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     探讨在非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lungcarcinoma,NSCLC)中PTTG、c-myc和p53的表达及其与NSCLC发生发展之间的关系。
     应用免疫组织化学En Vision~(TM)法测定60例NSCLC标本及27例正常肺组织中PTTG、c-myc和p53的表达。
     To investigate the relationship between the expression of PTTG;c-myc and p53 and their role in occurrence and development of non-small cell lung carcinoma.
     The expression of PTTG,c-myc and p53 was detected immunohistochemistrically by EnVision~(TM)method in 60 cases of non-small cell lung carcinoma and 27 cases of normal lung tissue.
     1.There was an extensive expression of PTTG and c- myc in nucleus and cytoplasm of tumor cell(P<0.01),there was an extensive expression of p53 in nucleus of tumor cell(P<0.01).They were also existed less in normal lung tissue.
     2.The positive rate of PTTG、c-myc and p53 was 73.33%,58.33% and 53.33%differencely in tumor cell and 11.11%,18.52%and 7.41% differencely in normal lung tissue.There was a significant difference between tumor cell and normal lung tissue.(X~2=29.025,11.884,16.497; P=0.000,0.001,0.000).
     3.Difference was not found between the expression of PTTG and c-myc in age groups(X~2=0.019,0.221,0.729;P=0.991,0.895,0.694)and gender groups(X~2=0.057,0.286,0.011;P=0.812,0.593,0.916). Difference was also not found in groups of pathological tapes (X~2=0.302,0.020,0.350;P=0.582,0.888,0.554)and tumor size (X~2=0.073,0.264,0.550;P=0.964,0.876,0.760).
     4.The expression of PTTG and c-myc in tumor cell was both correlated with differentiated degree of NSCLC(X~2=8.727,10.288;P= 0.013,0.006),the expression of p53 was not correlated with differentiated degree of NSCLC(X~2=0.107,P=0.948)
     5.In NSCLC with lymph node metastasis,the positive rate of PTTG and c-myc was 89.29%,75.0%;and was 59.37%,39.29%respectively in groups without lymph node metastasis.There was a significant difference between the two groups(X~2=6.832,16.194,P=0.009,0.000).The positive rate of p53 was 60.71%,and was 46.88%in groups without lymph node metastasis.There was not a significant difference between the two groups(P=0.284).
     6.The expression of PTTG and c-myc in non-small cell lung carcinoma had a striking positive correlation(rs=0.516,P<0.01);PTTG and p53 in non-small cell lung carcinoma had a striking positive correlation(rs=0.418,P<0.01);c-myc and p53 also had a striking positive correlation(rs=0.309,P<0.05).
     1.The positive rate of PTTG,c-myc and p53 was higher than that in normal lung tissue indicated that all were participated in occurrence of NSCLC.
     2.Both PTTG and c-myc were correlated with differentiation of tumor cell and lymph node metastasis suggested they may involve in the development of NSCLC.
     3.The positive expression of PTTG,c-myc and PTTG,p53 in non-small cell lung carcinoma had a striking positive correlation respectively(P<0.01),they were coordinated in occurrence and development of NSCLC.The positive expression of c-myc and p53 also had a striking positive correlation(P<0.05),and they were coordinated in occurrence and development of NSCLC too.
     4.Detecting all of them would be beneficial to evaluating prognosis and the therapeutic guidance in NSCLC.
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