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With the economic globalization, the rapid development of network economy andknowledge economy and intense global competition, after more than30years of rapideconomic development in our country, the economy is in urgent need of the comprehensivetransformation, a comprehensive upgrade of industrial structure and a new round of economicdevelopment characterized by the industry transformation and upgrade driven by innovationsof is imperative. The model of "introduction of technology "and "Market for Technology "have already not suit for technology innovation, industry chain extension to high-end andoptimizing the structure of export products, because gradient transfer strategy ofmonopolying high-end and the core technology of multinational company, our country'stechnological progress is linear and slow, then difficuty to make leapfrog technologicalprogress and realize leap-forward pursuing. At the same time, high-end manufacturing jobsback to the United States, the low end jobs are transferring to other developing countries, andthe US actually has overtaken China as the world manufacturing factory, the reality is veryserious.In such a background, returnees come back and entrepreneur, promote industrydevelopment of the new economy, new technology, the Internet, IT, communication et al,inject vitality into the many traditional industries, returnee enterprise experience rapiddevelopment, they bring new enterprise management mode, financing mode and developmentphilosophy, and directly promote economic development through technological innovation,but also lead and promote the corporate culture in our country, the returnee enterprise havegradually become one of the backbone of the new economy and high-tech industries in China
     Indigenous research in Chinese management is developing rapidly, which leads to thecontextual function of social culture and the issue of the applicability of Western managementtheory.Study on the Indigenous research of the Western social network theory in sociologyand management has expanded, but systemic and comparative study is lack. And currentlyacademic research about returnee enterprise serious lag behind reality, especially literatureabout technology innovation and development mode of China returnee enterprises is scarce.Therefore, taking returnee enterprise as the research sample, using various methods, andcombining unique advantages and characteristics of returnee enterprise, comparativelysystematically analysis and verify the mechanism of organizational learning impact on technology innovation performance based on ambidextrous network of returnee enterprise,then answer the following questions:1) What is the mechanism of intrinsic differences in theambidextrous network of the returnee enterprise?(2) What is the mechanism of theambidextrous network impact on organization learning?(3) What is the mechanism of theorganization learning impact on technology innovation performance of the returnee enterprise?(4) What is the mechanism of the technology and market uncertainty impact on therelationship between organizational learning and technology innovation performance?
     To answer these questions, this article make the following the corresponding researchcombined with the methods of questionnaire and case study, mainly including (1) accordingto the related theory of social network and social culture of sociology, follow the social andcultural differences to trust differences,then social network differences in logic, analysis theinherent differences of ambidextrous network in-depth, thus establish the theoreticalfoundation of ambidextrous network of returnees enterprise;(2) based on the literatureanalysis and the mechanism of ambidextrous network, puts forward the relevant hypothesis,the concept of structural equation model of concept model is constructed. Through themethods of questionnaire and structural equation analysis, the hypothesis is verified;(3) onthe basis of the foregoing research, the introduction of market and technology uncertaintyenvironment variables, through data analysis to verify the contingency of the relationshipbetween organizational learning and innovation performance;(4) the last step is to verify arelationship among ambidextrous network, organization learning and technology innovationby the method of multiple cases study.
