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Steve Jobs have created a great time of mobile intelligent terminal. Just few years oftime, Apple from a mobile phone market layman turn into the great age of the pioneers, itis have to say this is a miracle. When Google, Microsoft and Samsung flocked into thenew industry,The mobile phone industry completed the switch in an instant. This is notonly affects the industry, but more important is to change our life. The mobile intelligentterminal completely integrated into our lives, such as entertainment, leisure, work,Internet and so on can be focused into a handheld platform.
     People think the success of Apple comes down to innovation, but in the Apple'sinnovation is not just the technical. On the whole the essence of these innovations is SteveJobs led Apple's carried on the system innovation of commercial mode of industrial area,and Google, Samsung and HTC and many other manufacturers to follow up. In this paper,we study from the business model of value proposition, profit model, key resources andcritical process the four elements perspective start, to analyze the characteristics of theexisting mobile intelligent terminal field within the business model innovation, and set upthe analysis framework of business model innovation by the customer interface ofintelligent terminal users to influence consumer behavior.
     The mobile intelligent terminal consumer behavior becomes more complicated afterthe business model innovation. It needs to access not only the network to support voicecalls, but also need to have a data service, and need to download and install a variety ofapplications to extend the functionality of mobile intelligent terminal operating systemand to experience evaluation platform. So this article research carried out in accordancewith the order of this behavior chain business model innovation under user: an empiricalstudy of consumer behavior is as follows:
     ①The empirical study on the behavior of the mobile network selection under valueproposition utility form transformation. The mobile intelligent terminal value propositionin business model innovation changed from voice communication to satisfy diversifiedfunction, thus fulfill and support, and the pricing structure in two ways transmitted to theuser's mobile network selection behavior. This research is based on the domestic3Gnetwork, from multiple paths to determine product attributes of affect the user mobilecommunication services: operators brand, call charges, Internet speed, network fee and soon, then clearly the respective level. Use orthogonal test to simplify design complexity, then use conversion method form selection set and form the choice questionnaire. Afterdata collection, using the discrete choice model to analysis the choice behavior, gettingthe utility coefficient of consumers to communications services product attributes,confirming consumers affected factors and impact strength in choice of mobilecommunication services, analyzing get high-speed data transmission advantage and didnot reflect the expected utility. And higher charges, net fee and mobile phone replacementcosts are the factors that hinder the user to select communication service. China Mobilehas relatively larger brand utility, China Telecom is relatively low.
     ②The empirical study on consumer behavior of the value expansion in businessecosystem. The mobile intelligent terminal expansion its function relies on operatingplatform application to achieve, generally this process is the system dominated enterprisesto establish business ecosystem of application store, thus in terms of performance andsupport, the pricing structure two pathways to influence consumer behavior. In this study,aim at applications in the business ecosystem for the corresponding payment behavior ofcontent, from the basic model theory of planned behavior characterize consumer behaviorto build depict the behavior of mobile intelligent terminal users pay for content affect themodel based on the analysis of relevant literature. And put forward the correspondinghypothesis, through the questionnaire to collecting data and then use structural equationmodel do corresponding empirical research, and then obtain pay for content behaviorfactors and impact strength. Found the relative advantages of the paid content, the wholeprocess of pay for ease of use, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms willpromote the payment behavior. While the relative perceived price and free values willrestrain the pay behavior, as the entire comparison, synthetic utility of free valuesbecomes the greatest impact and has played a decisive role.
     ③The empirical study on the new value proposition evaluation criteria and userloyalty behavior. New business models for mobile intelligent terminal value propositionevaluation by the quality of conversion in order to experience, the conversion from theinformation and insight and relationship dynamics in two ways affected user behavior.This study based on the experience research from experiential marketing and industrialdesign, analysis mobile intelligent terminal user dimension of the experience evaluation.And on this basis to build customer loyalty model based on the user experienceperspective, on the basis of corresponding experience perceptual model and interviews,put forward the corresponding assumptions and complete preliminary research, being inprogress a formal empirical research based on complete the exploratory factor analysis, through the structural equation model to get different user experience dimensions affectloyalty behavior path and impact strength. Finally found, different experience path willmake significant differences, direct experience (sensory experience, interactiveexperience and performance experience) will act directly on customer loyalty, butderivative experience (emotional experience, operational experience, related experience)through satisfaction and switching costs indirectly play a role. In contrast, the impactstrength of derivative experience impact strength is greater than the direct experience;direct experience of sensory experience is much greater than the performance experience,all this suggests that mobile intelligent terminal and PC desktop platform's have differentpursuit. Comparative analysis the differences between the current mainstream operatingsystem of mobile intelligent terminal in different experience dimension.
     The research of these three aspects along the mobile intelligent terminal usernetwork access-purchase and install applications-experience evaluation-loyal relationshipchain, for users of consumer behavior under the business model innovation, especiallyunder the background of China have certain cognitive in empirical analysis.
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