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多输入多输出(MIMO,Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)雷达作为近年来学术界提出的一种新体制雷达,因具有常规雷达所不具备的优势,成为雷达界的研究热点。MIMO雷达可以实现灵活的发射分集设计,使用多个发射天线同时发射相互正交的信号,并使用多个接收天线接收目标反射的信号,在空间形成多个通道。与常规雷达系统相比,MIMO雷达能够增大系统自由度,提高参数估计的精度和空间分辨率,并增加可估计的最大信源数。本论文的研究工作围绕MIMO雷达的参数估计技术展开,主要工作包括以下几个方面:
     2.研究了空间高斯色噪声背景下的双基地MIMO雷达角度和多普勒频率联合估计方法。分析了空间高斯色噪声背景下双基地MIMO雷达的信号模型特点,提出在时域噪声为高斯白噪声的假设下,利用不同时刻匹配滤波器输出的互相关消除空间色噪声的影响。基于此,提出一种基于同时奇异值分解的双基地MIMO雷达角度和多普勒频率联合估计方法。该方法利用相邻时刻匹配滤波器输出的互相关矩阵构造新矩阵,消除空间色噪声的影响。然后通过对所构造矩阵进行奇异值分解获得信号子空间,根据目标回波的时域结构信息,将相邻时刻匹配滤波器输出的时间相位差作为时间旋转因子,采用ESPRIT方法获得目标多普勒频率,DOD和DOA的联合估计。针对同时奇异值分解方法多普勒频率估计模糊范围小的问题,提出一种基于降维DOA矩阵的双基地MIMO雷达参数估计方法。该方法同样利用时域信息构造时间旋转因子并消除空间色噪声的影响,然后结合降维DOA矩阵法获得目标多普勒频率,DOD和DOA的联合估计。两种方法均可以消除空间色噪声影响,并在参数估计时没有阵列孔径损失,且目标多普勒频率,DOD和DOA可以自动配对。同时,所提方法均可扩展至时空域均为色噪声时的双基地MIMO雷达参数估计,并可应用于常规阵列空间色噪声背景下的角度估计中。最后推导了基于时空结构时双基地MIMO雷达角度和多普勒频率估计的克拉美·罗界(CRB,Cramer-Rao Bound)。
As a new radar system, Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar is becomingpopular in radar field since its unique advantages compared with the phased array radar.MIMO radar transmits multiple orthogonal transmitted waveforms and receivesreflected signals with multiple received arrays, which can form many channels betweentransmitting and receiving array, and can achieve flexible transmitting diversity design.In contrast with the conventional phased array radar, MIMO radar provides a noveltechnique for increasing the degrees of freedom of the radar system and improving theperformance of detection and parameter estimation. This dissertation mainly focuses onthe parameter estimation of MIMO radar. The main content of this dissertation issummarized as follows:
     1. The method for angle estimation of coherent sources in bistatic MMO radar isresearched. Firstly, based on the existed DOA matrix method, a method for angleestimation of coherent sources based on dimension reduction DOA matrix in thepresence of spatially white Gauss noise is presented. The virtual array date ofmultitarget echoes in MIMO radar receivers is uncorrelated utilizing the virtualsubarrays formed by MIMO radar, and the DOA matrices are constructed. Thedimension reduction DOA matrices which reduce the computational complex areobtained by the relationship between signal subspace and DOA matrices, and the jointestimation of DOD and DOA can be obtained by the corresponding relationshipsbetween the eigenvalue or eigenvector and the estimated parameters. Secondly, thedimension reduction DOA matrix method in spatially white noise circumstance isextended to the spatially colored noise circumstance. The spatially colored noise iseliminated by using the orthogonality of the transmitted signals of MIMO radar, and thejoint estimation of DOD and DOA can be obtained by using dimension reduction DOAmatrix method. The proposed methods do not need the multi-dimensional peak search,and can estimate the parameters of coherent sources without pairing in both two noisecircumstances. Moreover, it is applicable to receiving arrays without an invariancestructure.
