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In the modern history of China, the development of Christianity have changed from "Mission center" to "Church center" from its beginning to rooting in China. Along with this situation, the Chinese Christians have become the leader of the Chinese Church. The process was difficult. As we know, the aim of the protestant missionary enterprise was constructing a native Chinese church. It is important that we must probe deeply the early history of protestant missions in china. As the largest and most successful mission of APM (the American Presbyterian Mission), the history of Shandong Mission of the APM forms a good case for studying the broader Protestant movement of which it was a part.
     On the basis of the archives of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission (1833-1911), the thesis will review the missionary enterprise of APM in Shandong in late Qing Dynasty. In the same time, according to the relation of the religion and society, the thesis will study all aspects of the missionary enterprise, including the enterprise of preach education、medical、famine relief and other society activities. According to this, we can analyze the relation between the APM and the development of Shandong society, the complexity relation between the church and the Chinese and American government, the missionaries' outlook of Chinese situation.
     According to the description of enterprise of APM in Shantung Province, the thesis will form a composite picture of Shantung mission. First, the enterprise of missionary was not only global but also local, so that the thesis will unscramble the interactions between the mission and board. Second, the thesis will make clear that the enterprise of missionary in the19th was the base of the Chinese Christian "Three-self"(self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating). Third, from the history of Shandong modern society, the enterprise of the APM in Shantung have interacted with the modernization of Shantung province.
     The thesis consists of six chapters, besides introduction. The first chapter introduces the background of the enterprise of APM in shantung. The second chapter unscramble the process of the APM of shantung expand from the costal to the interior from1861to1895. On this base, the third chapter explains the development of the mission under circumstance of turmoil and revolution, empirically the history during the Righteous and Harmonious Fists. The forth chapters explains the effect of the APM in the "Three-self" and "cohesion" of Chinese Christianity. The fifth Chapter summaries the educational enterprise of APM in Shandong, including children education、the primary and secondary education、the deaf and dumb school. As for the higher education, the thesis emphasis the process of the Tengchow Boy's College leave Tengchow to Weixian and the union of colleges. The sixth chapter summaries the medical and charitable enterprise, including the famine relief、 the construction of medical system、the economic activities of the missionaries.
① 吴义雄编:《地方社会文化与近代中西文化交流》,上海人民出版社,2010年,第1页。
    ② 中华续行委办会调查特委会编纂:《中华归主——中国基督教事业统计(1901--1920)》,中国社会科学出版社,2007年,第512页。
    ③ 连警斋:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,上海广学会,1940年,第246-249页。
    ① John K. Fairbank (ed.), The Missionary Enterprise in China and America, Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1974, pp.4.
    ② Irwin T. Hyatt, Jr, Our Ordered Lives Confess:Three Nineteenth-Century American Missionaries in East Shantung, Cambridge, Massachuestts,1976.
    ③ "Presbyterian Missionaries and the 1911 Chinese Revolution", Journal of Presbyterian History, Vol.62,1984, pp,154.
    ④ A History of the Protestant Movement in Shandong Province, China,1859-1951, University of Buckingham, 1994.
    ① G. Thompson Brown, Earthen vessels and transcendent power—American Presbyterians in china,1837-1952, New York:Orbis Books Maryknoll,1997.
    ① 刘天路、陶飞亚:《基督教会与近代山东社会》,山东大学出版社,1995年。
    ① 郭查理著,陶飞亚、鲁娜译:《齐鲁大学》,珠海出版社,1999年。
    ② 汤清:《中国基督教百年史》,香港:道声出版社,1997年,第244-246页。
    ③ 史静寰:《狄考文与司徒雷登——西方新教传教士在华教育活动研究》,珠海出版社,1999年,第1-93页。
    ④ 王立新:《美国传教士与晚清中国现代化》,天津人民出版社,2008年。
    ① 王立新:《近代基督教在华传教史研究的主要范式述评》,载陶飞亚、梁元生编《东亚基督教再诠释》,香港中文大学出版社,2004年。
    ① 会议制度由小会(session)、中会(presbytery)和总会(General Assembly)组成。
    ② 苏格兰裔爱尔兰人指的并不是苏格兰人与爱尔兰人的混血儿,而是暂时移居北爱尔兰的苏格兰人。
    ③ 李约翰编著:《长老教会之历史与信仰》,台北:长青文化事业1984年,第89页。
    ④ 李约翰编著:《长老教会之历史与信仰》,台北:长青文化事业1984年,第105页。
    ① 威利斯顿·沃尔克:《基督教会史》中译本,中国社会科学院出版社,1991年,第595页。
    ② 关于美国的“第二次大觉醒”及其对传教运动的影响,参见:Gliton J. Philips, Protestant American and the Pagan World. Backgroud of American Foreign Missions, Published by Harvard East Asian Research Center, Distributed by Harvard University Press,1969, Chap.l.
    ③ Sydney E. Ahlestrom, The Religious of the American People, Yale University Press,1973, pp.460.
    ④ William E. Strong, The Story of American Board, Boston,1906, pp.7.
    ⑤ William E. Strong, The Story of American Board, pp.4-5.
    ① 李约翰编著:《长老教会之历史与信仰》,台北:长青文化事业1984年,第111页。
    ② George P. Hays, Presbyterian:A popular Narrative of Their Origin Progress, Doctrines, and Achievement (New York:J. A. Hills,1982),300.
    ③ John C. B. Webster, "American Presbyterian Global Mission Policy:An Overview of 150 Years," American Presbyterian 65 (1987), p.72; Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.12.
    Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.12
    ① H. McKennie Goodpasture, "150 Years in Global Mission," Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study,1987 (New York:Presbyterian Church USA,1987), p.6.
    ② Joseph Tracy, "History of the Board of Foreign Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in The United States of America, and of its Mission," in Joseph Tracy, et al., History of American Missions to The Heathen, From Their Commencement to the Present Time (1842; reprint, New York:Johnson Reprint Corporation,1970), p.710
    ③ G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power-American Presbyterians in China,1837-1952, New York, Fleming, Orbis Books Maryknoll,1997, p.12
    ④ John C. B. Webster, "American Presbyterian Global Mission Policy:An Overview of 150 Years," AP 65 (1987), p.72.
    ① (英)马礼逊夫人编,顾长声译:《马礼逊回忆录》,广西师范大学出版社,2004年,第262页。
    ② Quoted in Strong, The Story of the American Board,110.
    ③ Arthur J. Brown, One Hundred Years:A History of the Foreign Missionary of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A, New York:Fleming H. Revell, 1937,pp.273.
    ④ G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.13.
    ⑤ Donald MacGillivrary ed, A Century of Protestant Missions in China (1807-1907), pp.379.
    ⑥ G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.13.
    ① G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.14.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, One Hundred Years, p.274.
    ③ Robert W. Orr to Walter Lowrie, Oct 6th,1938, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,! 833-1911,China, Vol.1 in Roll 189.
    ④ Robert W. Orr to Walter Lowrie, Oct 6th,1938, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, Vol.1 in Roll 189.
    ⑤ The Missionary Chronicle 10 (1842):54.
