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The whole world has entered“post-crisis era" with the pressure of economic growth, resources environment and science & technology caused by global financial crisis. Historical experience shows that science & technology innovation is always produced by the global economic crisis, which plays a significant role in the development of the world economy. In face of important opportunity time of economic structure adjustment and new technology revolution, countries all of the world regard science & technology innovation as powerful weapon striving for the competitive frontier of economy and science & technology so as to occupy advantageous position in the future development of the world economy. In order to follow the tide of“post-crisis era" and cope with the effect of international financial crisis, our leaders and experts realize that the fundamental way is to cultivate new economic growth point and stimulate endogenous power of economic growth.That is, the new strategic industries should be the competitive science & technology frontier, which becomes the leading force of economic and social development gradually. Being an important part of the new strategic industries, the new marine strategic industries featured by high and new technology have been emerging as the competitive frontier for most of coastal countries and regions. Under this circumstances, this paper seeks to analyze the factors which restrict our country’s new marine strategic industries and the weakness in our country’s new marine strategic industries development policies, and to use successful experience of foreign countries’new marine strategic industries development policies for reference, building the framework of new marine strategic industries development policies guided by scientific outlook on development and leaded by improving the strenghth of independent innovation, which provides policy proposals for promoting the development of our country’s new marine strategic industries and provides reference for formulating and carrying out new marine strategic industrial policies in theory and methods.
     Guided by the theories of technological innovation, endogenous economic growth, institutional change and sustainable development, this paper studies our country’s new marine strategic industries development policies from macroscopic level and mesospheric level with the principle of combining theory with practice and comprehensive use of normative research and the empirical research, system and contact research, qualitative analysis and comparative analysis.
     Based on the review of industrial policies related theories, this paper defines new marine strategic industry firstly and elaborates the connotation of new marine strategic industrial policies, then point out the theoretical basis : technological innovation theory, endogenous economic growth theory, institutional change theory and sustainable development theory. Based on these theories, it analyzes the current development of the new marine strategic industries, finding out existing problems and its reasons which should be solved from the policy perspective. Then, it analyzes our country’s and other countries’new marine strategic industries development policies seperately, summarizing foreign countries’experience and indicating characteristics , disadvantages and policy needs of our country’s new marine strategic industries development policies. At last, guided by sustainable development theory, it proposes development strategy and specific development policy of the new marine strategic industries in China.
     As for research results, it tries to define the new marine strategic industries and its scope from formulation, connotation, features, selecting reference and proposes the connotation of the new marine strategic industries development policies; it proposes the framework of the new marine strategic industries development policies in China including development strategy comprising of guiding ideology, development thought, basic principles, key tasks and specific development policy comprising of industrial laws and regulations and institutional environment policies, industrial technical policies, industrial investing and financing policies; it proposes new policy suggestions on development strategy and specific development policy of the new marine strategic industries in China.
     The main conclusions of this paper are:
     First, there are some problems existing in the development of the new marine strategic industries including incompletion of related laws and regulations, lacking administrating and coordinating institutions, the weakness of technical independent research and development capacity, the low rate of science and technology achievements conversion, lacking effective investing and financing mechanism, the shortage of talents reservation, the weakness of international cooperation. These problems are restricted by some factors such as the stage, the technology, the capital and the talents of the development of the new marine strategic industries, which should be entry points solving problems from the policy perspective.
     Second, it is effective to stimulate the development of the new marine strategic industries in advanced countries through formulating industrial development policy. There exists difference in development strategy and specific development policy of the new marine strategic industries among advanced marine economy countries such as the America and Japan because of specific conditions and the different stage of marine economy development. However, it is effective to standardize and stimulate the development of the new marine strategic industries in advanced countries through taking measures of plan and policy formulating, administrating and coordinating institutions establishing, innovative capability building, technical independent research and development as well as science and technology achievements conversion accelerating, financial mechanism optimizing, high-end professional human resource training and international cooperation strengthening, etc. It is necessary to formulate new marine strategic industries development policies by using foreign countries’successful experience for reference with the combination of specific characteristics of our new marine strategic industries, which poses positive significance on promoting the new marine strategic industries in China.
     Besides, it builds development policies system of the new marine strategic industries in China by analyzing characteristics, disadvantages and policy needs of our country’s new marine strategic industries present development policies. In the“post-crisis era"of 21st century, in face of“the twelfth five-year”development period of strategic opportunities, it is urgent to formulate development strategy and specific development policy of the new marine strategic industries in China leaded by improving the strenghth of independent innovation and ecosystem-based integrated marine management, forming effective and efficient development policies system of the new marine strategic industries, which accordingly promotes the adjustment of marine industrial structure and the transformation of the pattern of marine economic growth.
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