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     1.闽侯县单位面积耕地经济价值、社会承载价值、生态价值和综合价值空间差异均十分明显。全县各乡镇单位面积耕地经济价值变化于22.61~96.11万元/ hm2,均值为50.63万元/ hm2,单位面积耕地经济价值呈“东南高、西南和北部低”的变化规律。单位面积耕地社会承载价值变化于95.87~207.22万元/ hm2,均值为129.41万元/ hm2,耕地单位面积社会承载价值呈现南高北低的趋势。单位面积耕地生态价值变化于17.45~54.72万元/ hm2,均值为34.09万元/ hm2,全县单位面积耕地生态价值呈“东南高、西南和北部低”的变化规律。单位面积耕地综合价值变化于135.93~340.26万元/ hm2,均值为214.13万元/ hm2。全县耕地经济、社会承载及生态价值分别占耕地综合价值均值的23.27%、61.06%和15.67%,说明闽侯县耕地的存在对农民所具有的社会保障功能、社会就业功能不容忽视。
     3.闽侯县一至九等耕地综合价值分别为382.20万元/hm2、348.85万元/hm2、309.41万元/hm2、271.57万元/hm2、223.65万元/hm2、205.93万元/hm2、174.03万元/hm2、152.88万元/hm2和114.29万元/hm2;一、二、三等价值耕地面积合计4260.62hm2,占闽侯县保护区耕地资源总面积的17.25%,四、五、六等价值耕地面积合计8385.10 hm2,占闽侯县保护区耕地资源总面积的33.94%,七、八、九等价值耕地面积合计12064.70 hm2,占闽侯县保护区耕地资源总面积的48.83%;闽侯县大部分耕地资源价值处于中等偏低水平,这与闽侯县耕地质量状况基本一致;全县耕地高价值区主要分布在闽侯县南部区域,中价值区多分布在闽侯县中部地区,低价值区则主要分布于闽侯县北部及西南部地区。
     4.基于耕地价值等级的价值折算系数研究结果表明,当占用劣等地补充优质耕地时折算系数为0,当占用一等地而补充九等地时耕地等级价值折算系数达到最大,为267.91万元/hm2,即每占用一公顷一等地不但要补充等面积的九等地还要补偿267.91万元的耕地价值差值。对于没有进行耕地等级价值评价的区域,可利用耕地等别-利用等指数-耕地资源价值的关系模型y=240.05x + 735687(y代表耕地资源价值,x代表耕地利用等指数)间接确定耕地等级价值折算系数(即基于耕地利用等指数的价值折算系数),当占用劣等地补充优质耕地时折算系数也为0,当占用一等地而用九等地来补充时耕地等级价值折算系数达到最大,为266.50万元/hm2,即每占用一公顷一等地不但要补一公顷的九等地还要补偿266.50万元的耕地价值差值。两类耕地等级价值折算系数基本相近,其变化趋势均随耕地占补等别之间的差距增大而增大,与闽侯县各利用等别耕地的粮食生产潜力水平差异相符,能客观地反映耕地的粮食生产能力、耕地质量和价值级差。
In dint of GIS and mathematical model, this paper studied on the farmland protected zones in Minhou county, has evalueted the value of cultivated land.Then in dint of mathematical model,using the improved results of the cropland grade evaluation,this paper has discussed the connection between the farmland grade and the farmland value and set up the farmland grade value.According to the principle of keeping the balance of farmland quantity and value,using the grade value and the utilization grade index of farmland,this paper has respectively discussed the calculate method of the valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland,set up the valuation-grade conversion coefficient system,which has provided scientific management gists for the quantity-quality-valuation balance of regional cropland requisition and compensation.The results was following:
     1. The per hectare economic value in Minhou had obvious differences,and so with the social capacity value and ecological service value. The per hectare economic value changed from 226.1 thousand/hm2 to 961.1 thousand/hm2,the average value was 506.3 thousand/hm2. The per hectare economic value showing that it was high in southeast and it was low in southwest and north of Minhou.The per hectare social capacity value changed from 958.7 thousand/hm2 to 2072.2 thousand/hm2,the average value was1294.1 thousand/hm2. The per hectare social capacity value showing that it was high in south and it was low in north of Minhou. The per hectare ecological service value changed from 1359.3 thousand/hm2 to 3402.6 thousand/hm2,the average value was2141.3 thousand/hm2. The per hectare ecological service value showing that it was high in southeast and it was low in southwest and north of Minhou.The average value of the per hectare economic value, the per hectare social capacity value and the per hectare ecological service value respectively accounting for 23.27%,61.06%,15.67%.It showed that the social capacity function and the ecological sercice function of the farmland should not be ignored.
