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     Marine environmental monitoring plays an important role in marine environmental protection. As an important tool for marine environmental protection, marine environmental monitoring provides important bases not only for making marine environmental policy but also for satisfying public the right of knowing environmental information. However, it is not enough for marine environmental monitoring further intensifying the efforts and for environmental monitoring plays a better role in the area just depending on such few norms of our environmental law and marine protection law. Our country must establish a special legislation about environmental monitoring as soon as possible, which will not only meet the needs both for intensifying environmental monitoring management and the regularize behavior, but also meet the needs of sharing data and avoiding building redundant project. Establishing a marine environmental monitoring law, which will helps a lot to make sure the monitoring information used reasonable, is good for intensifying management of publishing the marine environmental monitoring information and for enhancing the credibility of the government.
     Marine environmental monitoring law is obviously not a new legislation which tries to establish a totally independent legislative system in the vacuum of our legal system, but is a supplementary legislation which will cover the shortage of our legal system. Marine environmental monitoring law should be an integral part of a country's legal system. From this point of view, marine environmental monitoring law has legal bases in our legal system. To be more precise, environmental law is the fundamentally basis of marine environmental monitoring law; marine environmental law is the direct foundation of marine environmental monitoring law and the system demand of maritime management is the objective basis of marine environmental monitoring law.
     The key word of "marine environmental monitoring law" is "monitoring".In Chinese, "monitoring" is comprised of "jian" and "ce", "jian" means supervision, which contains the meaning of management; "ce" means survey and testing, which shows something in technical level. To know it has difference between "jian" and "ce" is good for designing the principle of monitoring law, which is a key point to make full use of marine environmental monitoring law in the level of maritime management. When they individually controlled by two independent department, the objective authenticity of monitoring data will be ensured and the monitoring data will be better-used in maritime management. In practice, making supervision and survey as a same thing leads to those two rights controlled by one department, as a result, monitoring data produced by the will of the performers and monitoring behavior also changing along with the attitude of them.
     The regulations of marine environmental monitoring are the core of marine environmental monitoring law. China's existing marine environment monitoring regulations including marine environmental monitoring station management regulations, environmental monitoring network management regulations, environmental monitoring, reporting and environmental monitoring equipment management regulations, monitoring data management regulation, environmental monitoring, quality assurance management regulation, monitoring personnel certificate regulation. In 1982, China promulgated the Marine Environmental Protection Law. Since China has gradually formed a combination of state and local marine environment monitoring system. This system is mainly consisted of administration and operational agencies.
     Marine environmental monitoring management agencies are the organization guarantee. National oceanic and administrative departments are responsible for supervision and management of maritime environment, whose major work is to organize the marine environment survey, marine environment monitoring, marine environment assessment and scientific research and to be responsible for prevention of pollution by national marine projects and environmental protection of the damage of poured pollutants to the marine environment. State Oceanic Administration is a functional department under the leadership of the State Council which management maritime affairs such as supervision and management the marine environment and organization marine environmental survey, monitoring, surveillance, evaluation and research. State Oceanic Administration consists of the North Sea Branch of State Oceanic Administration, the East China Sea Branch, and South China Sea Branch, each of the three has specialized in the different areas'marine environmental monitoring management:the North Sea area (BoHai Sea, Yellow Sea north), the East China Sea and South China Sea area. Eleven coastal provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under central government) set up maritime administrative institutions, responsible for organizing marine environment, investigation, monitoring, surveillance and evaluation of their own provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities),at the same time, they also organizes monitoring or special monitoring in marine protected areas, nature reserves, marine organizations, environmental observation and environmental monitoring, environmental disaster forecast warning. Combined with the local situation, marine environmental monitoring and management agencies which established by coastal cities' (or regions') governments organize the region's marine environment investigation, monitoring, surveillance and evaluation and marine environmental observation, marine environmental monitoring, marine environmental disaster prediction warning in accordance with national and provincial requirements. Marine environmental monitoring and management agencies also have set up in coastal counties (districts, municipalities). In accordance with the requirements of nation and department of higher levels, they organize the marine environment, investigation, monitoring, surveillance and evaluation of their own areas.