    ⑥ The Missionary Chronicle 10 (1842):54
    ⑦ McBryde& W. M. Lowrie to W. Lowrie, June 11th,1842, Presbyterian Board of Missions 1833-1911, China, Vol.1 in Roll 189.
    ① 杨大春:《晚清政府基督教政策初探》,北京:金城出版社,2004年,第19页。
    ② 王铁崖:《中外旧约章汇编》第1册,北京:三联书店,1957年,第147页。
    ① 杨大春:《晚清政府基督教政策初探》,北京:金城出版社,2004年,第27页。
    ② Jubilee Papers of The Central China Presbyterian Mission 1844-1944, shanghai:Printed at The American Presbyterian Mission Press,1895, p.1.
    ③ McBryde to Wells, Aug 23rd,1842, Presbyterian Board of Missions 1833-1911, China, Vol.1 in Roll 189., Vol.1, Roll 189.
    ④ Walter Lowrie, Memoirs of the Rev. Walter. M. lowrie:the letter of W. M. lowire to his mother, June 7th.1842,p.132
    ⑤ Jubilee Papers of The Central China Presbyterian Mission 1844-1944, pp.1-2.
    ① Annual Reports, Executive Committee of Foreign Missions Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A,1850, p.667.
    ① 李约翰编著:《长老教会之历史与信仰》,台北:长青文化事业1984年,第113页。
    ② G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power-American Presbyterians in China,1837-1952, New York, Fleming, Orbis Books Maryknoll,1997, p.93.
    ① Thauren J. The Mission Fields of the Society of the Divine Word,1932, p.32.
    ② Richard Timothy, Article in the China Mission Handbook for 1896, pp.43-45.
    ③ Armstrong Alex Shantung,1891, p.133.
    ④ Helen S. Coan Nevius, The Life of John Livingston Nevius,-For Forty Years A Missionary in China, New York, 1895, pp.300-301.
    ⑤ 转引自(美)赖德烈著,雷立柏等译:《基督教在华传教史》,道风书社,2009,第111页。
    ⑥ Williamson H. R. British Baptists in China,1957, p.6.
    ⑦ Esherick J. W. The Origins of the Boxer Rising,1987, p.77.
    ① Henry R. Williamson, British Baptist in China,1957, pp.7
    ② Edwin Stevens, Voyage of the Huron, The Chinese Repository, Vol.Ⅳ, No.7, p.308.
    ③ Edwin Stevens, Voyage of the Huron, The Chinese Repository, Vol.Ⅳ, No.7, p.323.
    ④ Edwin Stevens, Voyage of the Huron, The Chinese Repository, Vol.Ⅳ, No.7, p.326.
    ⑤ E. Coleman Bridgman, Topography of Shantung, The Chinese Repository, Vol.Ⅺ, No.10, pp.557-568.
    ① C.W, Mateer to the Board, Dec.13th,1880, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,, vol.15, in Roll.203.
    ② Helen S. Coan Nevius, The Life of John Livingston Nevius,1895, p.214.
    ③ Alexander Alex Armstrong, Shantung, A General Outline of the Geography and Histoiy of the Province, Shanghai, Mercury Office,1891.pp.21-22.
    ④ (美)费丹尼(Daniel W. Fisher)著,郭大松、崔华杰译:《一位在中国山东四十五年的传教士—狄考文》,中国文史出版社,2009年3月,第51页。
    ⑤ Helen S. Coan Nevius, The Life of John Livingston Nevius,1895, p.212.
    ⑥ The 23rd annual report,1862, p.54.
    The 23rd annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America Presented to the General Assembly in May,1862, New York:Published for the Board:at the Mission House,23 central street, p.42.
    ① The 23rd annual report,1862, p.207.
    ① John J. Heeren, On the Shantung Front, p.54.
    ② Tupper, Foreign Missions of the Southern Baptist Convention, p.120.
    ⑧ 烟台市人民政府民族宗教事务处编:《烟台市民族宗教志》,1993年,第170页。
    ③ Irwin T. Hyatt, Jr., Our Ordered Lives Confess:Three Nineteenth-Century American Missionaries in East Shantung, Harvard University Press,1978, p.3.
    ① 连警斋:《郭显德牧师行传》,上海广学会,1940年,第148页。
    ② The 23rd annual report,1862,p.42.
    ③ The 23rd annual report,1862,p.53.
    ④ The 23rd annual report,1862,p.54.
    ⑤ The 24th annual report,1863,p.41.
    ⑥ The 24th annual report,1863,p.41.
    ⑦ The 24th annual report,1863,p.41.
    ① Robert E. Speer, ed., A Missionary Pioneer in the Far East:A Memorial of Divie Bethune McCartee, p.136.
    ② 山东省烟台市政协文史资料委员会、《烟台文史资料》编辑部编:《烟台文史资料》第十八辑,1993,第162页。
    ③ 李约翰编著:《长老教会之历史与信仰》,台北:长青文化事业,1984年,第17页。
    ① John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.60.
    ② The 24th annual report,1863, p.41.
    ③ The 25th annual report,1864, p.42.
    ① The 23d annual report,1863, p.31.
    ① C. W. Mateer to the Board, May 25th,1870, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,, vol.8 in Roll.200.
    ② The 34th annual report,1871, p.71.
    ③ The 39th annual report,1876, p.73.
    ① The 37th annual report,1874,PP.62-73.
    ② The 39th annual report,1876,p.74.
    ③ The 31st annual report,1868,p.37.
    ④ The 39th annual report,1876.p.73.
    ⑤ The 39th annual report,1876,p.74.
    ⑥ The 36th annual report,1873,p.86.
    ① The 39th annual report,1876, p.74.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A,1902, p.138.
    ③ The 34th annual report,1873, p.73.
    ① The 31th annual report,1868, p.39.
    ② The 41st annual report,1878, p.69.
    ③ C. W. Mateer to the Board, Nov 25th,1878, Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Missions 1861-1911, China,Vol.14, in Roll 200.
    ④ The 33rd annual report,1870, p.
    ⑤ John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front, New York,1940, p.67.
    ① Mr. Murray to the Board, June 22nd 1878, Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Missions 1861-1911, China, Vol.14 in roll 200.
    ② Mr. Murray to the Board, Dec.18th 1880, Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Missions 1861-1911, China, Vol.15 in roll 200.
    ③ The 44th annual report,1881, p.78.
    ④ The 45th annual report,1882, p.84.
    ⑤ The 46th annual report,1883, p.103.
    ① The 49th annual report,1886,p.136.
    ② The 54th annual report,1891,p.54.
    ③ The 63rd annual report,1900,p.82.
    ④ The 47th annual report,1884,p.110.
    ① The 54th annual report,1891, p.55.
    ② The 55th annual report,1892, p.7.
    ③ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,广学会出版,1940年,第205页。
    ④ Hunter Corbett to the Board, Nov.1st 1881, Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, Vol.16 in roll 200.
    ⑤ The 45th annual report,1882, p.84.
    ① Mr. Mills to the Board, Feb.21st 1882, Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, Vol.16 in roll 200.
