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The governance of government credit calls for theoretical support. We can explore a practical way of governing the lack of government credit by clarifying the meaning and nature of government credit, revealing the causes of government credit failure, through a general theoretical analysis combining the factual condition of the transitional government. Based on this understanding, the thesis chose "Government Credit Theories&Building Chinese Credit Government Theoretical Analysis Framework Based on Government Credit in Transformation" as the research topic.
     From an economic perspective, the generalized connotations of credit are to honor the contract, conduct honest transactions, and to abandon opportunistic behavior. Individual has the choice as to whether to honor the contract, be honest in economic, social contacts..Credit includes corporate credit, personal credit and government credit. Credit entities include individuals, businesses and government, while government is a special credit entity.
     Government credit is the commitment of state organs to the public in the management of social affairs, to administrate by the law, to conscientiously perform their duties, and to thus get the public's trust. Government credit in real terms is the Government's credibility and its credit capacity. Subjective credit of the government credit means the Government's compliance with commitments; the Government's objective of credit is whether they have the ability to honor their promise. These two aspects are interdependent and indispensable. Subjective credit of the Government emphasizes that the Government perform their duties according to the subjective factors, namely the Government, as the credit subject, different from non-governmental credit main (individuals, other organizations), can, based on a sense of responsibility and morality, devote to their duties and administrating according to law, that is, they have the subjective willingness to carry out their duties. Government's objective credit emphasizes objective facts contributing to government credit, that is, the Government has the ability to fulfill their own commitment to the public. Therefore, even if we do not question the subjective desire of the Government to work for the people, the Government may fail to completely perform its commitment, it will also undermine the government's credibility. Based on this understanding, we believe that the government must be investigated from two aspects:Government integrity and Government credit capacity, to understand the essence of the government credit.
     A government with integrity and credit capacity is a "credit government". Credit government is different from the "Honest Government" popular in the media nowadays."Honest Government" is subjectively honest, failing to cover the objective dishonesty which carries no subjective motive. Therefore, the thesis proposed "Credit government" as an alternative to the" honest government ". Credit government requires not only the subjective good faith, but also objective capacity to carry out the commitment to the public. The connotation of credit government means that the government shall not only has the will to work for the well-being of the public, but also has the ability to perform their duties.
     The power of a government comes from the people, so the government should be accountable to the people, to honor the commitment of public. Therefore, government credit should be measured in terms of the will of compliance, abilities and behavior. Government credit is proportional to the subjective wishes of government compliance, and to the ability of government. So government credit should be examined in two aspects:subjective wishes and objective capacity. Theoretically, government credit can be divided into different levels according to the wishes of the Government to fulfill its commitments, the capacity of and commitment. Government credit can not be separated from the positive evaluation of government credibility by the public. Public evaluation on the Government based on the exercise of public power, the performing of contract, the status of eventual realization of the public interest by the Government means the formation of government credit.
     Government credit is strong in character, and has wide influence. Government trustworthiness has become a key for building a modern credit society. For society as a whole, the government credit is a valuable public assets, because the trustworthiness of the government is bound to have a high degree of public recognition and support of government institutions and policies, from the transaction cost perspective, can greatly reduce the cost of system and policy formulation and implementation, and promote sustained economic development and social progress. Failure of government credit has a very bad effect to the credit status of the whole society. Specifically, the dangers of dishonesty by the Government, mainly the following aspects:(1) lead to social credit equilibrium,(2) lead to the formation of informal order challenging the formal order,(3) increase the cost of government operations.(4) damage the image and authority of the government,(5) lead to the deterioration of the investment environment, affecting the normal operation of the economy.
     Different from general credit entities, the government faces no constraints of the mandatory third party, other social organizations and the public can not implement effective penalties to dishonest government, which means that government credit building can only rely on government self-discipline and system constraints. Even there is a system to exert external constraints, the establishment, improvement, implementation of its institutional system, and oversight mechanisms must be conducted through the government. Therefore, the dishonest conducts is punished by a mandatory third-party, considering only the objective consequences of dishonesty, not caring about the existence of subjective dishonesty. However, as a special subject of credit, the dishonesty governance of a government shall not start from the subjective aspect. This is not to deny the importance of government credit environment, but because a trustworthy government must first be willing to fulfill the commitment of government subjective.
     The causes of government credit failure are multifaceted:political, economic, cultural, ideological, and even include the impact of international relations. The thesis only analyzes economic aspects. Drawing on existing economics analysis, the thesis investigates the government credit failure from subjective and objective perspectives, and tries to build an economic theoretical analysis framework of government credit. The thesis presents two theoretical views:with self-interest of government officials, a government may lack credit due to subjective dishonesty of the government and its officials; confined to the ability, a government without opportunism may also incur objective dishonesty. Therefore, the Government credit failure has two main situations:one is, subjectively, no intention to trustworthiness; the other is, insufficiently farewell commitment with limited ability. In both cases, the causes of government credit failure can be divided into subjective dishonesty and objective dishonesty. The governance of government credit failure can be explored in two directions:the governance of subjective dishonesty and the governance of objective dishonesty.
     The theoretical analysis framework of government credit is also applied to practical problems, which is in line with the Marxist research methods of from general to specific, from abstract to the specific. In a comparative analysis of the government credit under the planned economy and in the market economy transition process, the thesis points out that the particularity of the transition constitutes the background of the analysis of the credit situation, analyses on Chinese issues without this background would lose explanatory power. With the special background of the transition, the thesis analyze the credit status of our government, points out that the lack of government credit has a transitional and complex nature, such as the weak credit awareness, lack of transparency in government actions, policy flip-flop to a lack of stability, simple and crude administrative law enforcement, abuse of power by officials, the lack of supervision. The lack of government credit has subjective and objective reasons: the subjective dishonesty of the government and its officials from the government based on self-interest regulation, excessive one-sided pursuit of performance hampered the credibility of the Government, the lack of a sound and effective government credit and accountability mechanisms;"offside""absent ", mismatch of rights and duties leading to the objective Incredibility government.
     As to the solutions to the problem, government credit failure must be governed from a strategic perspective. From an economic perspective, systemic solutions to government credit failure shall cover the governance of the subjective dishonesty and objective dishonesty. Governance of subjective dishonesty is to strengthen the Government's self-discipline, which requires credit incentives and credit and moral construction; the governance of objective dishonesty is to improve the external environment of the government credit, reasonable and scientifically defined the responsibility of the government's credibility, and enhance the compliance of the Government itself, that is, to establish a truly credit capacity of the government. Based on our understanding of the nature and connotation of government credit, we believe that the fundamental way of governance credit failure is the building strategic goal of a credit government with phased and targeted implementation.
     Building credit government is the strategic objectives of control government credit failure and the government shall continuously improve its long-term reform process. The government must always adjust the credit specific objectives of the government building, according to different stages of economic and social development and based on the current economic and social conditions, to approach the public's expectations. Given the transitional nature of the economy and administration background, the target of credit government building in transition period is also transitional. The specific objectives of the credit government building of the transitional period in China is changing to a limited government, responsible government, and service-oriented government, to improve the ability of government to effectively perform their duties, to ensure the scientific nature, stability and continuity of the policy, to ensure the fairness and justice of government management. Practice approach to achieve this target system are:(1) building a law-based administration of limited government;(2) constructing a responsible government with matching credit responsibilities and credit capacity, including the transformation of government functions and reform of the financial system;(3) forming a service-oriented government with open government information,(4) establishing a scientific government credit accountability mechanisms.
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