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PurposerThe experiment was based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and used the method of molecular biology.The purpose of this experiment is to study the mechanism of PDGF-B which is the major regulation and control factor during earlier period of proliferation of post-injuried chest thoracic aorta of the rabbit. Traditional Chinese Medicine QMT can prevent: and intervene in the role of PDGF-B both in cell and gene levels.This experiment also offer the evidence on QMThow to prevent and cure the blood vessel restosis after earlier period of tunica intima damaged.
    Method :Foley's tube denudation was used to cause the chest thoracic aorta of the rabbit damaged.The animals were killed after tunica intima damaged lw.2w,4w ,then extracted the chest thoracic aorta constitution of the rabbit..The changes of blood vessel morphology were observed by HE staining. The expression of PDGF-B at different stage was assayed in situ hybridization.The transcription and protein expression of PDGF-B mRNA were detected by the methods of RT-PCR and western immunoblot.
    Result: The protein expression of PDGF-B was phancro-reinforcement after earlier period(lw-2w) of tunica intima damaged.(P<0.01)During 3w and 4w the expression of PDGF-B was reduced gradually.HE staining manifested that the mecrosis and abscissiou of endothelium and demi-endometium were caused by injurying.The inter-elasticity blade broke and thrombo formatted.Afer inuried one week,the endometrium thickened and consisted of cells.Most of them is SMCa-actin male.The foam cell,lymphocyte and a little reutrality can be seen occasionally.The cells near to the intraluminal still keep hyperplasia hypertrophy after several weeks.The spread of indometrium male cells were reduced clearly in one week of medication group.A little feeble male cells were seen in uveal tract and still keep nesistant level after several weeks. In situ hybridization.assay: PDGF-B can express at different stage. The expression of a litter male cells can be seen in the normal intima. The spread of the male cells in intima were increased clear
    ly after one week of injury .A little feeble male cells were seen in uveal tract and still keep nesistant level after several weeks. The expression of the TCM group were more weakened than western group.
    RT-PCR manifest that the expression of the control group was more than normal group at first week after chest thoracic aorta injuried. Compared the 4l week with the first two weeks, the expression was recovered gradually. It indicated MRNA had the growing tendency during the earlier period of tunica intima damaged. While QMTcould prevent the transcription of MRAN in earlier period of chest tunica intima damaged.
    Western immunoblot assay: The expression of PDGF-B in the control group was more than normal group at first week after chest thoracic aorta injuried. Compared the 4th week with the first two weeks, the expression was reduced clearly.
    Conclusion: PDGF-B is the major regulation an control factor during the earlier period of proliferation of tunica intima. QMT can prevent the rote of PDGF-B. we can deduce that the blood platelet is activated during the earlier period of injury. PDGF-B is collected in the injuried locus by
    endothelial cell and histocyte to induce the PDGF-B to produce a pinnacle at earlier period. These grouth factors start the angio-blood muscle proliferation through autocrine and paracrine, These are related to the blood stagnant of TCM. Metabolite simulates gene abnomal expression and induces protooncogene expression, then excrete some cells and body fluide and cause constition abnormally hyperplasia and restenosis. Reinforcing QI actirating the blood and eliminating the stagnant QMTcan have intervene role both in cell and gene level. It can pierosis and regenerate the damaged endotheliurn, at the same time it can prevent the platelet around and inflammation bleeding damaged vessel collecting. QMT can be simultaneous treatment of QI and blood, and reinforcing. Both Qi and Yin. It can not only reinforcing deficiency and tre
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