    ② Mr. Mills to the Board, Feb.21st 1882, Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, Vol.16 in roll 200.
    ③ C. W. Mateer to the Board, Feb 29th 1882, Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, Vol.16 in roll 200.
    ① The 47th annual report,1884,p.111.
    ② The 49th annual report,1886,p.137.
    ③ The 49th annual repoor,1886,p.137.
    ① The 56th annual report,1893,p.67.
    ② The 55th annual report,1892,p.79.
    ① John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.118.
    ② G.Thompson.Brown, Earthen vessels and transcendent power-American Presbyterians in china,1837-1952,New York:Orbis Books Mary knoll,1997, p.147.
    ① The 58th annual report,1895,p.12.
    ② The 59th annual report,1896,p.12.
    ③ The 59th annual report,1896,p.69.
    ① The 61st annual report,1898,p.69.
    ② The 61st annual report,1898,p.69.
    ③ The 61st annual report,1898,p.69.
    ④ The 63th annual report,1900,p.78.
    ⑤ Mr. Bergen to the Board,Sep.13th,1898,Presbyterian Boards of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,Vol.27 in roll 213.
    ⑥ The 62nd annual report.1899,p.71.
    ① The 63rd annual report,1900, p.78.
    ② The 61st annual report,1898, p.69.
    ③ The 61st annual report,1898, p.69.
    ④ The 62nd annual report,1899, p.71.
    ⑤ The 63rd annual report,1900, p.79.
    ① K. H. Ting, "Facing the Future or Restoring the Past?" (Address delivered in Toronto,Nov,1979)
    ② 赖德烈:《基督教在华传播史》
    ② Covell, W. A. P. Matin, pp.104.
    ① Robert. E. Speer ed., A missionary Pioneer in the Far East:A memorial of Divie Bethune McCartee, New York: Fleming H. Revell Company,1922, pp.12.
    ② John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front pp.86-87.
    I.T.Hyatt.Jr.Our Ordered Life Confess:Three Nineteenth Century American Missionaries in East Shantung, New York:Harvard University Press,1976,pp.216.
    ① J.A.Leyenberger,"The Treaty Rights of Native Christian,and the Duty of Missionaries in regard to their Vindication ", Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 10-24,1877, ShangHai:Presbyterian Mission Press, pp.401.
    ② Paul.D.Bergen, "Should we endeavor to keep all Church Troubles out of the Yamen", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.30 (1899), pp.261、334.
    ③ John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, pp.114-115.
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China—A Notable Conference of Missionary Secretaries", The Chinese Recorder,Vol32(1901),'No.8, pp.402-403.
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, New Forces in Old China, New York:Fleming H.Revell Company,1904, pp.239.
    ⑥ John J.Heeren, On the Shantung Front, pp102-103.
    ① G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.130.
    ② G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.118.
    G.Thompson.Brown, Earthen vessels and transcendent power-American Presbyterians in china,1837-1952,New York:Orbis Books Mary knoll,1997, p147.
    ④ John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.118.
    ⑤ Arthur.H.Smith, China in Convulsion, New York:Fleming H.Revell Company,1901,pp.181-182.
    ① Chefoo Station to John Fowler, February 19th,1900,Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol.41 part 4 in Roll.213.
    ② W.O.Elterich to Arthur J.Brown, July 17th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41 part 5 in Roll.213.
    ③ Charles F.Johnson to Arthur J.Brown, August 30th, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol.41 part 5 in Roll.213.
    ④ Chefoo Station to John Fowler, February 19th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41 part 4 in Roll.213.
    ⑤ W.O.Elterich to Arthur J.Brown, February 24th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-19II, China, vol.41 part 4 in Roll.213.
    ⑥ W.O.Elterich to Arthur J.Brown, March 8ty,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol.41 part 4 in Roll.213.
    ① Chefoo Station to John Fowler, March 9th,1900 Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,, vol.41 part 4 in Roll.213.
    ② W.O.Elterich to Arthur J.Brown, March 15th,1900 Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,, vol.41 part 4 in Roll.213.
    ③ Charlotte.E. Hawes, New Thrills in Old China, New York:George.H.Doran Company,1913, p.87.
    ④ John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, pp.124.
    ⑤ E.Shantung to John.Fowler, March 9th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol.41 part 5 in Roll.213.
    ⑥ Extracts from Mason Wells' Letter of June 28 Dated at Tengchow, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission, 1833-1911, China, vol.41 part 4 in Roll.213.
    ① W.O.Elterich to Arthur J.Brown, August 27th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol.41 part 5 in Roll.213.
    ② W.O.Elterich to Arthur J.Brown, September 13th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol.41 part 5 in Roll.213.
    ③ F. H. Chalfant to Arthur J. Brown, September 9th, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911.China,1900, vol.41 part 5 in Roll.213.
    ④ 1895-1911年美国北长老会山东差会分为东西两差会。其中东部差会包括:青岛、登州和烟台,西部差会包括潍县、济南、济宁和沂州,1905年峄县开辟为布道站后,加入西部差会。
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.66.
    ⑥ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.66.
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,上海广学会,1940年,第176页。
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.66.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.67.
    ③ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.68.
    ④ The 65th annual report,1902, p.107.
    ⑤ Arthur J.Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China pp.41-47.
    ⑥ Arthur J.Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China",The Chinese Recorder, Vol32(1901), No.8,. pp.405.
    ① J. Hudson Taylor, "Appeals for Redress", The Chinese Recorder, Vol25 (1895), No.12, pp.575-579.
    ② Mr. Taylor and Redress", The Chinese Recorder, Vol26 (1896), No.2, p.45.
    ③ M. H. Houston, "Appeals for Redress", The Chinese Recorder, Vol26 (1896), No.2. pp.97-99.
    ① Bishop Moule, "Should Missionary Societies Claim Indemnities", The Chinese Recorder, Vol32 (1901),No.11,, p.537.
    ② Bishop Moule, "Should Missionary Societies Claim Indemnities", The Chinese Recorder, Vol32 (1901),No.11,, p.538.
    ③ Geo. A. Stuart, "The Demand for Indemnity", The Chinese Recorder, Vol32 (1901),No.11,p.543.
    ④ F. H.Chalfant, "An Argument for Indemnity", The Chinese Recorder,Vol31(1900),No.11,pp.540-542.
    ⑤ Paul D. Bergen, "Remarks on the Subject of Securing Indemnity for Losses in Connection with Mission Work", The Chinese Recorder,Vol31(1900),No.11,p548.
    ⑥ Paul D. Bergen, "Remarks on the Subject of Securing Indemnity for Losses in Connection with Mission Work", The Chinese Recorder,Vol31(1900),No.11,p.549.
    ⑦ A. Goold, "An Argument Against Indemnity ", The Chinese Recorder, Vol32 (1901),No.12, pp.617-619.
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.52.
    ② Llewellyn James Davies, "The Church and Chinese Indemnities", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.33 (1902),No.5,pp.217-221.
    ③ W. P. Faries to Arthur J. Brown, September 13th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China,Vol.54 in Roll.213.
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,p.52.
