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     高兹(Andre Gorz)作为法国当代左翼思想家,从生态政治的视角深刻地批判了资本主义制度,在批判资本主义的过程中,形成了高兹的独特的以建立“先进社会主义”为目标的生态政治思想,本文通过对高兹生态政治思想历程和理论渊源的考察,阐释其生态政治思想的理论体系,从而达到对其生态政治思想的全面科学把握。
As the human society to achieve transfer from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization, industrial civilization of great development for our survival and development of the natural ecological environment has brought the unprecedented destruction. The global expansion of industrialization, also make the ecological environment problem increasingly prominent, become a worldwide problem. The deterioration of ecological environment threaten human survival and development, it also forced the people began to ideas and methods of solving ecological environment problems. As people to study ecological environmental problems and the deepening of understanding, more and more theorists attempt from a political perspective to solve the problem of ecological environment, ecological political thought arises at the historic moment.
     Modern ecological political thought originated from the west, the main reason is environment problem appears the earliest in the west. Modern ecological political ideas put forward that ecological environment is the basis and premise of human survival and development, ecological environmental problems should be the indispensable important part in modern political issues, ecological issues closely connected with political system. Human politics itself must be reasonable to solve the problem of ecological environment and change. Now burgeoning ecological politics theory, are constantly emerging, all kinds of theory form the view of different thoughts and genres. At present, the main there are two kinds of ecological influence on political thought, and for one. is based on ecological socialism is the ecological political thought; Secondly, based on establishing ecological socialism as the goal of ecological political thought. In both of the root causes of ecological problems, deal with what kind of solutions to environmental problems and the future construction of ecological politics society there is a difference.
     Andre Gorz as a French left-wing thinkers, from the Angle of ecological politics profoundly criticizes the capitalist system, in the process of critique of capitalism, formed of high unique to create "advanced socialism" as the goal of ecological political thought, this article through to the high ecological political ideological course and theory origin of the inspection, the theoretical system of the ecological political thought, so as to achieve the ecological comprehensive scientific grasp of political thought.
     High, the formation of ecological political thought has its unique theoretical sources, high as a self-taught European thinkers, the famous thinker, Sartre has been the biggest influence on thought. Sartre's existentialism, existentialism and marxism is an important source of its thoughts; High as Sartre's students at the same time, used in the steering system Sartre added later marxism, existentialism is high we also under the influence of marxism, especially marxist political economics and scientific socialism; Western marxism, especially the Frankfurt school of thought and the contemporary ecological movement to protect the environment and the ideas of the European green party is of high ecological also produced important influence on the formation of political thought. Ecological political thought is of high in the criticism of the capitalist system, reflect on the traditional socialist and ideas in the process of the advanced socialist proposed and completed.
     The capitalist system of the ecological political criticism. Ecological problems surface is there is a problem of the nature, essence is to want to dominate and control the nature and human society there is a problem. To solve ecological problems, therefore, must change and improve human politics and political system. High, profoundly reveals the ecological problem is the capital of capitalism.
     Reflections on the traditional socialist ecological politics. High, not only criticize the capitalist system, but also to the Soviet model of socialism gave a severe criticism. Soviet socialism is not the real socialism, it still maintains economic rationality, such socialism is not as good as capitalism. High although we put forward socialism did not fail, as denial of capitalism and socialism will not die; But high hereby put forward "scientific socialism" in the modern has lost its meaning, because the working class is no longer a revolutionary class, the body of the revolution in the new historical period is "the class" for the worker.
     Of ecological political vision of the future society. High in criticizing capitalism and reflection based on the traditional socialist future advanced the idea of socialism was put forward. High, according to the ecological political thought, and puts forward to want to fundamentally protect the ecological environment, realize the sustainable development of human society, must build a scientific ecological political society,"the advanced socialism". Advanced socialist society is dominated by the ecological rationality, using the technology of the whole society is ecological and dispersion of technology; Production and living principle is "less production, better life", the whole society completely abandoned the attitudes and values of capitalism, to fundamentally change the mode of production and way of life of human society. High, pointed out the advanced socialism is to realize everyone can free free self-determination in the development of society. High we also proposed the implementation of advanced the diversification of the socialist economic, cultural, political, and campaign strategy.
