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     在定量分析方面,关于居民消费结构升级因素对消费倾向演变的影响,时间序列分析表明消费结构变动度与消费倾向之间具有长期均衡的协整关系;ELES的模型从理论上说明了消费结构变化因素对消费倾向的影响,实证分析表明消费结构升级因素对消费支出变动有越来越强的作用。对消费倾向变化的消费结构因素定量分析表明了消费结构升级与消费倾向变化之间的密切联系,以及结构中各项消费对消费倾向的区别影响。进一步本文基于消费需求升级、消费倾向与收入之间复杂关系以及变量之间作用关系不确定的分析,采用向量自回归模型(VAR)和面板数据(Panel Data)计量模型来进行实证研究。向量自回归模型(VAR)实证考察了消费结构变化对消费倾向的动态影响。分析表明各大消费项目对消费倾向有不同方向和程度的影响作用。具体来讲,对于城镇居民,食物、衣着和家庭设备用品及服务三个传统消费项目比重变化对消费倾向有反向作用。医疗保健和个人用品、交通通信、娱乐教育和居住四个热点型消费项目对消费倾向的影响出现分化。教育、交通通信和居住类消费比重的变化对消费倾向有明显正向影响;而医疗消费比重变化对消费倾向有非常突出的、持续的负向影响,是消费不振的重要原因,反映了医疗改革带来的医疗负担对居民消费造成的抑制作用。从影响程度大小比较来看,热点型消费比传统型消费对消费倾向的影响程度更大,这也体现了消费需求升级因素在消费行为中的影响力。农村的实证分析结果体现出与城镇居民的差异,主要表现在,相对于城镇居民来讲,农村居民的家庭设备用品及服务消费比重对于消费倾向的正向影响较大,说明家庭设备用品及服务消费仍是农村居民消费需求升级的重点项目,应成为促进农村消费政策的重点关注对象:农村居民医疗保健方面的消费比重对消费倾向构成较大的正向影响,说明农村居民的医疗支出构成了农村居民消费的切实负担。相比较而言,城镇居民的消费需求升级与消费倾向的关系受政策和体制变化(如医疗、教育等消费)影响较大;建立在较低的收入水平制约之上,农村居民的消费需求升级与消费倾向关系受到实物性消费(如家用电器、住房支出等)的影响强烈,较低的收入水平使得农村居民的消费需求升级处于较低阶段。进一步的面板数据(PanelData)计量模型实证分析考察了各方面因素与消费倾向的作用关系。分析结论有助于建立推动居民消费、提高居民消费倾向的政策与消费结构升级中具体消费项目之间的关系,实现消费需求升级和消费倾向提高的一致性。消费需求变化对消费倾向影响的分析结论对倡导热点型消费、高度重视医疗行业的改革和发展、减小人们医疗支出方面的不确定性和经济压力、尽快建立积极有效的社会保障制度和推动农村消费等诸方面的振兴消费政策有重要启示。
In transition period, the steady and sustainable development of China economy has become a consensus. Consumption, directly relating to China macroeconomic situation, has an important position in economic development. At the same time, the first performance of economic development is to raise consumption level and speed up consumption structure upgrading. In transition period, upgrading features of consumption is clear, and consumption structure is fast-changing. But one major concern is, with economic and income growth, that China's consumption rate has been falling, and the issues of low propensity to Consume or consumption sluggish has been increasingly prominent. How to expand consumption demand and stimulate economic growth is currently a major problem. Deep survey of consumer behavior of Chinese residents and adopting effective policies to revitalize consumption become the subject of our study.
     Classical consumption theories present a general exposition of influencing factors for propensity to consume, expanding and deepening from both income and demand factors. The existing literatures study Chinese resident's propensity to consume from different perspectives and angles, and there are big differences among their research methodology and conclusions. Based on existing theory and research, this paper studies Chinese resident's propensity to consume, fully taking into account institutional factors, income factors and demand factors, and focusing on the role of consumer demand upgrading of Chinese resident in propensity to consume. Following the economic and income growth, people's consumption field gets ever-expanding, and consumption structure has a move toward diversification, and there are the quantity and nature differences among various consumption items. Emerging consumer items, such as transportation and communication, education, health care and housing, gradually constitute the main aspects of consumer behavior. Total consumption expenditure is the result of al! items expenditure and the level of consumption structure upgrading determines the size of consumption. So it is necessary to open the "black box" of consumption, study consumer behavior based on the decomposition of consumer content and examine behavior change from internal development of consumption structure changing. Although the literatures on consumer behavior have been more, it is rare to study current issue of Chinese resident consumption from the point of consumption upgrading. It is not only the demands of reality in consumer demand changing, but also the nature return of research on consumption issues to study consumer behavior and propensity to consume from the pointcut of internal development of consumption structure changing. Therefore, based on advance and evolution of consumer theory and combined with the reality of China economic transition, from the perspective of consumption upgrading, this paper infiltrates institution, income and other factors into consumer demand changing, relates propensity to consume to consumption upgrading, investigate their intrinsic relationship and then return to institution and policy to provide specific and targeted recommendations for the growth of propensity to consume.
