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Varieties of geological hazards distribute in the west mountain area of China. Landslides, rockfalls and debris flows are the most dangerous geological hazards, which seriously threat the lives and properties of the local people and impede the local economic development. It is meaningful to work for disaster prevention and disaster alleviation to establish a landslides susceptibility map of the region or the area along main road and to study on the technologies of geological hazard spatial temporal prediction and forecasting.
     Combining the information technology and Geographic Information System technology, the dissertation has researched on region-scale road landslide susceptibility mapping, geological hazard spatial temporal prediction and has established a region-scale road geological hazard information-management and spatial decision-support system based on WebGIS. The achievements of the research work are as followings:
     1. Building a subjective weighting model based on trapezoidal fuzzy number and a objective weighting model based on entropy theory on the basis of thorough reviewing and researching on landslides susceptibility mapping index system which constructed by several geological hazard potential factors, geological hazard evaluation models and methods, as has enriched methodological system of landslides susceptibility mapping.
     2. Establishing regional geo-meteorology criterions, generating the geo-meteorology early-warning map through combining landslide susceptibility map with rainfall-based landslide prediction by studying rainfall-based landslide prediction using rainfall models which is induced from the relations between landslide events and rainfall.
     3. Establishing an accuracy matrix, forming a multi-model joint landslide prediction model by summarizing and analyzing the former theories, criterions and methods of landslide prediction, creating a comprehensive determination model based on extension theory to distinguish landslide deformation stage to judge landslide prediction models and results objectively.
     4. Establishing a special data standard by referring relevant codes, setting up two data management models for regional road geological hazard: landslide susceptibility mapping data model and geological hazard project data model, to effectively manage multi-source and various formats geo-hazard massive data. Furthermore, creating a regional road geo-hazard database based on Geodatabase by combining enterprise Geodatabase in the steps of conceptual model, logical model and physical model.
     5. Completing Guizhou Province Road Geo-hazard Information Management and Decision Support System based on WebGIS to realize road geo-hazard monitoring, analysis, evaluation, prediction and alarming. With the system, geo-hazard general information, monitoring information, meteorological information and prediction information could be remote distributed in electronic map form on Internet according a main clue of region-road-geological hazard point.
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