    ⑤ Manual of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S.A. for the use of Missionaries and Missionary Candidates, Revised and Adopted Dec 16th,1899, New York,56 Fifth Avenue.
    ① Arthur J. Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China", The Chinese Recorder,Vol32(1901),No.8, p.404.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,p.39.
    ③ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,p.55..
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China", The Chinese Recorder,Vol32(1901),No.8, p.404.
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.39.
    ⑥ Arthur J. Brown to East and West Shantung Missions,1900, Sep 29th, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol85, in Roll.236.
    ⑦ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.39.
    ⑧ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, pp.55-57.
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.57.
    ② Wei Hsien Station's Report to the West Mission of the Presbyterian Church,1900,12 to 1901, Aug 10th Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol85, in Roll.260, p.5.
    ③ 1895-1911年美国北长老会山东差会分为东西两差会。其中东部差会包括:青岛、登州和烟台三个布道站,西部差会包括潍县、济南、济宁和沂州四个布道站。1905年峄县开辟为布道站后,加入西部差会。
    ④ Minutes of the East and West Shantung Mission in joint Sessions, December 1st-17th,1900,Presbyterian Boardof, Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,vol.54 in Roll.216,pp.5-6
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,p.146.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,p.44.
    ③ Chinanfu Mission Station Report 1900-1901, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, Vol.29, in Roll 260,p.4-5.
    ④ 廉立之王守中编:《义和团资料丛编一山东教案史料》,济南:齐鲁书社,1980年,第380页。
    ④ Chinanfu Mission Station Report 1900-1901, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, Vol.29, in Roll 260,p.5.
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.55.
    ① Wei Hsien Station's Report to the West Mission of the Presbyterian Church,1900,12 to 1901, Aug 10th Presbyterian Boardof Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol85, in Roll.260, p.5.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.48.
    ③ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.55.
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.55.
    ③ “北京差会的赔偿归入大赔款之内,参与制定赔款政策的传教士比较少,北京差会赔偿政策比较单一,因赔偿归入大赔款之内,因此赔款的支付需要较长的时间。
    ① Arthur J. Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China", The Chinese Recorder,Vol32(1901),No.8, p.401.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, pp.48-49.
    ③ 廉立之王守中编:《山东教案史料》,济南:齐鲁书社,1980年,第377页。
    ④ 康立之王守中编:《山东教案史料》,第378页。
    ⑤ 司快尔:1859-1911,美国外交官,军人出身,1898年来华
    ⑥ Mr. Squiers to Mr. Hay, "Claims of Missionaries—Direct Settlement with Chinese Official", May 28th,1901,United States Department of State Paper relating to the foreign relations of the United States, with the annual message of the president transmitted to Congress, December 3,1901, No.640,p.97
    ⑦ Mr. Hay to Mr. Squiers, July 17th,1901, United States Department of State Paper relating to the foreign relations of the United States, with the annual message of the president transmitted to Congress, December 3,1901, No.355, p.99.
    ⑧ Llewellyn James Davies, "The Church and Chinese Indemnities", The Chinese Recorder, Vol33(1902), No.5, p.218.
    ① Wei Hsien Station's Report to the West Mission of the Presbyterian Church,1900,12 to 1901, Aug 10th Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China, vol85, in Roll.260, p.5.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.55.
    ③ W.O.Elterich to Arthur J.Brown, October 6th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission, 1833-1911,China, vol.41 part 5 in Roll.213.
    ④ Minutes of the East and West Shantung Mission in joint Sessions,p.3.
    ⑤ Minutes of the East and West Shantung Mission in joint Sessions,p.5.
    ⑥ The 65th annual report,1902, p.104.
    ① The 65th annual report,1902, p.107..
    ② The 65th annual report,1902, p.4.
    ③ 蔡詠春等译,中华续行委员会调查特委会编:(1901-1920年中国基督教调查资料》(上卷),北京:中国社会出版社,2007年,第120页。
    ④ 蔡詠春等译,中华续行委员会调查特委会编:《1901-1920年中国基督教调查资料》(上卷),北京:中国社会出版社,2007年,第120页。
    ③ "Happy New Year", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.32(1901), No.1, p.52.
    ⑥ 赖德烈著,雷立柏等译:《基督教在华传播史》,香港:道风书社,2009年,第447页。
    ① "Happy New Year", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.32(1901), No.1, pp.52-53.
    ② C. A. Stanley, "The New Conditions in China ", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.35(1904), No.6, p.291.
    ③ The 65th annual report,1902, p.104.
    ④ John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, pp.134-135.
    ⑤ John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.133.
    ⑥ "Missionary News ", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.32 (1901), No.6, p.320.
    ① "Missionary News", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.34 (1903), No.3, p.155.
    ② "Missionary News", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.35 (1904), No.5, p.323.
    ③ Charlotte.E. Hawes, New Thrills in Old China, pp.152,155.
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China", The Chinese Recorder,Vol32(1901),No.8, p.400.
    ⑤ Minutes of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the West Shantung Mission Held at Ichowfu,1902, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, and Vol.130, in roll 260, p.9.
    ⑥ The 67th annual report,1904, pp.139-140.
    ⑦ Minutes of the 10th Annual Meeting of the West Shantung Mission Held at Chiningchow,1904, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, and Vol.130, in roll 260, p.5.
    ① Minutes of the 10th Annual Meeting of the West Shantung Mission Held at Chiningchow,1904, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, and Vol.130, in roll 260, p.5.
    ② The 71st annual report,1908, p.142.
    ③ The 70th annual report,1907, p.137.
    ④ The 70th annual report,1907, p.138.
    ① The 54th annual report,1896, p.13.
    ② Paul Bergen to Arthur J. Brown, March 23rd 1898, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, and Vol.41, in roll 213.
    ③ C. W. Mateer to Arthur J. Brown, Sep.27th 1898, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, and Vol.41, in roll 213.
    ④ W. O. Elterich to Arthur J. Brown, Oct.10th,1898, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, and Vol.41, in roll 213.
    ⑤ Paul Bergen to Arthur J. Brown, Feb.3rd,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, and Vol.41, in roll 213.
    ⑥ Arthur J. Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China", The Chinese Recorder, Vol32(1901),No.8, p.400.
    ⑦ Arthur J. Brown, New Forces in Old China:an Unwelcome but Inevitable Awakening, New York:Fleming H. Revel I Company, p.52
    ⑧ Arthur J. Brown, New Forces in Old China, pp.337-338.
    ⑨ Charlotte E. Hawes, New Thrills in Old China, New York:George H. Doran Company,1913, p.87.
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.146..
    ② Arthur J. Brown, The Chinese Revolution, New York:Student Volunteer Movement,1912, p.165.
    ③ Michael V. Metallo, Presbyterian Missionaries and the 1911 Chinese Revolution, Journal of Presbyterian History, 62:2 (Summer 1984), p.161.
    ④ Charlotte E. Hawes, New Thrills in old China, p.186.
    ⑤ Charlotte E. Hawes, New Thrills in old China, p.187.
    ⑥ Charles Ernest Scott, China from within:Impressions and Experiences, Fleming H. Revell Company,1917, p.206
    ⑦ Charles Ernest Scott, China from within:Impressions and Experiences, p.208.
