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     1.最佳臭氧投加量的确定。针对东江水水质的臭氧投加量确定为1.5 mg/L。在此条件下,相应水质指标能有效去除,对COD_(Mn)的去除率为52%~69%;氨氮的去除率为55%~77%;TOC的去除率为48%~68%;UV_(254)的去除率为70%~95%,且出水水质优于《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T 206—2005);
Currently, the majority of city's water source pollution in China has exacerbates trend,and the use of conventional treatment process is often not satisfied the effect. Therefore,advanced treatment to meet the current and future requirements is imperative.
     In recent years, Dongguan City's comprehensive strength grows rapidly. Meanwhile,Dongguan City water supply industry has been developing rapidly, but both shortcomingsexist. Dongguan, as a rapid economic developed city, in the face of such rapid pace ofeconomic development, its water industry should advance with the times, and grasp theopportunity to make the urban water level increased. Therefore, to study the water technologyintegration system, establish and perfect the system of water supply security of DongguanCity water is a natural trend, also is a urgent task to improve the quality of residents' life andto achieve long-term urban development planning.
     The subject is the project of Ministry of Construction in 2006 (06-K4-18). Andmeanwhile gets the technology and money support of Tsinghua university and DongjiangWater affairs Co.Ltd..This project treats the water of Dongjiang River(Dongguan city watersource) through O_3-GAC technology for advanced treatment. Through the equipment, itstudies the treatment technology of O_3-GAC to contaminated water and its effect. The resultsinclude the following aspects:
     First, the best ozone dosage determination, the ozone dosage is 1.5 mg/L for Dongjiangwater. And it has the effective removal to the corresponding water quality indicators. Theremoval rate of COD_(Mn) is 52%~69%; The removal rate of TOC is 48%~68%; Theremoval rate of UV_(254) is 70%~95%; The removal rate of ammonia is 55%~77%.
     Second, the O_3-GAC process could asure the safty of the water, and effectively removedisinfection by-product precursors, thereby, reduces the disinfection by-product's amount ofthe follow-up process, and further improves the safety of drinking water. The averageremoval rate is 42% to the THMFP of the influent in this process. The O_3-GAC technologycan effectively control ozone by-product (Formaldehyde and Bromate). and achieve bettereffect than relevant national standards, fully guarantee the safety of drinking water. The processcan significantly reduce the AOC. The average removal rate of AOC is 25.2%. Thereby, itmaintains network biological stability, and guarantees furtherly the water quality. The result ofthe test of Ames is negative. This indicates that the water treated by the O_3-GAC, will notincrease its risk of mutagenicity. The quality of effluent completely fulfills the standers.
     Third, through GC/MS analysis, it determines the olfactory substances in Dongjiangwater, and studis their removal rate of the process in the representatives of Ethanethiol. Theresults shows: O_3-GAC process could effectively remove olfactory substances in Dongjiangwater to ensure the sensory indicators standard of the effluent.
     The results show that the O_3-GAC process for the advance treatment can improve the water quality and ensure the safety of drinking water. Therefore, the use of this technology foradvanced treatment to the Dongjiang water is feasible and neCessary. And the process can beextended to a similar application for the southern waters.
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