     High ecological political thought from the Angle of ecology to modern capitalism social criticism and reflections on the traditional mode of the Soviet socialist internal consistent, logic is the active exploration of the human vision of social development. has a certain charm and feasibility. High, this paper puts forward the ideas of the construction of advanced socialist system, is a profound thinking to the real problem, put forward from the reality to the future strategy of advanced socialist transformation and change, it is the marxist classical writers have put forward the communist simplifying assumptions to further enrich and develop. High hereby put forward ecological reconstruction is the best choice of advanced socialism, the specific strategy is a political choice of "distributed" technology,"the production of less, live better" way of life, eliminate paid labor model, to promote individual self-realization and so on related ideas about ecological socialism. These innovative reasonable idea has a certain practical significance. But high about the science of the future society to imagine, dream still has a certain color, especially in the realization of socialism path selection and did not get rid of the plight of utopia. Party's eighteen big put forward:"we want to cherish nature, more consciously more actively protect the ecological, efforts towards a new era of socialist ecological civilization." High vision because of time limited, and the social practice has not been fully inspection, inevitably has the utopia color, but for us to overcome and solve the ecological problems facing has the important enlightenment. High ecological and political ideas, for our construction of socialism ecological civilization in the new historical period, the development of ecological economic, ecological society, political, ecological culture and ecological
    ① David Pepper.Eco-socialism: from deep ecology to social justice, Routledge,1993,P219.
    ①胡锦涛:高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利的奋斗[M].北京:北京人民出版社,2007年版,第20页。
    ③本书编写组:《十八大报告学习辅导百问[M].北京:学习出版社 党建读物出版社,2012年版,第8页。
    ③ Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p15.
    ④ Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p15.
    ⑤ Andre Gorz. Ecology as PoIitics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p17.
    ① Adrian Little. The Political Thought of Andre Gorz. Routledge Press. London and New York.1996. p81.
    ② Frankel. B.The Post-Industrial Utopians. Polity Press. Cambridge.1987. p18.
    ③ Hoffman. J. Beyond the State. Polity Press. Cambridge.1995,p14.
    ④ Arthur Hirsh. The Franch New Left:An Intellectual History Form Sartre to Gorz. South End Press.Boston,1980.p231
    ⑤ Finn Bowring. Andre Gor: and the Sartrean Legacy, Macmillan Press LTD.London.2000. p189.
    ① 李青宜:《当代法国的“新马克思主文”》,当代中国出版社,1997年版,第101页。
    ① 俞吾金、陈学明:《国外马克思主义哲学流派新编》(西方马克思主义卷,下册),复旦大学出版社,2002年版,第580页。
    ① Finn Bowring. Andre Gorz and the Sartrean Legacy.Macmillan Press LTD.London.2000. p2.
    ② Gorz. A. The Traitor. Verso Press. London and New York.1989. p128.
    ① Gorz. A. The Traitor. Verso Press. London and New York.1989.p42.
    ② Adrian Little. The Polilical Thought of Andre Gorz. Routledge Press. London and New York,1996. p3.
    ② Sartre. J.-P. Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology, New York. Philosophical Library. 1956. p.484.
    ③ Finn Bowring. Andre Gorz and the Sartrean Legacy.Macmillan Press LTD.London.2000. p42.
    ① Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso.1989.p19.
    ①萨特:《存在:主义是一种人道主义》, 上海译文出版社,1988年版,第27页。
    ① AndreGorz: Stratege for Labor:A Radical Proposal. Beacon Press. Boston,1967, p22.
    ② Adrian Little.The Political Thought of Andre Gorz.Routledgc Press, London and New York,1996, P5.
    ② Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989,P20.
    ③ Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989,P6.
    ①俞吾金、陈学明:《 外马克思主义哲学流派新编》(西方马克思主义卷,上册),复旦大学出版社2002年版,第127页。
    ② Andre Gorz, The Division of Labour.Sussex.England:TheHarvesterPress.1978.p165.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics.Bo.ston:South End Press,1980.p18.