    ① John J. Heeren, On the Shantung Front, pp.145-146.
    ② John J. Heeren, On the Shantung Front, pp.146.
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.140.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Why and How of a Foreign Mission, New York:Young People's Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada,1911, p.154.
    ③ The 26th annual report,1863, p.32.
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,上海广学会,1940年,第157页。
    ② 王元德,刘玉峰:《文会馆志》,潍县广文学堂印刷所,1913年,第3-4页。
    ③ The 29thannual report,1866,p.33.
    ④ The 31th annual report,1868,p.32.
    ⑤ The 3yd annual report,1870,p.39.
    ⑥ The 34th annual report,1871,p.74.
    ⑦ The 48th annual report,1886,p.134.
    ① Hunter Corbett to the Board,Feb.9th,1887,PBFM,1833-1911,China,Vol.21,in Roll 206.
    ② The 62nd annual report,1899,p.73.
    ③ Arthur J.Brown,Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902,p.138.
    ④ 关于在华传教士自养政策的初期探讨,可参考吴义雄:《自立与本色化-191 世纪末20世纪初基督教会对华传教策略之转变》,《中山大学学报》(社会科学版),2004年第6期,第124-132页。
    ① The 36th annual report,1873, p.86.
    ② 关于保灵自养思想的主要内容,可参考吴义雄:《自立与本色化-19世纪末20世纪初基督教会对华传教策略之转变》,《中山大学学报》(社会科学版),2004年第6期,第127页。
    ③ Discussion, Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China, Shanghai 1877, Taipei: Cheng Wen Publishing Company,1973, pp.293-298.
    ① Helen S. Coan Nevius, The life of John Livingston Nevius, New York, Fleming H. Revell Company, p.381.
    ② C. W. Mateer, A Review of'Methods of Mission Work', The Chinese Recorder, Vol.31(1900), No.3, p.109
    ③ G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power, p.85.
    ④ John L. Nevius, Principle and Methods Applicable to Station Work, The Chinese Recorder, Vol.16 (1885), No.12, p.461.
    ⑤ C. W. Mateer, A Review of'Methods of Mission Work', The Chinese Recorder, Vol.31 (1900), p.139.
    ⑥ Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 7-20,1890, p.166-167.
    ① J.H. Laughlin to the Board, Feb.11th 1887, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission.1833-1911, Vol.21, in roll 206.
    ② R. M. Mateer to the Board Nov.28th,1891,,Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission.1833-1911, Vol.26, in roll 208.
    ③ Norman Howard Cliff, A History of the Protestant Movement in Shantung Province,1859-1951, A thesis of the University of Buckingham,1994.
    ④ William Edward Soothill, Timothy Richard in China, London, Service & Co.,1924, p.
    ⑤ Records of the Second Shangtung Missionary Conference at Weihien,1898. Shanghai,1899, p.36.
    ⑥ Money in Missionary Work, The Chinese Recorder, Vol.31(1900), p.16.
    ⑦ C. W. Mateer, A Review of 'Methods of Mission Work', The Chinese Recorder, Vol.31 (1900), pp.109-112.
    ⑧ Ecumenical Missionary Conference, New York,1900, Vol. II, New York:American Tract Society,1900, p.311.
    ① G. S. Hays to the Board, Feb.15th,1894,,Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission.1833-1911, Vol.26, in roll 208.
    ② Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.28.
    ③ John L. Nevius, The Planting and Development of the Missionary Churches, New York:Foreign Mission Library, p.9.
    ④ John L. Nevius, The Planting and Development of the Missionary Churches, New York:Foreign Mission Library, pp.95-96.
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.139.
    ⑥ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.140.
    ⑦ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.29.
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.139.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.140.
    ③ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.140.
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.141.
    ⑤ John J. Heeren, on the shantung front, New York,1940, p.211.
    ⑥ F. H. Chalfant to the Board, March 22nd,1891, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, Vol.26, in Roll 208.
    ① J. A. Fitch to the Board, May 12th,1894, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, Vol.27, in Roll 208.
    ② The 60th annual report,1897, p.70.
    ③ The 60th annual report,1897, p.71.
    ④ The 60th annual report,1897, p.71.
    ⑤ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.29-31.
    ① Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.31-34.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.140.
    ③ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.141.
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China,1902, p.142.
    ⑤ The 67th annual report,1904, p.108.
    ⑥ The 67th annual report,1904, pp.108-109.
    ⑦ The 68th annual report,1905, p.120.
    ⑧ The 72nd annual report,1909, p.121
    ⑨ The 70th annual report,1907, p.122.
    ⑩ John J. Heeren, on the shantung front, New York,1940, p.212.
    ① The 69th annual report,1906,p.128.
    ② The 68th annual report,1905,p.132.
    ③ The 72nd annual report 1909,p.145.
    ④ John J.Heeren,on the shantung front,New York,1940,p.212.
    ⑤ 李道辉:《济南山东中华基督教会概况》,中国基督教续行委办会编:《中华基督教会年鉴》,第7期,上海商务印刷馆1924年,第77页。
    ① 刘思义:《山东中华基督教自立会》,《中华基督教年鉴》,第11期,1931年,第95页。
    ② 曲拯民:《美国长老会与山东自立教会事略》,《山东文献》(台湾),第11卷第1期,第32页。
    ③ 曲拯民:《美国长老会与山东自立教会事略》,《山东文献》(台湾),第11卷第1期,第32-33页。
    ④ 李道辉:《济南山东中华基督教会概况》,《中华基督教会年鉴》,第7期,1924年,第77页。
    ① 连警斋:《郭显德牧师行传》,上海广学会,1940年,第500页。
    ② 连警斋:《郭显德牧师行传》,上海广学会,1940年,第501页。
    ③ 连警斋:《郭显德牧师行传》,上海广学会,1940年,第503页。
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, Why and How of a Foreign Mission, New York:Young People's Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada,1911, p.162.
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, Why and How of a Foreign Mission, New York:Young People's Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada,1911, p.164.
    ① 高伯兰:《教会合一运动之趋势》,《中国基督教会年鉴》,第12期,1934年,第29页。
    ② The Report of the committee appointed by the Eight China Mission to draw up a Constitution for the China Council, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.128 in Roll.260.
    ③ The China Council, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.128 in Roll.260.
    ① 张葆初:《中华基督教长老会联会》,《中华基督教会年鉴》,第3期,1915年,续第44-45页。
    ② 张葆初:《中华基督教长老会联会》,《中华基督教会年鉴》,第3期,1915年,第24页。
    ③ Report of the Presbyterian Committee on Union Second Meeting, Shanghai, Oct.18th-24th,1905, Shanghai:The American Presbyterian Mission Press,1905, Exhibit D, "Revolution of 1903", p.22,25.
    ④ Report of the Presbyterian Committee on Union Second Meeting, Shanghai, Oct.18th-24th,1905, Shanghai:The American Presbyterian Mission Press,1905, Exhibit A, pp.9-10.
    ⑤ David J. MacGown, Presbyterian in the Church of the Christ in China, Yale University M. A. degree dissertation,1947,p.15.