     2. The method of joint estimation of angle and Doppler frequency for bistaticMIMO radar in spatial colored noise is researched. According to the characteristic of thesignal model of bistatic MIMO radar, the spatial colored noise can be eliminated byusing the cross-correlation of the match filter outputs in different time delay sampling.Firstly, a method of joint estimation of angle and Doppler frequency for bistatic MIMO radar in spatial colored noise based on simultaneously singular value decomposition isproposed. Utilizing the cross-correlation matrix which is formed by the adjacent outputsof match filters in the time domain, a new matrix is constructed to eliminate theinfluence of spatial colored noise, and the signal subspace is obtained from singularvalue decomposition (SVD) of it. Then angles and Doppler frequencies can beestimated based on ESPRIT using the rotational factor produced by adjacent outputs ofmatch filters. Secondly, a method of joint estimation of angle and Doppler frequency forbistatic MIMO radar in spatial colored noise based on dimension reduction DOA matrixis proposed. This method utilizing the temporal information to construct the temporalrotational factor, and angles and Doppler frequencies is obtained by using dimensionreduction DOA matrix. In the proposed tow methods, the spatial colored noise can beeliminated, and the angles and Doppler frequencies can be obtained simultaneously andautomatically paired without array aperture loss. Besides, the proposed methods can beextended to the circumstance of spatially and temporally colored noise, and can be usedfor angle estimation of conventional array in the presence of colored noise. The CRB ofthe angle and Doppler frequency of bistatic MIMO radar based on spatial-temporalstructure is proposed.
     3. The DOA matrix method based on MIMO radar with L-shape arrays isresearched. Firstly, a two-dimension (2-D) angle estimation method for multiple inputmultiple output (MIMO) radar with L-shape arrays based on direction of arrival (DOA)matrix is proposed. This method divides the2-D virtual plane array which is generatedby MIMO radar into two overlapping subarrays, and constructs an estimation matrix toestimate the2-D angles. To solve the problem of angle annexation, a jointdiagonalization DOA matrix method is proposed later. This method generates foursubarrays from the2-D virtual plane array, and uses the joint diagonalization algorithmto estimate the2-D angles. The proposed method secures the advantages of the existingDOA matrix method such as no requirement of2-D angle search and autopairing ofparameters, avoids the angle annexation problem, reduces the loss of the array aperture,and improves the performance of the angle estimation effectively.
     4. Low-angle estimation in VHF radar is researched. The effect of the existedlinear preprocessing method to the noise structure is analyzed. Aimed at thedisadvantage that the linear preprocessing method changed the white noise of the realarray data to correlated noise which reduces the performance of angle estimation in lowSNR, an improved linear preprocessing method is proposed. This method greatlyimproved the performance of the low-angle estimation through the whitened processing of the data after linear preprocessing without increasing the computational burdensignificantly. To reduce the computational burden of the linear preprocessing method, afast algorithm of linear preprocessing based on propagator method is proposed. Thisalgorithm replaces the eigendecomposition of the cross-correlation matrix with linearoperation in each searching angle, and greatly reduces the computational burden.Moreover, the performance of the proposed algorithm is much better than theconventional linear preprocessing method, and is identical with the improved linearpreprocessing method due to the whitened processing.
     6. Low-angle estimation in VHF MIMO radar is researched. Firstly, the multipathsignal model for MIMO radar is constructed with both transmitted multipath andreceived multipath signals being considered. Secondly, a twice differentialpreprocessing method for low-angle estimation in VHF MIMO radar is proposed. Withtwice differencing preprocessing of the received echoes of the VHF MIMO radar, thetransmitted multipath signals and received multipath signals are eliminated, and theconventional MUSIC algorithm can be used to obtain the estimation of low-angle. Theproposed method can overcome multipath effect and estimate the low-angle of the targeteffectively, and is not sensitive to the signals environments.
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