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     方法:采取分层整群、四阶段、概率比例随机抽样方法,共抽取兵团8个一级样本师,27个二级样本团,135个三级样本连,9350户居民,以每户15-49岁已婚育龄妇女作为本次调查对象。以家庭为基本单位,采取问卷形式进行入户面对面调查。数据采用Epi-info软件录入,用SPSS 13.0软件进行分析。
     结论:1.近年来兵团生育水平平稳,整体水平较低; 2.已婚育龄妇女人工流产水平偏高;3.出生性别比基本处于正常范围,近年来有所下降;4.已婚育龄妇女孕产期保健服务整体情况较好,但产后随访水平较低;5.独生子女服务水平有待加强;6.应加强对受教育程度低、从事农业、经济困难、少数民族妇女围产期保健和生殖健康知识的教育。
Objective: To know the birth rate, perinatal care, pregnancy and abortion status quo, the population sex ratio at birth and one-child situation of married women of childbearing age in Xinjiang Reproduction and Constraction Corps, provideing the basis information for the health-related policies.
     Methods: Stratified cluster, four stage, the proportion of random probability sampling method, taken a sample of eight divisions, two samples of 27 corporations, three samples of 135 linked to 9350 residents to each 15 -49-year-old married women of childbearing age. Family as the basic units, households take the form of face-to-face questionnaire survey. Data used Epi-info software entry, using SPSS 13.0 software for analysis.
     Results: 1. Investigate a total of 7026 married women of childbearing age, 1752 women of city, accounting for 24.94%, 5274 women of rural, accounting for 75.06%; there is 6624 women had living history of fertility, 1572 women of city, accounting for 23.73%, 5052 women of rural, accounting for 73.27%. 2. The total fertility rate was 1.19 in 2006, city and rural were 1.09 and 1.22, the Han people and minorities were 0.94 and 2.23. 3. Married women of childbearing age have the number of living baby an average of 1.39 times. the women of city and rural have the number of living baby 0.99 and 1.52 (P <0.01).The abortion rate of married women of reproductive age was 34.39‰in 2006, the total abortion rate was 1.79. 4. Cumulative sex ratio at birth was 107.83 from 2001 to 2006, and 105.59 in 2006. 5. The cumulative rate of antenatal was 68.57%, 89.76% in city, 64.01% in rural(P <0.01), the annual pre-inspection rate was 85.77% in 2006; a total of 62.66 percent rate of hospital deliveries, 90.74% in city, 56.61% in rural (P <0.01), the rate of hospital deliveries was 78.66% in 2006; a total cesarean section rate was 11.27%, 28.59% in city, 7.54% in rural(P <0.01), cesarean section rate was 39.33% in 2006; accumulated post-natal follow-up rate was 20.38%, 28.88% in city, 18.55% in rural (P <0.01), post-natal follow-up rate was only 31.38% in 2006. 6. To receive the one-child certificate rate was 50.44%, 76.58% in city, 41.71% in rural (P <0.01); 69.40% women can receive fees for the only son on time, 68.8% women know the incentive award for one-child parents.
     Conclusion: 1. Steady birth rate in recent years, the overall lower level; 2. Invalid pregnant is high of married women of childbearing age; 3. The sex ratio at birth was in the normal range, declining in recent years; 4. Perinatal health services was better of married women of childbearing age, but the level of post-natal follow-up was low; 5. The one-child level of service needs to be strengthened. 6.Women of low level education, working in agriculture, economic hardship, ethnic minorities should strengthened perinatal health education .
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