    ③ 张葆初:《中华基督教长老会联会》,《中华基督教会年鉴》,第3期,1915年,续第45-46页。
    ④ 贾玉铭:《中华全国长老会联合总会之成立》,《中华基督教会年鉴》,第1期,1913,第24页。
    ① Minutes of the ninth annual meeting of the West Shantung mission, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission, 1833-1911, China, vol.130 in Roll.260, pp.18-19.
    ② Minutes of the Twelfth annual meeting of the West Shantung Mission, held at Ichowfu, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.130 in Roll.260, p5.
    ③ John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.93.
    ① John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.213.
    ② John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.214.
    ③ Records of the Second Shantung Missionary Conference at Wei-Xian,1898, Shanghai:Printed at the Presbyterian Mission Press,1899, p.39.
    ① Records of the Second Shantung Missionary Conference at Wei-Xian,1898, Shanghai:Printed at the Presbyterian Mission Press,1899, p.54.
    ② The 65th annual report,1902, p.12.
    ③ The 65th annual report,1902, p.13-14.
    ④ Arthur.J.Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China", The Chinese Recorder,Vo132(1901),No.8, pp.402-403.
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.94.
    ② Minutes of the East and West Shantung Mission in joint Sessions, pp.12-13.
    ③ (美)郭查理著,陶飞亚、鲁娜译:《齐鲁大学》,珠海:珠海出版社,1999年,第62页。
    ① Arthur J. Brown, Unity and Missions, New York:Fleming H. Revell company,1915, pp.182-183.
    ② Arthur J. Brown, Unity and Missions, New York:Fleming H. Revell company,1915, p.183.
    ③ Minutes of the Twelfth annual meeting of the West Shantung Mission, held at Ichowfu, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.130 in Roll.260, p.4.
    ④ John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.214.
    ⑤ China Centenary Missionary Conference Records, Printed in Shanghai under the direction of the Conference Committee, p.333.
    ① China Centenary Missionary Conference Records, Printed in Shanghai under the direction of the Conference Committee, p.334.
    ② Minutes of the Thirteenth annual meeting of the West Shantung Mission, held at Ichowfu, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.130 in Roll.260, p.6.
    ① John J. Heeren, On the Shantung Front, p.226.
    ② John L. Nevius, China and the Chinese, New York:Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square,1869, p.341.
    ③ John L. Nevius, China and the Chinese,1869, pp.341-342.
    ① Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionary of China, Held at Shanghai, May 10-24,1877,Reprinted by Cheng Wen Publishing Company, TaiPei,1973, p.171.
    ② Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionary of China, p.172.
    ③ Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionary of China, pp.173-178.
    ④ Records of General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 7-20,1890, Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press, p.456.
    ⑤ The 35th annual report,1882, p.82.
    ⑥ J. A. Leyenberge to the Board, Nov.12th 1890, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.25,inRoll.208.
    ① 李约翰编着:《长老教会之历史与信仰》,台北:长春文化事业,1984年,第107页。
    ② C. W. Mateer to the Board, June 15th,1874, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.11 in Roll.199.
    ③ C. W. Mateer to the Board, Feb.5th,1889, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.19 in Roll.205.
    ④ F. H. Chalfant to the Board, April 4th,1891, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.26 in Roll.208.
    ① C. W. Mateer to the Board, Nov.28th,1892, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.26 in Roll.208.
    ② C. W. Mateer to the Board, April 24th,1894, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.26 in Roll.208.
    ③ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.37-38.
    ④ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.38..
    ⑤ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.38.
    ⑥ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.143.
    ① John L. Nevius, China and the Chinese, New York,1869, p.63.
    ② Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.39-40.
    ③ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.40-41.
    ④ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.40.
    ⑤ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.41.
    ① Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.41-42.
    ② John L. Nevius, China and the Chinese, New York,1869, p.66.
    ③ (美)费丹尼(Daniel W. Fisher)着,郭大松崔华杰译:《狄考文——位在中国山东四十年的传教士》,北京:中国文史出版社,第92页。
    Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.40.
    Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.42.
    Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.42.
    ① Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.42.
    ② John L. Nevius, China and the Chinese,
    ③ (美)费丹尼(Daniel W. Fisher)着,郭大松崔华杰译:《狄考文——位在中国山东四十年的传教士》,北京:中国文史出版社,第148页
    ① Report of General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 7-20,1890, Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, pp.461.
    ② Report of General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 7-20,1890, Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, pp.461-464.
    ③ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.42.
    ① 连警斋:《郭显德牧师行传》,第663-664页。
    ① The 75th annual report,1912,p.188.
    ② The 68th annual report,1905,p.117.
    ③ The 72nd annual report,1909,p.123.
    ⑤ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,p.261
    ① Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.42.
    ② The 64th annual report,1899, p.72.
    ③ The 64th annual report,1899, p.74.
    ④ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,p.261.
    ① The 69th annual report,1906, pp.115-116.
    ③ 《登郡文会馆典章》,上海美华书馆,1891年刊印,第1页。
    ③ Mr. Mills to Dr. Ellinwood, Feb.4th,1878, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.13, in Roll.197.
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,p.296.
    ② 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,p.296.
    ③ The 61th annual report,1898,p.72.
    ① The 62nd annual report,1899,p.73.
    ② The 28th annual report,1875,p.63.
    ① The 60th annual report,1897, p.73.
    ② The 67th annual report,1904, p.117.
    ③ The 75th annual report,1912, p.196.
    ① The 64th annual report,1901,p.107.
    ① The 67th annual report,1904, p.114.
    ② S.A.Mateer,"China," WWW13,No.11(1883),p.368.
    ③ The 71st annual report,1908, p.130.
    ④ The 72nd annual report,1909, p.130.
    ① The 66th annual report,1903,p.120.
    ① The 68th annual report,1904, p,139.
    ② The 76th annual report,1912, p.200.
    ⑥ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第229页。
    ① The 66th annual report,1902,p.100.
    ② The 67th annual report,1903,p.109.
    ③ 连警斋:《郭显德牧师行传》,第236页。
    ① 费丹尼(Daniel W. Fisher)著,郭大松崔华杰译:《一位在山东四十五年的传教士——狄考文传》,北京:中国文史出版社,2009年,第84页。
    ② 1877年登州蒙养学堂正式更名为登州文会馆,“取以文会友之意”,拟“将天下至要之学会聚于兹”。1880年美国北长老会广州差会传教士哈巴德安向海外宣教部提出申请,要求在中国建立一所隶属于长老会的教会大学,得到美国北长老会费城大会的赞同。1881年2月14日美国北长老会山东差会召开会议,决议将登州文会馆组建成一所大学,并规定最终的目标是实现学校的自养,按照中国的方式举办,校址暂定登州,同时向海外宣教部提出申请,1884年(一说1882)年美国北长老会海外宣教部批准登州文会馆升格为大学。
    ① C. W. Mateer to the Board, June 29th,1885, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.84,in roll.236.
    ② 郭大松,杜学霞编译:《登州文会馆》,山东人民出版社,2012年,第66页。
    ② C. W. Mateer to Arthur J. Brown, Nov.14tg,1898, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.84,in roll.236.