     Through the above research, we get the following conclusions:(1) Positive influence ofambidextrous network of the returnee enterprise on organizational learning and technologyinnovation performance.Study found that as for the characteristic variables of overseas socialnetworks, structural holes direct influence and indirect influence on technology innovationperformance is not significant, and the connection strength direct influence and indirectinfluence is significant. Indirect effect of connection strength shows overseas social networkpromotes the organizational learning, so as to promote the technology innovationperformance. Direct effect of the connection strength show connection strength can directlypromote the technological innovation performance. But there is slight negative impact of theconnection strength on explorative study. Overall, overseas social network of returneesenterprises mainly focused on the influence of connection strength, and influence ofconnection strength have a positive influence on technology innovation performance.As forthe characteristic variables of domestic social network, direct effects of the government andbusiness relations are not significant, and indirect effects through exploitive learning aresignificant show that positive influence of the government and business relations ontechnology innovation performance are completely through the use of exploitive learning andthen promote the enterprise technology innovation performance. The impact of Businessrelations on exploratory study is not significant, shows no indirect effects through exploratorylearning exists, namely mediating impact of the exploratory study on relationship between business relationships and technology innovation performance does not exist. In general, theinfluence of domestic social network on returnee enterprises mainly focused on the influenceof the organization exploitive study on technology innovation performance.(2) Internalnegative influence of organizational learning of returnee enterprise and positive influence oforganizational learning on technology innovation performance.Positive effects of exploratorystudy and exploitive study on the technology innovation performance are significant, showthat organizational learning of returnee enterprise significantly promotes the technologyinnovation performance. And the influence coefficient of exploitive study is significantlygreater than the influence coefficient of exploratory study. As for the relationship betweenexploratory study and exploitive study, the impact of exploratory study on exploitive study isnegative significantly, it show the opposite relation does exist between exploratory study andexploitive study.(3) Contingent effect of organization learning of returnee enterprise ontechnology innovation performance.Contingent effect of Organizational learning ontechnology innovation performance is mainly due to the market uncertainty and technologicaluncertainty. This study is to investigate the change of relation between organizationallearning and technology innovation performance under the conditions of the high uncertaintyand low uncertainty. According to the results, market uncertainty and technologicaluncertainty both negatively moderate relation between exploitive study and technologyinnovation performance, both positively moderate relation between exploratory study andtechnology innovation performance. That is to say, in the case of the high market and thetechnology uncertainty, strengthening the exploratory study more can promote thetechnological innovation performance, and in the case of relatively stable situation,strengthening the exploitive study more can promote the technological innovationperformance, this also provides some guidance for balancing the exploitive study andexploratory study.
     These research results indicate that, this paper makes a little contribution in thefollowing areas:(1)Previous researchs are about the social networks of subjects in differentsocial and cultural environment respectively. This paper first introduced the concept ofambidextrous network to study the two different social networks of the same subject at thesame time. From the localization of the management study perspective, to a certain extent,integrating with theory of social networks and guanxi, taking the different measure methodinto the research framework, builds the theory of ambidextrous network, closely reflect to thereality of returnee enterprise, it is an attempt to integrate different theories(.2)Combining thetheory of social network and organizational learning theory to study the technologyinnovation mechanism of returnee enterprise.Based on organizational learning and socialnetwork theory, this paper analyzes the impact mechanism of ambidextrous social network ofthe returnee enterprise on organizational learning. Especially through the different measureway of social networks domestic and oversea, investigates the mediation mechanism oforganizational learning of technology innovation based on ambidextrous network of thereturnee enterprise.(3)Returnee enterprises gathered in the high-tech industry where is different from traditional industry and other industries, technology is developing rapidly inhigh-tech industry and the need to track the latest development of frontier abroad, at the sametime to adapt to the changeful market, technology and market uncertainty are change greatly.This study focuse on the characteristics of high-tech industry, reveals the contingent effect oforganization learning of returnee enterprise on technology innovation performance due totechnology and market uncertainty, and establish the balance mechanism of exploratory studyand exploitive study of the returnee enterprise to a certain extent.
     Our study have some implications to practitioners and policy makers:(1)Returneeenterprises should strengthen cross-cultural management learning, implementreacclimatization in Chinese context, so as to adapt to the local business environment.(2)Returnee enterprises should give full play to the advantage of overseas social networks andfocus on expanding internal social network.(3) Returnee enterprises should be based on avariety of industry environment to balance organizational learning and develop the capacityof contingency management. The Government should appropriately support the exploratorystudy of Returnee enterprises in accordance with the relevant industry conditions.(4) TheGovernment and Returnee enterprises should join forces to build enterprise clusters andReturnee enterprises should make progress as a whole, enhance and play advantage ofenterprise cluster and optimize the allocation of resources based on industry chain.
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