     Marine environmental monitoring executing agencies are operating agencies of marine environmental monitoring. Our marine environment monitoring system is consisted of the National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Sea Environmental Monitoring Center, The marine Environmental Monitoring Centers in the coastal provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), the Marine Environment Monitoring Centers (stations) in coastal cities, the National SOA-owned marine environmental monitoring Center and the marine environmental monitoring stations and other monitoring agencies.
     Because of the absence of Marine Environment Monitoring Law, there are lots of problems exist in China's existing marine environmental monitoring system, which major include:
     (1)There is no overall plan for marine environmental monitoring. This is reflected in three aspects:Lack of communication between the various environmental monitoring part leads to repeated monitoring; less basic comprehensive monitoring leads to no accumulated important information and late updated critical data; lack of top-level design leads to monitoring events are in an emergency condition over a long period of time.
     (2) There is no supervising towards marine environmental monitoring activities. This is reflected in several aspects:multi-management, a huge waste in resources; monitoring facilities set up randomly, a hidden danger to important monitoring data safety; monitoring personnel quality does not all meet professional requirements; the lack of quality supervision in monitoring process directly leads to poor reliability of monitoring data.
     (3) Poor marine environmental monitoring data sharing badly exists in practice. This is mainly reflected in these aspects:institutional deficiencies of unified management system of monitoring material and distributed data resources; there is still no coordination mechanism in monitoring material management so the information sharing, information management and social welfare services are still not well.
     (4) There are still some problems about monitoring equipment, technical capacity of independent innovation and support capacity. This was reflected in following aspects:low level of localization; dependence on imports; importing of key equipments is restricted; few support in innovation investment of technological monitoring equipments; the weakened conditions of marine science and the undeveloped infrastructure of basic technology platform.
     (5)The standard degree of monitoring is still need to be improved. This was reflected in these parts:both the quantity and the quality of monitoring standards need to be improved; the standard executive strength is insufficient; the standardized public services are still in a low level.
     (6)The level of monitoring security needs further enhance. This is reflected in:because of the environmental monitoring has not listed in the national investment program yet, monitoring are facing the difficulty of lacking of stable funds support; monitoring groups is on a small scales and there are few environmental monitoring professional; the equipments the slow renewal of the monitoring equipment, fewer demonstration and single function.
     In order to overcome the existing problems in our marine environment monitoring system and to improve our marine monitoring, the top priority is to establish a special Marine Environmental Monitoring Law, made problems-solving arrangements in legislation.
     The marine environmental monitoring law should involved those principles:the principle of public participation, government-led principle, the principle of openness, scientific principles, the principle of taking prevention foremost and the principle of cooperation. To be concrete, the monitoring system should fully consider the following things:(1) To strengthen the overall monitoring of the marine environment, planning and co-ordination; (2) Establishment of shared marine environmental monitoring system; (3) Strengthening the supervision and monitoring of the marine environment; (4)Establishment of the marine environment monitoring information-sharing system; (5) Improving the standardization of the marine environmental monitoring system; (6) To promote the innovation and technology of the marine environmental monitoring; (7) Improving the marine environmental monitoring protection system.
    1 Donna R, Christie, RichardqHildreth. Coastal and Ocean Management Law in a Nutshell [M]. Minnesota St. Paul 1999。
    3 Richard L.Revesz:Foundations of environmental law and policy, Oxford University Press,1997, p3。
    5可持续发展(Sustainable Development),它同时包含着经济增长,社会公平和环境资源保护三个方面的内容和目标。见世界环境与发展委员会编《我们共同的未来》[M],王之佳等译,52页,吉林出版社,1997年。
    2主观风险通常认为“风险是心情的一种状况,其特征是有关未来的不确定性:风险是在未来可能产生的“不被希望”的后果、这些后果不能完全被控制等的意义上使用的。当心情的这种状况变得更加严重时风险就增加。见Douglas.J. Crawford-Brown, Risk-based:Environment Decisions-Culture and Methods, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1999, p9.