    ④ W. M. Hayes to Arthur J. Brown April 26th,1898, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.84,in roll.236.
    ⑤ 郭大松杜学霞编译:《登州文会馆——中国第一所现代大学》,山东人民出版社,2012年,第66页。
    ⑥ Joint Missions to Arthur J. Brown, Dec,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41, Part5,in roll.213, p.1.
    ⑦ 费丹尼(Daniel W. Fisher)著,郭大松崔华杰译:《一位在山东四十五年的传教士——狄考文传》,北京:中 国文史出版社,2009年,第142页。
    ① C. W. Mateer to the Board, Sep.1st,1886, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.54 in Roll.206.
    ② 费丹尼(Daniel W. Fisher)著,郭大松崔华杰译:《一位在山东四十五年的传教士——狄()考文传》,北京:中国文史出版社,2009年,第149页。
    ① B.A.Garside著,甘耀嘉译:《勇往直前:路思义的心灵世界》,台北:雅歌出版社,1999年,第89页。
    ② B.A.Garside著,甘耀嘉译:《勇往直前:路思义的心灵世界》,台北:雅歌出版社,1999年,第90-91页。
    ⑧ 1894年11月为减轻差会管理费用,山东差会通过决议,将山东差会划分东西两个差会,东部差会管辖登州和烟台,西部差会管辖潍县、济南、沂州和济宁,决议于1895年5月1日生效。
    ④ Minutes of East and West Shantung Mission in joint Sessions,December 1st-17th,1900,Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,833-1911,China,vol.54 in Roll.216,p.10.
    ⑤ Minutes of the East and West Shantung Mission in joint Sessions,December 1st-17th,1900,Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,vol.54 in Roll.216, p.13.
    ① J. B. Neal to Arthur J. Brown, Dec 18th,1899, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 6,in roll.213.
    ② Reasons for Moving Tengchow College to Chinan,1899, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 6,in roll.213.
    ③ Extract from Letter of Rev. F. H. Chalfant, Feb 19th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41, Part 6,in roll.213, p.1.
    ④ Extract from Letter of H. W. Luce, Tungchow, April 18th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 6,in roll.213.
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, New York,1902.
    ① Joint Missions to Arthur J. Brown, Dec,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 5,in roll.213, pp.5-6.
    ② Joint Missions to Arthur J. Brown, Dec,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41, Part 5,in roll.213,p.7.
    ③ Joint Missions to Arthur J. Brown, Dec,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41, Part 5,1 n roll.213, p.5.
    ④ Joint Missions to Arthur J. Brown, Dec,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41, Part 5, in roll.213, p.5.
    ⑤ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, New York,1902, p.108.
    ⑥ H. W. Luce to Arthur J. Brown, Dec 17th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 6,in roll.213, p.5.
    ① Joint Missions to Arthur J. Brown, Dec,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41, Part 5, in roll.213, p.7.
    ② Joint Missions to Arthur J. Brown, Dec,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 6,in roll.213, p.9.
    ③ H. W. Luce to Arthur J. Brown, Dec 17th,1900, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 6,in roll.213, p.2.
    ④ Arthur J. Brown, Report on a Visitation of the Missions in China, p.108.
    ① B.A.Garside著,甘耀嘉译:《勇往直前:路思义的心灵世界》,台北:雅歌出版社,1999年,第91页。
    ② Arthur. J. Brown, "Future Missionary Policy in China", The Chinese Recorder, Vol.32 (1901), No.8 p.404.
    ③ Proposed United Colleges in Shantung, The Chinese Recorder, Vol.31 (1902), No.8, pp.417-418.
    ① The 69th annual report,1905, p.141.
    ② The 70th annual report,1906, p.139.
    ① Correspondence, Deaf and Dumb in China, The Chinese Recorder, Vol.18(1877),No.8, pp.256-257.
    ② 梅女士:《烟台启喑学馆纪略》,《中华基督教教会年鉴》第1期,1914年,第133页。
    ① Report of General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 7-20,1890, Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, pp.464-467.
    ② 花之安:《自西徂东》,卷4,第98页,转引自王立新《美国传教士与晚清中国现代化—近代基督教新教传教士在华社会活动和教育活动研究》,天津人民出版社,1997年版,第216页。
    ② John. J. Heeren, On the Shantung Front, p.241.
    ③ Report of General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China Held at Shanghai, May 7-20,1890, Shanghai:
    ① Miss C. B. Downing to the Board, June 21st,1866, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.7.in roll.197.
    ② Records of the first Shantung Missionary Conference at Ching-Chow fu,1893, Shanghai:Printed at the Presbyterian Mission Press,1894, pp.72-74.
    ③ Records of the first Shantung Missionary Conference at Ching-Chow fu,1893, p.76
    ④ Records of the first Shantung Missionary Conference at Ching-Chow fu,1893, p.76.
    ⑤ Records of the first Shantung Missionary Conference at Ching-Chow fu,1893, p.76.
    ⑥ Records of the first Shantung Missionary Conference at Ching-Chow fu,1893, pp.76-77.
    ⑦ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.49.
    ⑧ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.49.
    ⑨ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.49.
    ⑩ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.49.
    11 Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.49-50.
    ① Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.50.
    ② Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.47
    ③ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions, of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.47-48.
    ④ F. H. Chalfant to the Board, March,8th,1894. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.27,in roll.207.
    ① F. H. Chalfant to the Board, June 14th,1894, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.27,in roll.207.
    ② W. M. Hayes to the Board, Dec.29th,1897, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41, in roll.207.
    ③ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.48.
    ④ 王元德、刘玉峰:《文会馆志》,第35页。
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,第148-149页。
    ② 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,第148-149页。
    ③ Hunter Corbett, A Record of American Presbyterian Mission Work in Shantung Province, China,1861-1913, p.2.
    ④ Helen S. Coan Nevius, The Life of John Livingston Nevius- For Forty Years A Missionary in China, New York: Fleming H. Revell Company,1895, pp.226-227.
    ① G. Thompson Brown, Earthen vessels and transcendent power—American Presbyterians in china,1837-1952, New York:Orbis Books Maryknoll,1997,p55.
    ② Hunter Corbett, A Record of American Presbyterian Mission Work in Shantung Province, China,1861-1913, p.4
    ③ Hunter Corbett, The Work of Protestant Missions in The Province of Shantung, The Chinese Recorder, V6112 p.87-90.
    ④ 王林:《山东灾荒史》,齐鲁书社,2004年,第165页。
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,第417页。
    ② 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,第417页。
    ③ Helen S. C. Nevius:The life of John Livingston Nevius—for forty years a missionary in China, New York:Fleming H. Revell Company,1895, pp.318-319.
    ④ 郭大松译编:《中西文化交流的先驱和桥梁—近代山东早期来华基督新教传教十及其差会工作》,人民日报出版社,2007年7月第1版,第68页。
    ⑤ 郭大松译编:《中西文化交流的先驱和桥梁—近代山东早期来华基督新教传教士及其差会工作》,人民日报出版社,2007年7月第1版,第26页。
    ⑥ 郭大松译编:《中西文化交流的先驱和桥梁—近代山东早期来华基督新教传教士及其差会工作》,人民日报出版社,2007年7月第1版,第30页。
    ① Helen S.C. Nevius, Our life in China, p.321.