     2.The total economic value among the fifting towns changed from 46949.6 thousand to 1640696.2 thousand,and the total economic value in Minhou was 12509 million;the total social capacity value in Minhou was 31972 million,and it changed from 111366.8 thousand to 4364416 thousand among all the towns;the total ecological service value in Minhou was 8421 million, it ranged from 27318.5 thousand to 1099447.1 thousand among all the town;the total value of the farmland in Minhou was 52902 million,it ranged from 186125.1 thousand to 6300801.6 thousand among all the towns,the trendency of the total farmland value of each town was Shanggan     3.In Minhou nine grades total value was respectively 3822.0thousand/hm2、3488.5thousand/hm2、3094.1 thousand/hm2、2715.7 thousand/hm2、2236.5thousand/hm2、2059.3 thousand/hm2、1740.3thousand/hm2、1528.8thousand/hm2、1142.9thousand/hm2.The I, II and III grades of the total value of farmland area was4260.62hm2,accounting for17.25% of the total area of cropland in Minhou county farmland protected zones.The IV, V and VI grades of the total value of farmland area was 8385.10hm2,accounting for 33.94% of the total area of cropland in Minhou county farmland protected zones. The lowestⅦ,ⅧandⅨgrades of the total value of farmland area was12064.70 hm2,accounting for 48.83% of the total area of cropland in Minhou county farmland protected zones. Most farmland value was between the medium-grade and the low-grade, which was consistent with the quality of the farmland.Most area of the highest grades value of farmland located in the south of Minhou,the main area of the medium grades value of farmland located in the middle of Minhou,and a lot of low grades value of farmland area was in the north and southwest of Minhou.
     4.The valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland ,which was based on the grade value of farmland show that when used the higher grade compensated for the lower grade the converted coefficients of cropland was minimum,accounting for zero.The highest and lowest valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland was maximum, accounting for 2679.1 thousand/hm2,that means you should not only compensate the same number area of cropland as the occupied,but also compensate 2679.1 thousand/hm2.For the region that has not evaluated the grade value, this paper has indirected set up the valuation-grade conversion coefficient with the help of the connection model among the farmland grade、utilization index and the farmland value.The mathematical model was y=240.05x + 735687(y represented the farmland value,x represented the utilization index). This valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland show that when used the higher grade compensated for the lower grade the converted coefficients of cropland was minimum,accounting for zero.The highest and lowest valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland was maximum, accounting for 2665.0 thousand/hm2,that means you should not only compensate the same number area of cropland as the occupied,but also compensate 2665.0 thousand/hm2. The result variety trend was the same as the valuation-grade conversion coefficient that based on the farmland grade value.The valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland increased with the farmland grades gap.This kind of variety trend was consistent with the the designated crop potential productivity. The valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland reflected the real content of requisition-compensation balance of cultivited land.
     Keeping balance between farmland occupation and compensation was an important measure to protect the farmland.Based on the evaluation of the farmland quality and value,this paper has set up the valuation-grade conversion coefficient of regional cropland,which conformed to the principle that exchanged the equal value,and made the compensation of farmland value one-way flow.The management of the requisition-compensation balance of cropland has changed from quantities- qualities to quantities-qualities-value balance,which improved the requisition-compensation balance of cropland assessment system,and promoted the requisition-compensation balance of cropland to take effect.
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