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What kind of nature of the theory about idea of history in Marx is mainly not what the“history”should be understood, but to how to view and grasp the“history”. So the key problem is we can study and grasp the idea of history in Marx by which thinking method and practice consciousness.
     The biggest misunderstanding of the idea of history in Marx is the regression from the thought of the“practical point”in Marx to the traditional philosophy mode of thinking . Investigate its source, on one hand ,it is the temptation of the“thinking of natural attitude”, the human instinctively remove himself from the existence of history actually and the activity of practical. The social history is set the object of thinking by the intellectual model of Kant, this causes the illusion that subject is external history. On the other hand, human always pray to the metaphysics. So, the idea of history in Marx is understood with the view of divine reason, abstract nature and fetishism of productivity. The method of imposing the external“human history”to the history is a kind of logic abstract and rational thinking from the idea and inner thought, that is a thinking pattern of“ontology”which can not understand the meaning of Marx’s concept of history.
     Base on the ideology and practical concept that masks the thought essence of historical idea in Marx, the basis of study in this paper is according to the writings of Marx. The logical outline of this paper is the critique of the viewpoints of misunderstandings of the idea of history in Marx. The reality appealing of this paper is theoretical innovation about the idea of history in Marx. This paper aims to grasping the essential of“the activity of perceptual man”and its abundant thought’s integrity and specificity. So, my paper includes four parts. And I aim to grasp the idea of history of“reality man and his historical development”in Marx from my paper.
     The first part is the contents of the first chapter. Our attitude of studying is“going back to his own concept of history in Marx”. So we can hold the wholeness of thought sources, problem consciousness, thinking logic and theoretical results with“in the history”but not“beyond history”. This part is important to point out the Practical Dialectics of revolution that the contents are perceptual activity of human, the critical object is the capital what is abstract entity. This part unmasks the critical double dimensions of the historical concept in Marx. This part not only critiques the“philosophical ideology”of“beyond history”, but also critiques the eternal myth of capital society that is non-history. This part reveals the Spiritual Essence of“new materialism”that unified the philosophical critics in Marx and critics of social reality.
     The second part includes chapter2, chapter3 and chapter4. In this part, we consider that we can practically grasp the theoretical core and dialectic characteristics of the historical concept in Marx, by the way of insisting the thought model what understands the facts, the reality and the perception“inner practices”in Marx, Furthermore, we can understand the generation of history about humanity, grasp the principle specify and objective direction of human practices and history development, under the navigational relations of human, nature and society which is spreading in practical activities. So, we consider that the historical rules are the rules of human activities that are in the practical activities of human. Who actives in the society and history is the man with conscious and thoughtfulness or acting with passion and pursuing some aims. So-called society and history is reality environments and existing ways that human life and development. Human not only is actual bearer of social and historical activities, but also is the creator of social and historical activities. It is just the subject who has consciousness aim. The progress of society and history developments is the progress that human life is created.
     The third part is the chapter5. The concept of history in Marx what based on the reality history ends“worshipping the abstract human”of old philosophy. The concept takes the human as an activating one in history to grasp. This concept has instead new religion of Feuerbach that the core is worshipping the abstract human as the sciences about realistic human being and its development. At the same time, Marx make the Proletariat to conscious themselves’position and needs and historical conditions of liberation. So, the two discovers of Marx is revolutionary proclamation which unified the philosophical revolution of“change world”and the value ideas of human being’s liberation, as well as the new concept of history inherent consistency philosophical critique and the critique of social reality.
     The fourth part is the last chapter of my paper. The problem that how to face the new problem and new cases to creative development the concept of history in Marx and to realize materialism of Marx with Chinese characteristics, so as to solve the problem about development of Chinese and Chinese society , is the starting point of my paper. The concept of history in Marx is not a closing system, but is the time spirit that it is opening, continuously self-criticism, and pursuing human liberation. On the condition of market economy in contemplation China, the human’s social relation of interaction is plentiful and complex more and more. The life style, the product style, the thought model, and the values have changed greatly. Development fields of human being and society face many new problems and conflicts. In this background, the studying of theory not only haves the Chinese self-consciousness, but also meets the requirements of reality of Chinese society. So, at the same time, we thoroughly study the thought of the historical concept in Marx, we must consciously seek the philosophical stand of Chinese and research style that it is reflecting Chinese characteristics. We must think the development of the world and China independently by ourselves’minds and methods, so as to create ourselves’philosophical theory and concept of history.
     In short, the concept of history in Mars is an“Art entirety”. We should grasp the ideological concrete and entirety of the historical concept in Marx and thoroughly understand the dialogical spirits of the historical concept in Marx. We should promote the paradigm transformation of studying the historical concept in Marx. We should insist on the sciences developmental concept of“human-oriented”and the idea of“harmonious society”, guide the historical practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics and realize Contemporary development and Creativity about the concept of history in Marx.
注亚里士多德认为,实践是人的两种不同的活动方式:一种是受理智指导的人们生产和制作所需物件的“制作”活动(Making),并且人们根据理智来鉴别何物为真何物为假;另一种是受“实践智慧”(Practical wisdom)引导的“行为”,由于“实践智慧关系的行为”,因此人们可以根据“实践的智慧”判断行为的善恶。参见R.Mckeon edited,The basic works of Aristotle,Random House,1941,p.1141b.
    注有些学者诉诸于“生产劳动本体论”来诠释马克思的新唯物主义。他们认为,马克思在《形态》中形成的生产劳动本体论乃是其实践本体论思想的进一步深化。因为人的实践活动具有多种多样的形式,马克思作为革命者所强调的改造现存世界的革命实践乃是最重要的实践形式之一。然而,这种实践形式并不是任意的、随时都可以发动起来的,它的成熟与否取决于一种最基本的实践形式,即“生产劳动”。由此决定“生产劳动”就是属人自然界变化和发展的本体论前提、整个人类世界存在和发展的本体论前提、现实的人类生存交往和发展的本体论前提。此外,卢卡奇、古尔德还用“社会本体论”来称谓马克思的历史唯物主义。参见俞吾金.《重新理解马克思——对马克思哲学的基础理论和当代意义的反思》[M] .北京:北京师范大学出版社,2005.204-207.
    注对于如何处理资本在内容规定和形式规定的统一性理解上,我们赞同张一兵教授的观点,即资本既是货币,又是固定资产,还会是人。但这并不是表明资本只是各种物,而是说人、物、金都可以成为这种关系的物质承担体。参见张一兵.回到马克思——经济学语境中的哲学话语[M] .南京:江苏人民出版社,2005.648.
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