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In recent years,international trade of agricultural products has been increasing rapidly,the competition of the world agricultural market was stiff,at the same time,Chinese agricultural market has been one of the most open markets,and international trade of Chinese agricultural products is faced with the new opportunity and challenge.Current global financial crisis is making China's agricultural trade facing with more severe challenges.The key to react to the opportunities and challenges lies in increasing international competitiveness of agricultural products.Therefore,it is of practical significance to estimate the performance、potential and influence factor of international competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products comprehensively and deeply,and further put forward the targeted countermeasures for changing competitiveness potential into better competitiveness performance.
     Different from the present domestic studies,based on literature review,the paper redefines the definition of international competitiveness of agricultural products,constructs 3 levels of definition frame and the corresponding estimation indices,which is international competitiveness performance、competitiveness potentials and competitiveness process of agricultural products.The market share and productivity are the leading evaluation indices of the competitiveness performance,the efficiency could be the reference indicator of the productivity,and the cost and quality are the leading evaluation indices of the competitiveness potentials.
     Behind the above research,constant market share model(CMS) is adopted to analyze the contribution of international competitiveness factors behind the export growth of Chinese and American agricultural products.The result shows the growth of international competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products has made the great contribution on the export of agricultural products,and the decline of international competitiveness of U.S.agricultural products has had the negative effect to the export of agricultural products.
     Then an empirical evaluation is made on the performance of international competitiveness of Chinese and American agricultural products in world market,Chinese and American domestic market and Japanese market through adopting market share,profitability and productivity indices.The evaluation result of market share index shows that the performance of international competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products still have the big difference compared with U.S.A,but the result of market share gaining index indicates that the difference in the future could be shortened.
     Based on cost index and quality index,the potential of the international competitiveness of Chinese and American 6 kinds of agricultural products is compared in Chinese and American domestic market and Japanese market,and it is revealed that in different markets, both China and the United States have the agricultural products that enjoy much more international competitiveness potential than each other,and there is a little gap between the quantity of advantageous products of China and the United States.
     In the paper,13 factors which have influenced international competitiveness of Chinese and American agricultural products also have been identified and compared from both the production and circulation aspect.The influencing factors in production include seeds, agricultural materials,machine and energy source,water resource,capital,labor force,land,tax and insurance,operation management and technology and agricultural subsidy etc.The influencing factors in distribution aspect include international transportation and insurance, domestic transportation and marketing.
     Finally the fulfilling mechanisms or methods of international competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products are discussed based on identifying the above influencing factors,with the following viewpoints:as far as the agricultural products with the potential of international competitiveness,the competitiveness realization mechanism mainly depends on the international extension and marketing in circulation link,and the cost and quality control of the production and circulation will further strengthen its competitiveness potential;as far as the agricultural products without competitiveness potentials are concerned,the competitiveness realization mechanism will firstly depend on the cost and quality control of production link, then also on the cost and quality control and international marketing of the circulation.
     Through the above definition framework and evaluation indices construction and the following empirical analysis from a Sino-Us comparative perspective,the paper makes an empirical study on the international competitiveness of Chinese and American agricultural products and preliminarily answers how much the contribution of international competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products on the export of agricultural products is,which agricultural products have the competitiveness potentials,and how to realize good competitiveness performances and so on,at the same time,it also provides the domestic study on international competitiveness of agricultural products with a new analytical frame.
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