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The development of farmers' professional co-operatives in our country is accelerating, which is reflected either in quantity or in coverage area. Farmers' professional co-operatives have played an important role in promoting the organization of farmers and increasing their income, However, due to the initial phase of development and lack of economic supports, farmers' professional co-operatives are not perfect in terms of internal system, and have not shown their advantages completely. During the course of advancing development of newly-styled farmers' professional co-operatives, government has occupied the prominent place,to a great extent, advances development of farmers' professional co-operatives. As far as farmers are concerned, they can deliver their wills and demands to government gaining reliable policies and pertinent supports from the government. Systemic study on policy support of farmers' professional co-operatives is carried out in this thesis from perspective of policy demand and policy supply. The paper contains the contents as follows:
     First of all, research on basic theory and international experience of support policy paper on farmers' professional co-operatives:theory of public policy, public policy means the systematic pursuit of some goal through the political and collective means, a set of effective public policy should promote the coordinated collective action, actively guiding or supporting the development of all kinds of farmers' professional co-operatives is a manifestation of the maintenance of public policies on social justice; market is unable to solve the total supply and total demand imbalance of social product problems and the use of government economic policy to solve the unbalance problem of theory of market regulation, then farmers' professional co-operatives can be a correct and effective mechanism of market failure. The government failure theory refers to the regulation failure and bureaucracy issues related to use of economic policy to adjust the total supply and total demand of social products imbalance problem and its solution theory. In order to conect, compensate for the limitations and defects of the market mechanism, making the state intervention is necessary.With the development of agriculture, the farmers' professional co-operatives in some developed countries have been reaching beyond the modern knowledge-based era,while farmers' professional co-operatives in China just have started lately, so the agency development experience on the basis of foreign agriculture close to further explore the road to the development of farmers' professional co-operatives in our country.
     Secondly, research and analysis based on framework of policy demand and policy supply of farmers' professional co-operatives' policy support. As a kind of social interests demand system demand is the product of various interests, policy supply is a process to meet the stakeholders' demands of interests system. The policy demand is made based on the comparison of interest in farmers' professional co-operatives. Thirdly, empirical study of farmers' professional co-operatives'policy demand:Based on fully considering the geographical location, regional development level, human factors, location, resource endowment and other factors, the stratified random sampling, choosing the territory of Jiangxi County farmers' professional co-operatives to analysis, selecting Luxi County of Pingxiang which is in Western of Jiangxi, the central region of Jiangxi province, Gao'an City, Nanchang County choice (county-level city), for farmers' professional co-operatives' members a questionnaire on one. The main research contents are:Respondents personal situation, basic situation of farmers'professional co-operatives, policy factors affecting farmers' professional co-operatives to increase the income of the farmers survey. Theoretical basis of the income of the farmers in the cooperative effect of the main policy of government support for the development of cooperatives of tax incentives, financial support, comprehensive agricultural development projects, education and training,other factors, using two Logistic regression model for empirical analysis, the government provide financial support through tax cuts,education and training which is very significant to increase the income of the farmers in the farmers' professional co-operatives as a result of cooperative effect. So it requires that the government should promote the sustainable development of the society by establishing reasonable policies, and increase the farmers' income.
     In current situation, actual supply of quantity and quality of regulations for development of farmers' professional co-operatives are much less than the demand, which is an unbalance of less supply. Optimization of professional cooperatives for the government should comprehend the situation of policy supply and policy demand to strengthen the policy support and then realize the balance between policy supply and policy demand. Simultaneously, interests of the most farmers and professional cooperatives should be paid more attention to, in order to realize balance and innovation of regulations for sound and constant development of professional cooperatives. Besides, both internal and external obstruction factors which influence the regulations of supply and demand are detailedly analyzed, then set out policy for education support, financial support, financial service, tax preferences, land use, technology and talent introduction as well as public service etc. Which are well designed to gain effective support for farmers' professional co-operatives.
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