     Based on the perspective of consumption structure upgrading in the transition period, this paper establishes dynamic relationship of income, consumption upgrading and propensity to consume. During the Economic growth and transition, consumer choice mechanism is the interaction of consumption structure upgrading, propensity to consume and income. There is dynamic effect between consumption upgrading and propensity to consume. In particular, the growth in income level is the basic support, the choice and achievement of resident consumption upgrading forms a dynamic relationship with the decision from income to propensity to consume, while the level of propensity to consume determines the space and extent of consumption upgrading, and in the end dynamic equilibrium between propensity to consume and consumption upgrading is obtained. Institutional factors in the economic transition period and income factors in economic growth constitute the basic constraints of resident consumption, and penetrate to the consumer decision-making for specific consumer items, which jointly determine the level of propensity to consume. There are both alternative relationship and complementary relationship among various consumer items. When the consumption structure upgrading is more important, if consumption growth in emerging consumer items can not immediately be transferred to actual demand, this potential spending is not easily transferred to other consumer items. Health care reform, education reform and housing reform directly affect the corresponding consumer items; Income growth makes house and car become the main consumer items. As consumer demand of emerging consumer items can not be quickly realized, the decline of alternative relationship among various consumer items inhibits total consumption expenditure, allowing savings increase and expenditure decline. China's market-oriented forward, the imperfect of policies and systems, and the mismatch between them lead to the difficult of consumption upgrading, and inadequate of consumption upgrading is reflected in the decline of propensity to consume, and then harms the interaction between consumption upgrading and propensity to consume. In addition, the uncertainty of institution, income and expenditure of emerging consumer items are also important factors affecting propensity to consume.
     In the quantitative analysis, with regard to the effect from consumption upgrading on propensity to consume, time series analysis shows that the degree of change in consumption structure and propensity to consume have cointegration relationship of long-term equilibrium; ELES model theoretically describes the effect of consumption structure changing on propensity to consume, and empirical analysis shows that consumption structure factor plays more and more important role in propensity to consume changing. Quantitative analysis shows that there is close link between consumption structure upgrading and propensity to consume, and the different impact from different consumption item. Furthermore, based the complex relationship among consumption upgrading, propensity to consume and income, and the uncertainty of their relationship, this paper uses vector autoregression (VAR) and panel data model to carry out empirical research. Much relevant research has been the lack of the dynamic system relation among consumption upgrading, propensity to consume and income, so has not do the research of consumer behavior from the perspective of consumption upgrading. Vector autoregression (VAR) empirically studies the dynamic effects of consumption structure changing on propensity to consume. Empirical analysis shows the difference of directions and degrees of various major consumption items'effect on propensity to consume. Specifically, for urban residents, changes in the proportion of three traditional consumption items, food, clothing and household appliances and services, have reverse effect on propensity to consume. Four hot consumption items, medical care and personal products, transportation and telecommunications, entertainment and education and housing produce different impact on average propensity to consume. The proportion change of education, transportation and communication and housing produce significant positive influence on propensity to consume; while the proportion change in health care spending tends to have very prominent and sustained negative effect, and is an important reason for consumption sluggish, reflecting burden caused by the health care reform. As for the impact degree, emerging consumption items have greater impact than the traditional consumption items on propensity to consume, which also reflects consumption upgrading influence on consumer behavior. Empirical analysis of rural residents reflects the differences from urban residents:compared with urban residents, the proportion of consumption of household appliances and services in rural residents has a greater positive impact on propensity to consume, indicating that consumption of household appliances and services is still a key project for consumption upgrading in rural areas, and it should be the focus of rural consumption policy; Proportion change of rural residents'health care spending tends to constitute the positive impact on propensity to consume, indicating the practical burden from health care spending. In comparison, the relation between consumption upgrading and propensity to consume in urban residents is influenced more by the policy and institutional changes (such as health, education and other consumption); Based on the lower level of income, the relation between consumption upgrading and propensity to consume in rural residents is subject to physical consumption(such as household appliances, housing, etc.) more, and lower income level makes the consumption upgrading of rural residents at a lower stage. Further, panel data analysis examines long-term relationship between various factors and propensity to consume. Conclusions contribute to the establishment of relation between consumption promoting policy and consumption structure upgrading to achieve their consistency. Conclusions on the effect from the proportion change of various consumption items on propensity to consume provide important inspiration as fallowing aspects:to promote emerging consumption items, attaching great importance to the reform and development of medical industry, to reduce residents pressures and uncertainty from health care spending, as soon as possible to establish positive and effective social protection system and to promote rural consumption for the revitalization of consumption and so on.
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