和作用,常被用来预富集生物样品中的糖基化蛋白质。因此我们选择Con A作为修饰物,利用硼酸和糖的共价反应首先在氨基苯硼酸纳米磁球表面修饰上一层甲基α-D-吡喃甘露糖苷,用单糖作为介质,再利用单糖和Con A的亲和作用在磁球表面固定上ConA。与在硼酸磁球表面直接固定Con A相比,利用上述“三明治”方法固定的Con A量提高了三倍。Con A纳米磁球、硼酸磁球和商品化的Con A磁球(直径1微米左右)都被用来进行人肝癌细胞株7703细胞裂解液中糖蛋白的分离富集。利用Con A纳米磁球共鉴定了包含184个糖基化位点在内的172条糖肽,这些糖肽共对应到101个糖蛋白,占鉴定蛋白总数的约68%。利用商品化的Con A磁球共鉴定了69条糖肽,对应于51个糖蛋白,占鉴定蛋白总数的约65%。而利用硼酸纳米磁球富集后鉴定到了47个蛋白,其中只有12个是糖蛋白。Con A纳米磁球制备方法简单,成本较低,固定效率高,使用也极为方便,亲和效率和商品化的Con A磁球相当,并且由于其“三明治”法固定的第一步是利用了硼酸—单糖的可逆反应,还能方便地利用这一性质对作为基底的硼酸磁球进行回收再利用,极大地节省了成本。
Proteomics aim at large-scale analysis of proteins in all biological objects, and it constitutes of expressional proteomics and functional proteomics. Investigation of genomics and proteomics gives us insights to the physiological, pathological and pharmacological processes of cells and organisms. However, there are extremely large amount of proteins with complicated properties, e.g. post-translation, protein-protein interaction, which bring great challenge to existing analytical methods. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new techniques and methodologies for better solution of proteomic research.
     Post-translational proteomics is one of the most important subjects in proteome research. Protein post-translational modification plays key role in many biological processes. There are more than 200 reported PTMs, among which phosphorylation and glycosylation are the most studied protein modifications. However, phosphorylated and glycosylated proteins are usually of low abundance in biological samples. It is difficult to detect these proteins in mass spectrometry without sample pre-treatment. Development of purification and enrichment methods for post-translational modified proteins are in great demand.
     The application of functionalized micro-/nano-particles in biomedical research area is gaining increasing attention due to there ease of manipulation and recovery during the past decades. These particles possess great specific surface areas and high surface activity. Functional modification based on these paricles can be easily performed. Up till now, functionalized materials are extensively applied in various biomedical applications such as cell separation, drug delivery, enzyme immobilization, and protein purification. With specific modification, functionalized materials can be effectively applied in phosphorylated/glycosylated protein separation and enrichment.
     Based on the proteome research background and the development trend of functionalized materials, the research interest of this work focused on the preparation of several kinds of functionalized materials and developing a series of techniques and methods to resolve current problems in the separation and concentration of phosphorylated and glycosylated proteins. The feasibility of these techniques and methods was validated with real biological samples. This dissertation is divided into four parts.
     In Chapter 1, advances in proteome research, current research techniques and methods of phosphorylated/glycosylated proteomics, and applications of functionalized materials in biological analysis were summarized in brief. The intention and meaning of this dissertation were explained.
     In Chapter 2, mesoporous TiO2 microspheres were synthesized by simple hydrothermal reaction, and successfully developed for phosphopeptides enrichment from both standard protein digestion and real biological sample such as rat brain tissue extract. The mesoporous TiO2 microspheres (the diameter size of about 1.0μm) obtained by simple hydrothermal method were found to have a specific surface area of 84.98 m2/g, which is much lager than smooth TiO2 microspheres with same size. The surface area of mesoporous TiO2 microspheres is almost two times of commercial TiO2 nano particle (a diameter of 90 nm). Both of these two TiO2 microspheres are successfully applied to selective enrichment of phosphopeptides generated from P-casein digest. However, when they are used for phosphopeptides enrichment from a complicated peptide mixture such as P-casein and BSA digest mixture, mesoporous TiO2 microspheres exhibit strong specific selectivity compared with amorphous TiO2 microspheres with smooth surface. When they are further used for phosphopeptide enrichment from rat brain tissue extract, the mesoporous TiO2 microspheres show the highest binding capacity as well as capture efficiency for phosphopeptides.223,47, 90 phosphopeptides were identified using mesoporous TiO2 microspheres, smooth TiO2 microspheres and commercial TiO2 nanoparticles, respectively. It has been demonstrated that mesoporous TiO2 microspheres have powerful potential for selective enrichment of phosphorylated peptides. Moreover, the preparation of the mesoporous TiO2 microspheres is easy, simple and low-cost. This mesoporous TiO2 material may be further used as affinity chromatography column packing material for comprehensive phosphorylated proteome research.
     In Chapter 3, an on-plate selective enrichment method is developed for fast and efficient glycopeptide investigation. Gold nanoparticles were first spotted and sintered on a MALDI-QIT-TOF-MS stainless steel plate, then modified with 4-mercaptophenylboronic acid. These spots were used to selectively capture glycopeptides from peptide mixtures, and the captured target peptides could be analyzed by MALDI MS simply by depositon of DHB matrix. Horseradish peroxidase was employed as a standard glycoprotein to investigate the enrichment efficiency.9 glycopeptides or glycopeptides fragments were identified with HRP concentration as low as 2.5×10-9 M. This on-plate glycopeptide enrichment strategy was further evaluated with other glycoproteins like fetuin, asialofetuin. It also succeeded at binding and identifying glycopeptides from a relatively complicated peptide mixture. The relatively small sample amount needed, low detection limit, and rapid selective enrichment have made this on-plate strategy promising for on-line enrichment of glycopeptides, which could be applied in high-throughput proteome research.
     In Chapter 4, Con A immobilized magnetic nanoparticles were synthesized for selective separation of glycoproteins. At first, a facile immobilization of Con A on aminophenylboronic acid-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles was performed by forming boronic acid-sugar-Con A bond in sandwich structure using methyl a-D-mannopyranoside as an intermedium. The selective capture ability of Con A modified magnetic nanoparticles for glycoproteins was tested using standard glycoproteins and cell lysate of human hepatocelluar carcinoma cell line 7703. In total 184 glycosylated sites were detected within 172 different glycopeptides corresponding to 101 glycoproteins. Also the regeneration of the protein-immobilized nanoparticles can easily be performed taking advantage of the reversible binding mechanism between boronic acid and sugar chain. The experiment results demonstrated that Con A modified magnetic nanoparticles by the facile and low-cost synthesis provided a convenient and efficient enrichment approach for glycoproteins, and are promising candidates for large scale glycoproteomic research in complicated biological samples.
     In summary, the main contributes of this dissertation is that we aimed at better solutions of post-translational modified proteome research, and developed several practical techniques for phosphorylated/glycosylated protein or peptide enrichment based on functionalized materials. According to the experiment results, these new techniques offer effective enrichment and identification of phosphorylated and glycosylated protein/peptide even in complicated biological samples, which demonstrated their powerful ability in post-translational proteome research.
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