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     3、根据对桑沟湾2003-2004年的调查,桑沟湾水质整体较好,全年各站位的综合质量指数为0.55,处于0.3-0.7范围内,属于尚清洁水平。仅1个站位富营养化指数大于1,其它各站位的富营养化水平较低。浮游植物73种,其中在夏季甲藻占优势,而在其它的3个季节则硅藻占优势。浮游动物及鱼卵、仔鱼共27种,各季度的浮游动物种类差别不大,主要优势种类为强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassaTokioka)和中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus Brodsky)等。
One of the objectives for modern ecology is to be a bridge between science and society,and application of scientific theories and measures to management has always been our efforts to pursuit.As a cross-discipline of ecology,sociology,and economics, ecosystem services and its valuation get more and more attention by government and public because of good connection between natural ecosystem and human society system.This dissertation is trying to put these theories into marine ecosystem by case study of Sanggou Bay.
     The dissertation includes 6 chapters.Chapter 1 gives a general progress description by reviewing worldwide research on marine ecosystem services;Chapter 2 is the systemic research on the connotation,source,classification,quantification,and valuation methods of marine ecosystem services;Chapter 3 analyzes the ecological and environmental situation of Sanggou Bay;Chapter 4 calculates the value of marine ecosystem services in Sanggou Bay;Chapter 5 discusses the management of marine ecosystem services and its application;and Chapter 6 is the main conclusions of the dissertation.The major study results include:
     1.Abroad researches are relative rich,and mainly focus on the ecological theories, valuation methods,and its applications.However,domestic researches start late and develop behind.It is specially lack of systematical research on the marine ecosystem.
     2.The connotation of marine ecosystem services could be defined by 3 characteristics,the carriers,process,and final effects.The assembly of all good effects to human beings by marine ecosystem and its biodiversity through ecological process is the marine ecosystem services.Those services are born from marine ecosystem's components,ecological process,and biodiversity. Hetero-location and open-access are two significant characteristics of marine ecosystem services.Referring to MA's classification and character similarity, those services could be classified into 4 groups and 15 types.The main quantification methods include substance assessment,emergy assessment,and economic assessment.While the economic valuation gets more and more popular and accepted,which becomes the most important and common method.
     3.Based on the site survey of Sanggou Bay 2003-2004,the water quality is fair clean and annual average of Integrated Quality Index is 0.55 with a range of 0.3-0.7.The eutrohpication level is very low except 1 station.There are 73 phytoplankton species,Pyrrophyta is dominant in summer and Bacillariophta in other seasons.There are 27 zooplankton species,no significant difference in various seasons.The dominant species are Sagitta crassa and Calanus sinicus.
     4.Total value of ecosystem services(VES) in Sanggou Bay is 6.07×10~8¥from 2003 to 2004,and average unit VES is 4.24×10~6¥/km~2.Within the total VES,the provision services,regulating services,and culture services account for 51.29%, 17.34%,and 31.37%,respectively.Among the eight services valuated in Sanggou Bay,food provision services hold highest value(50.45%),followed by(29.89%), and then climate regulating services(9.18%),harmful organism and disease control services have the lowest value(0.0017%).Those results present that the aquaculture activities not only contribute to the local social economic(51.29%), but also important to the environmental regulation and social culture(48.71%).
     5.The management of marine ecosystem services should not only consider reducing the impacts from direct and indirect drivers,but also overcoming traditional depreciation to ecosystem services.The management process could be included 3 tiers,services repair,maintenance,and improvement,to achieve the objective of efficiency,fairness,and sustainable.The study of marine ecosystem services is both meaningful in science and society.However,the application of marine ecosystem services is limited right now,and it should be attempted to apply in more fields.
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