    ② John J. Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.77.
    ③ 郭大松崔华杰译:《一位在中国山东四十五年的传教士—狄考文》,第197页。
    ① 郭大松译:《中华育英才—狄邦就烈传》,中国文史出版社,2009年2月第1版,第86页。
    ② 郭大松译:《中华育英才—狄邦就烈传》,中国文史出版社,2009年2月第1版,第89页。
    ③ The 53rd annual report,1890,p.50.
    ④ The 49th annual repoot,1886,pp.136-137.
    ⑤ The 51st annual report,1888,p.143.
    ⑥ 《西国治河成法》:《万国公报》,1889年8月,第七册;《治河说》:《万国公报》,1889年11月,第十册:《黄河归海论》:《万国公报》,1890年9月,第二十册:《治河建闸说》:《万国公报》,1890年12月,第二十三册。
    ① 庾裕良,陈仁华,吴国华.编:《天主教基督教在广西资料汇编》,桂林:广西民族出版社,1987年,第87页。
    ② G.Thompson Brown, Earthen vessels and transcendent power, p.69.
    ③ G.Thompson Brown, Earthen vessels and transcendent power, p.142.
    ④ Julia Brown Mateer, Some Reminiscences of the Famine Relief Work, The Chinese Recorder,vol.21,1890, pp.18-26.
    ① Charles Edwin Bradt, William Robert King etc, Around the World Studies and Stories of Presbyterian Foreign Missions by a Carefully Selected Company of Students who Personally Visited and Critically Investigated Most of the Foreign Mission Stations of the Presbyterian Church, U.S., Wichita, Kansas:The Missionary Press Co.,1912. p.306
    ③ The 27th annual report,1865, p.36.
    ④ The 30th annual report,1868, p.34.
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,第178页。
    ② The 26th annual report, p.42.
    ③ Mr. Mills to the Board, June 18th,1867, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.7,in roll.197.
    ④ C.W. Mateer to the Board, Oct.5th,1868, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.8,in roll.200.
    ⑤ E. P. Capp to the Board, March 28th,1870, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.9,in roll.196.
    ⑥ John P. Patterson to the Board, July 4th, 1871, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.10,in roll.194.
    ⑦ Charles R. Mills to the Board, June 12th,1874, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.l2,in roll.199.
    ⑧ Charles R. Mills to the Board, June 26th,1877, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.l3,in roll.202.
    ① Miss A. D. H. Kelsey to the Board, June 29th,1880, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.14,in roll.203.
    ② Stepten A. Hunter to the Board, April 7th,1880, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.14,in roll.203.
    ③ The 44th annual report,1879, p.79.
    ④ Stepten A. Hunter to the Board, Feb.28th,1881, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.14,in roll.203.
    ① The 49th annual report,1884,p.106.
    ② The 49th annual report,1886,p.135.
    ③ The 49th annual report,1888,p.134.
    ④ The 49th annual report,1888,p.134.
    ⑤ The 49th annual report,1889,p.149.
    ① Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.58.
    ② Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.59.
    ① The 59th annual report,1896, p.
    ② The 65th annual report,1905, p.113.
    ③ The 60th annual report,1900, p.77.
    ④ The 69th annual report,1896, p.121.
    ⑤ The 68th annual report,1908, p.121.
    ① The 74th annual report,1911, p.150
    ② The 57th annual report,1894, p.93.
    ① The 67th annual report,1907, p.127.
    ② The 68th annual report,1907, p.130.
    ③ The 68th annual report,1907, p.130.
    ④ The 68th annual report,1907, p.131.
    ⑤ Robert Coltman to the Board, April 7th,1887, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vpl.21,in roll.206.
    ① The 66th annual report,1903,p.116.
    ① The 68th annual report,1906, p.110.
    ② The 69th annual report,1907, p.135
    ③ The 74th annual report,1911, p.166
    ④ The 55th annual report,1982, p.81.
    ⑤ The 55th annual report,1892, p.81
    ① The 59th annual report,1896, p.79.
    ② The 67th annual report,1904, p.123.
    ③ The 69th annual report,1906, p.134.
    ④ The 63th annual report,1901, p.111.
    ① The 69th annual report,1907,p.148;The 70th annual report,p.145.
    ② 顾长声:《传教士与近代中国》,上海人民出版社,1981年,第274页。
    ② The 59th annual report,1896,p.71.
    ③ The 59th annual report,1896,p.75.
    ④ The 61st annual report,1898,p.81.
    ① The 67th annual report,1904, p.104.
    ② 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传全集》,第586页。
    ③ John J. Heeren, on the Shantung Front, p.223.
    ④ The 49th annual report,1886, p.136.
    ⑤ The 55th annual report,1892, p.78.
    ⑥ The 63rd annual report,1899, p.81.
    ⑦ The 67th annual report,1904, p.117.
    ⑧ The 57th annual report,1893, p.93.
    ⑨ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.55-56.
    ① Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.56-57.
    ② Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, p.58
    ③ Robert E. Speer, Report on the China Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, pp.56-57.
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第289页。
    ② 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第292页。
    ③ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第114页。
    ④ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第114页。
    ① John J.Heeren, On the Shantung Front, p.65.
    ② John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.65.
    ③ John J.Heeren, On The Shantung Front, p.66.
    ④ 陶飞亚、刘天路《基督教会与近代山东社会》,济南:山东大学出版社,1995年,第243页。
    ④ The 38th annual report,1876, p.72.
    ⑤ The 69th annual report,1906, p.116,
    ① 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第114页。
    ② The 56th annual report,1894,p.67.
    ③ G.S.Hays to the Board,April 9th,1894,Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911,China,vol.27,Part 2,in roll.208.
    ④ Mr.Cornwell to the Board,Dec.21st 1894,Presbyterian Board of Foreign,Mission.1833-1911,China,vol.27,Partn 2,in roll.209.
    ② 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第276页。
    ③ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第279页。
    ⑦ The 60th annual report,1898,p.71.
    ① Mr. Cornwell to Robert E. Speer, May 31st,1897, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part 1,in roll.213.
    ② Arthur J. Board to the East Shantung Mission, July 8th,1897, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part l,in roll.213.
    ③ Mr. Cornwell to the Board, Aug.25th,1897, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mission,1833-1911, China, vol.41,Part l,in roll.213.
    ④ 连警斋编:《郭显德牧师行传》,第288页。
    ① 倪维思,1853年起在宁波传教,1863年迁往山东,1893年倪维思在山东逝世,共在中国传教40年,其中在山东30年;狄考文,1864年到山东传教,1908年在山东青岛逝世,共在山东传教45年;郭显德,1864年到山东传教,1920年在山东烟台逝世,共在山东传教56年。
    ① 李道辉:《济南山东中华基督教会概况》,中国基督教续行委办会编:《中华基督教会年鉴》,第7期,上海商务印刷馆1924年,第77页。
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