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Based on the study of the peculiarities of regionalism architecture besides thecradle land of Modern architecture, this paper analyses how to look on and disposethe theories and practices of the regionalism architecture in developing areas. Itconcludes that under the circumstance of globalization, internationalism architectureand regionalism architecture interact with each other.
    CHAPTER ONE: It briefly introduces the context of the expansion of Modernarchitecture and the growth of regionalism architecture.
    CHAPTER TWO: The ocean theme architecture of Oceania. It indicates that thebroad maritime space is the headspring of architectural creation. It points out that theocean theme is realized by several ways such as deferring to aboriginal tradition,combining architecture and landscape and integrating local tech and high tech tocreate lightsome and dynamic regional architecture. What's more, it sums up thestructural creation of wide span architecture corresponding to ocean theme.
    CHAPTER THREE: Sunlight theme and low tech theme architecture of India.Designing with consideration on climate is the start point of Southern Asianarchitects, which also influences the masters of Modern architecture. Taking the atdeficient economic development into account, many conscientious architects inSouthern Asia adopt measures of low tech and low cost to solve complicate workingprocedure and high cost with simple and direct ways, and create architecturalidentities.
    CHAPTER FOUR: Xeric theme and neo tech theme architecture of WesternAsia. By examining how western architects treated architectural culture of WesternAsia, the explorations of indigenous Western Asian architects and how architectsadopted feasible tech and neo tech to design, it analyses the deep impact of peculiarxerothermic climate to desert architecture.
    CHAPTER FIVE: Islamic religious theme architecture of Arab states. Islam isthe strictest to architecture prescript comparing with other religions. It is also thereligion which has the greatest influence on the regionalism characters of modernarchitectures. Thus the dissertation lists one chapter to analyze it. The paper brieflyintroduces the tradition and decoration of Islamic architecture, the revival of Islamicculture. Then it indicates that tech is the motivity to push modern Islamic architectureto develop.
    CHAPTER SIX: Mysterious charm of African architecture. It analyses the threemajor roots of African architectural culture: indigenous African culture, Islamic
    culture and western culture. It also indicates several essential traits: dynamic andmodel figure of architecture, reflecting site culture and local color, economicrespirable mode wall and Fathy's humanity design of modern architecture. TheAfrican mysterious charm happens to coincide to adopt with compliant localmeasurements.CHAPTER SEVEN: The nationalism theme architecture of Latin America.Based on the analysis of Critical Regionalism, which was put forward by LatinAmerican artists, it points out that nationalism is the ultimate specialty of modernarchitecture. It brings forward three features of Latin regional architecture, which areconcrete Baroque, ethical color composition and mechanization image.CHAPTER EIGHT: East Asian Model of modern architecture and itstransformation and expansion. Modern architectural cultures of these eastern Asiancountries which are paradigms of economic modernization are compelling likewise,though they are not in the same architectural path. Modern architecture of wealthyJapan, an economic giant, is more colorful. These deray circumstance show thevariations of regionalism.
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