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     方法:体内实验:100只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为2组,一组为空白对照组(10只),另一组为2型糖尿病造模组(90只),采用小剂量链脲佐菌素(30mg/kgBW)联合高脂高糖饲料诱导2型糖尿病模型。模型成功后,将符合标准的2型糖尿病大鼠随机分为4组:糖尿病模型组、姜黄素低剂量组(50mg/kg BW)、姜黄素中剂量组(150mg/kg BW)和姜黄素高剂量组(250mg/kg BW)。给予姜黄素干预45天后,检测空腹血糖、血脂、血清胰岛素、游离脂肪酸等指标;采用Western blot方法检测大鼠骨骼肌调节葡萄糖和脂肪酸代谢相关蛋白的表达情况。体外实验:将L6骨骼肌细胞分为对照组、胰岛素抵抗组和姜黄素处理组。对照组为正常细胞;胰岛素抵抗组用0.25mmol/L软脂酸诱导24h建立胰岛素抵抗模型;姜黄素处理组细胞分别用5μmol/L、10μmol/L、20μmol/L和40μmol/L姜黄素与0.25mmol/L软脂酸共同孵育24h。采用3H标记葡萄糖摄取实验检测细胞对葡萄糖的摄取能力;应用GS-MS检测细胞培养液中软脂酸的浓度;采用Western blot方法测定细胞内参与葡萄糖和脂肪酸代谢调节的蛋白的表达变化。
Objective: Curcumin is a natural polyphenol compound. Curcumin has beenreported to lower plasma lipids and glucose and to increase glucose homeostasis intype2diabetic animals. Muscular insulin resistance is an important feature of type2diabetes. However, it is unclear whether curcumin can improve muscular insulinresistance. We conducted the present study to determine the effect of curcumin onmuscular insulin resistance as well as the mechanism by looking into its effects onlipid and glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle of type2diabetic rats and L6insulin-resistant myotubes.
     Methods: In vivo experiment:100male wistar rats were divided into two groups,10were used as control, the other90were used to develop type2diabetes by lowdose STZ (30mg/kg) injection intraperitoneally combined with high fat diet. Afterdiabetic model established, the diabetic rats were divided into diabetic group, low(50mg/kg BW), medium (150mg/kg BW) and high (250mg/kg BW) doses ofcurcumin intervention groups. Curcumin intervention lasted for45days. Fastingblood glucose, lipids, serum insulin were measured; enzymes involve in fatty acidsand glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle were detected by Western blot. In vitroexperiment: L6myotubes were divided into control group, insulin resistant group andcurcumin treatment groups. Myotubes in control group were normal. Myotubes ininsulin resistant group were incubated with0.25mmol/L palmitate for24h. Myotubesin curcumin treatment groups were incubated with5μmol/L,10μmol/L,20μmol/L and40μmol/L curcumin in the presence of0.25mmol/L palmitate for24h. Glucose uptake by myotubes was measured using2-deoxy-[3H] D-glucose; palmitate concentration intne medium was determined by GS-MS; the expression of proteins regulating glucoseand fatty acids metabolism were detected by Western blot.
     Results: In vivo experiment: curcumin significantly decreased blood glucose,lipids, serum FFAs and increased serum insulin; curcumin up-regulated expression ofphosphorylated AMPK, membrane FAT/CD36, mitochondrial CPT1and MCAD, butdown-regulated expression of PDK4and phosphorylated GS. In vitro experiment:curcumin at10μmol/L was adequate to cause a significant increase in2-deoxy-[3H]D-glucose uptake by L6myotubes; palmitate concentration in themedium of curcumin-treated L6myotubes was lower than that of insulin-resistantmyotubes; curcumin up-regulated expression of phosphorylated LKB1,phosphorylated AMPK, phosphorylated ACC, PPARα, CPT1, MCAD, FAT/CD36andGLUT4, but down-regulated expression of PDK4and phosphorylated GS ininsulin-resistant L6myotubes; the effects of curcumin on AMPK and downstreammolecules were suppressed by AMPK inhibitor, Compound C; LKB1, an upstreamkinase of AMPK, was activated by curcumin and inhibited together with AMPK anddownstream molecules by radicicol, an LKB1destabilizer.
     Conclusion: Curcumin lowers blood glucose, lipids and imprvoes insulinsensitivity in type2diabetic rats; curcumin enhances glucose oxidation and glycogensynthesis in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle; curcumin increases fatty acids βoxidation and inhibits lipids accumulation in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle;curcumin plays its anti-insulin resistance role, at least in part, through LKB1-AMPKpathway.
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