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Secondary vocational school teachers standards promulgated in2013(for Trial Implementation) ostensibly solve the problem that we have been lacking vocational teachers standard for a long time, but the research related to vocational school teachers standards run by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education who spend150million yuan has indicated that there are still a lot of theory and practical issues to be discussed. Vocational teacher qualifications and other relevant documents to the standard drew lessons from basic education and has little regard of its own character also caused the accumulation of historical debts. Modern science and technology show a new trend which are making a spurt of progress, becoming more active, may lead to a new wave of the world economy. Research on the teachers who play great role in vocational and technical education cannot ignore the important role of new technology ecosystem. We need to start with multiple disciplines related to technology, should adopt a new thought, and cannot forget that the vocational education is a type of education.
     Taking subjects relate to technology, such as philosophy of technology, history, sociology of technology, technology and culture as the analysis tool, this thesis have a study on the technology orientation of the main part of vocational teachers standard. Research methods include literature study, comparative study, interview and questionnaire survey. Based on the analysis of main problem of vocational teacher standard, chapter one explains the necessity, basic ideas and main methods. Chapter two is about the basic standpoint and technology principle used in this thesis. The main content from chapter three to five is about the concept and the corresponding requirements the teacher should have on education, teaching, student under the guidance of technology orieatation. The sixth chapter gives a general analysis of the teacher's role. The seventh chapter analyzes the cultivating and training strategy focusing on promoting vocational teacher's technology literacy.
     Study on the technology orientation of vocational teachers standard must adhere to a comprehensive concept to technology, have the courage to overall study technology, and have more dialectical understanding of the concept that science and technology is the first productivity. Vocational teachers must dialectically understand the scientific rationality and technical rationality, and should be advocates and contributors to eco-technology, transcendence and reflectors to extreme ideas of technology.
     As to educattion concept, vocational teacher need to properly understand the role of vocational and technical education, comprehensively improve the ability for doing better in developing the country by relying on science and education, and grasp the characteristics of the age and key point of vocational and technical education. They should adhere to the diversity and difference of vocational and technical education, and have the habits and the ability to think from a historical perspective. They should adhere to the humanistic concept of vocational and technical education, because technical reenchantment requires vocational teachers to be ones who have humanistic quality and design and erect vocational education from the perspective rich in humanities. Vocational teachers must reflect the teaching concept from multi-angle, such as concept, design, content, teaching methods. As to concept, the vocational teachers must deeply understand the critique meaning of the thinking of new and old Lourdes movement, and examine other technological phenomenon in the same way. Vocational teachers should have correct view of the role of local knowledge and fully play a significant role, and limit technology taboo. As to design, vocational teachers must be aware of the theory and practical method of tacit knowledge, particularly concern about externalization and combination of it. As to content, teachers must have the courage and wisdom of technological invention, and can motivate learners to get a sense of invention and discovery. Vocational teachers are rather technology innovators and thinkers with consciousness of problem than successors of solid knowledge. As to method, teachers should effectively improve skills of unique thinking of analogy. As to the concept on student, vocational teachers must strive to cultivate technology users in complete sense, that is, those technological developers in economic sense, technical builders in sociological sense, technical responsible persons in ethical sense. Every students should be three-in-one person. Teachers must guide students to become practitioners, reflectors, innovators, and encourage students to become technical rational, wisdom resistance fighter. Teacher must re-evaluate the level of vocational students. This requires both reversing bias, but re-formulating evaluation criteria. Vocational teachers should also try to become people who can think like engineers do, technical users in the full sense, technical intelligentsia with humanistic quality, and the leaders in technical surreal era.
     As to the cultivating of vocational teachers, China should further improve the system of vocational and technical institutions which lead by technical teachers college. Training model of vocational serving teachers should transform from college and universities-based to social resources-based, including research institutes, large-scale formal enterprises in which state and government do something about integration and coordination.
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