    Nicolas de Sadeleer, translated by Susan L, eubusher, Environmental Principles:from Political Slogans to Rules, Oxford University Press,2002, p151-155.
    4遗憾的是我国从起“临时宪法”作用的《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》到]954年宪法和1975年宪法,对海洋和海洋权益均未著—字。1978年宪法也仅仅规定“矿藏、水流、国有的森林、荒地和其他海陆资源,都属于全民所有”,1982年宪法甚至通篇没有海字,只在第9条规定滩涂作为自然资源属于国家所有。因而我们只能从宪法关于资源和环境的规定中推导出保护海洋生态系统的法律规范。贾宇:《健全、完善我国 海洋法律体系色议》[J],载于《海洋开发与管理》,]998年第]期,第64-68页。
    1 See Elisabeth Mann Borgese:The Oceanic Circle:Governing the Sea as A Global Resource. United Nations University Press 1998:P113-114.
    1 《社会科学大词典》,中国国际广播出版社1989年版,第315页。
    1范志杰,马永安:《海洋环境监测的功能》[J],载于《交通环保》,1995,5,第31页。 1《我国的海洋环境监测》[J],国家海洋环境监测网,网址:http://www.mem.gov.cn/dots/subject/2006/20060t/snhject20060t.jsp2009年5月15日访问。
    39、丁岩林、高虹:《对环境保护法修改的理性思考》,载《宁夏大学学报(人文 社会科学版)》2006年第1期。
    74、江航宇、王延青:《南海区海洋资源开发与生态保护对策》,载于《海洋科学》, 2003年第9期。
    1、Erik Franmek, Vessel-source Pollution and Coastal State Jurisdiction: The Work of the ILA Committee on Coastal State Jurisdiction Relating to Marine Pollution.
    2、Gold Edgar, Handbook on Marine Pollution, Halifax,1985.
    3、Simon Marr, The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea:Modern Decision Making in International Law, Martinus Nijhoff,2003。
    4、Arie Trouwborst, Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law, Kluwer Law International,2002.
    5、Poul Harremoes(ed), Late Lessons加m Early Warnings:the Precautionary Principle 1896-2000, Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2001.
    6、Erik Jaap Molenhaar, Coastal State Jurisdiction Over Vessel-source Pollution, Kluwer Law International 1998.
    7、Colleen F. Moore, Silent Scourge:Children, Pollution, and Why Scientists Disagree, Oxford University Press,2003.
    8、Julian Morris(ed), Rethinking Risk and the Precautionary Principle, Butterworth-Heinemann 2000.
    9、Myron H Nordquist, Current Marine Environmental Issues and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2001.
    10、Indur M. Goklany, The Precautionary Principle:A Critical Appraisal of Environmental RiskAssessment, Washington, D. C. CATO Institute; 2001.
    11、Douglas Brubaker, Marine Pollution and International Law, Belhaven Press,1993.
    12、Carolyn Raffensperger and 3oel A. Tickner(eds), Protecting Public Health & the Environment:Implementing the Precautionary Principle, Island Press,1999.
    13、Francisco Orrego Vicuna. The Changing International Law of High Seas Fisheries Cambridge University Press,1999.
    14、Gunther Handl, Multilateral Development Banking:Environmental Principles and Concepts Reflecting General International Law and Public Policy, Kluwer Law International,2001.
    15、Douglas Brubaker, Marine Pollution and International Law:Principles and Practice, London. Belhaven Press; Boca Raton, Fla. Distributed in North America by CRC Press,1993。
    16、Alan Boyle and David Freestone (eds), International Law and Sustainable Development, Oxford University Press,1999.
    17、P W. Birnie and A. E. Boyle, International Law and the Environment, Oxford University Press,2002。
    18、Nicolas de Saddler; translated by Susan Leubusher, Environmental Princ from Political Slogans to Legal Rules, Oxford University Press,2002.

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