    ① H.Marcuse. Negalions:essays in riticaltheory. Boston:Beacon Press,1968,p223.
    ④ Henri Lefebvre, Critique of everyday life, volume I. P56.
    ② Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics.Boston:South End Press,1980. p150.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics.Boston:South End Press,1980. p150.
    ① Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989.P.2-3
    ① Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso.1989,p.46.
    ② Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso.1989, P.107.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology. London andNewYork.VersoPress.1994,P.39
    ① AndreGorz, Ecology as Politics, Boston.South End Press, 1980, P.16.
    ② Andre Gorz, Capitalism. Socialism, Ecology. London andNew York.VersoPress.1994,P.32.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology. London andNew York.VersoPress,1994,P.32.
    ① Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989, P.99.
    ② Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989, P.19.
    ① Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989. P.6.
    ② Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989. P.124.
    ③ Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989, P.223.
    ④ Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989. P.116.
    ① Andre Gorz, Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York, Verso,1989. P.116
    ② Andre Gorz, Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology. London andNewYork. VersoPress,1994.P.32.
    ① Andrew Feenberg. Questioning Technology. New Youk: Routledge,1999.p15.
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    ① Andre Gorz. The Division of Labour[M].Sussex, England:TheHarvesterPrcss,1978, p165.
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    ③ H.Marcuse. Negations:essays in riticaltheory [M]. Boston:Beacon Press,1968.p223.
    ⑤ Andre Gorz. The Division of Labour [M].Sussex,England: TheHurvesterPress,1978, p 165.
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    ② Andre Gorz. The Division of Labour [M].Sussex. England:The Harvester Press,1978. p165.
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    ② Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p150.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p150.
    ① Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p150.
    ② Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p150.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p150.
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    ② Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p158.
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    ③ Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p166.
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    ② Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics[M].Boston:South End Press,1980.p172.
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    ① Gorz. A. (edited) The Division of Labour, The Harvester Press, Sussex, England,1978. ⅱ.
    ② Gorz. A. (edited) The Division of Labour, The Harvester Press. Sussex. England,1978. viiv.
    ① Gorz. A. (edited) The Division of Labour. The Harvester Press. Sussex. England, 1978. p.166.
    ① Gorz. A. (edited) The Division of Labour, The Harvester Press. Sussex, England,1978. p.179.
    ② Gorz. A. (edited) The Division of Labour, The Harvester Press. Sussex, England,1978. p.180.
    ① Gorz, A. (edited) The Division of Labour, The Harvester Press. Sussex. England,1978. p.182.
    ② Gorz, A. (edited) The Division of Labour, The Harvester Press. Sussex. England,1978. p.183.
    ③ Gorz. A. (edited) The Division of Labour, The Harvester Press. Sussex. England,1978. p.182.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism, Ecology. London andNew York, VersoPress.1994,P.ix.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology. London andNew York.VersoPress,1994,p32-33.
    ① AndreGorz, Reclaiming Work. Cambridge UK polity press, Maiden, MA:Blackwell,1999, P.72.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology, London andNew York, VersoPress,1994,p.1
    ② Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism. Ecology. London andNew York, VersoPress,1994,P. vii
    ③ Andre Gorz, Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology. London andNew York, VersoPress,1994, P38.
    ④ Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology. London andNew York, VersoPress,1994, P38.
    ① Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNew York, VersoPress.1994. P39.
    ② Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNew York, VersoPress.1994. P39.
    ③ Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNew York, VersoPress.1994. P39.
    ④ Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNew York, VersoPress.1994. P38.
    ② Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism.Pluto Press. 1982.P66.
    ① Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism.Pluto Press,1982.P66.
    ② Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism.Pluto Press,1982.P67.
    ③ Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism. Ecology. London andNewYork.VersoPress,1994,P.vii.
    ① Andre Gorz,Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P38.
    ② Andre Gorz,Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P38.
    ③ Andre Gorz,Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P140.
    ④ Andre Gorz,Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P67.
    ① Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class. London:Pluto Press,1982, P.7.
    ② Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism, Pluto Press,1982.P7-8.
    ③ Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P10.
    ④ Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P70.
    ① Andre Gorz.Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P10-11.
    ② Andre Gorz.Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P75.
    ③ Andre Gorz.Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P70.
    ④ Andre Gorz.Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P75.
    ① Andre Gorz,Farewell to the Working Class: an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P69-70.
    ② Andre Gorz,Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism.Pluto Press,1982,P68.
    ③ Andre Gorz,Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism.Pluto Press,1982.P73。
    ④ Andre Gorz.Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism.Pluto Press,1982,P75.
    ① Andre Gorz.Farewell to the Working Class:an essay on post-industrial socialism,Pluto Press,1982,P67.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology, London andNewYork, VersoPress,1994,P6.
    ② Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology, London andNewYork, VersoPress,1994,P34.
    ① Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNew York.VersoPress, 1994,P34-39.
    ② Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNew York.VersoPress,1994,p29.
    ① Adrian Little,The Political Thought of Andre Gorz,Routledge Press.London and New York,1996,P85.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism, Ecology. London andNew York,VersoPress,1994,p42-43.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism, Ecology, London andNewYork,VersoPress,1994,p95.
    ① Andre Gorz, Ecolog) as Polilics[M].Boston:South End Press, 1980.p19.
    ② Adrian Little, The PoliticalThoughtof AndreGorz[M], Routledge Press, London and New York,1996, p67
    ③ Andre Gorz, Ecolog) AsPolitcs.Boston:South End Press,1980,P19.
    ① Andre Gorz, EcologyAsPolitcs.Boston:South End Press,1980,P109.
    ② Andre Gorz, Critiqueof Economic Reason, landon newyork:verso,1989, P109.
    ① Andre Gorz, Paths to Paradise:On the Liberation fromWork, London:Pluto,1985, p103
    ② Andre Gorz, Reclaiming Work:Beyond the Wage-Based Society, Cambridge, UK:polity press:Malden, MA:Blackwell,1999, P72.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology. London andNew York,VersoPress,1994,p31.
    ② Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology. London andNew York, VersoPress,1994.p31.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism. Socialism. Ecology. London andNew York,VersoPress,1994, P.40
    ② Andre Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class.London,Pluto,P81.
    ③ FinnBowring:AndreGorz and the Sartrean legacy:argumentsfor aperson-centered socialtheorv,P103.
    ① Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London and New York: Verso Press,1994, pvii.
    ② Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNewYork,VersoPress,1994,PVIII.
    ③ Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNewYork,VersoPress,1994.PVIII.
    ④ Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNewYork,VersoPress,1994,PVIII.
    ① Andre Gorz, Capitalism. Socialism, Ecology, London andNcwYork,VersoPress,1994,PVIII.
    ② Andre Gorz, Capitalism. Socialism, Ecology, London andNewYork,VersoPress,1994,P.ix
    ③ Finn Bowring,Andre Gorz and the Sartrean Legacy,London:Macmillian Press,2000, P.102.
    ④ Andre Gorz, Reclaiming Work:Beyond the Wage-Based Society. Cambridge, UK:polity press,1999,P.78.
    ① Andre Gorz, Paths to Paradise,London and Sydney: Pluto Press,1983, P.33.
    ② Andre Gorz, Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, London andNewYork.VersoPress,1994.P.57.
    ① Andre Gorz.e Socialisme Difficile, Paris.1967. P30
    ① Gorz.A. Capitalism Socialism Ecology, Verso Press, London and New York,1994. p.72.
    ② Gorz. A. Reclaiming Work. Polity Press. Cambridge,1999, p.59.
    ① Gorz. A. Farewell to the Working Class, Pluto Press. London and Sydney,1997, p.125.
    ② Gorz. A. Reclaiming Work, Polity Press, Cambridge,1999, p.64.
    ① Gorz, A. Reclaiming Work. Polity Press, Cambridge,1999. pp.98-99.
    ① Andre Gorz. The Division of Labour [M].Sussex, England:The Harvester Press,1978:VII,165.
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